Senin, 05 Juni 2023

Which Of The Following Is Not A Basic Procedure

Which Of The Following Is Not A Basic Procedure

Which of the following is not a basic number? a. 12 b. 9 c. 6 d. 1 ​

Daftar Isi

1. Which of the following is not a basic number? a. 12 b. 9 c. 6 d. 1 ​


A. 12

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

karena basic number biasanya terdiri dari 1 angka

2. which one below that is not the structure of procedure tact,?​


Genre teks ini menjelaskan bagaimana cara menggunakan / membuat sesuatu secara runtut. { Procedure text is a text which explains the sequential steps how to use or make something }


To explain how to make/to use something in sequential steps ( untuk menjelaskan langkah berurutan bagaimana cara membuat/menggunakan sesuatu )



"Goal" berupa informasi judul yang ingin disampaikan kepada pembaca/penonton. { The goal / title is the short information ( introduction) of the thing you want to make or share it to the readers }

Example : How to make fried rice, how to operate the stand fan


Dalam teks ini berisi informasi bahan-bahan, peralatan yang digunakan dalam mengerjakan sesuatu. { This part contains the supported material / ingredients / utensil of making or using something}


Dalam teks ini berisi informasi cara-cara ( langkah-langkah ) penggunaan/ pembuatan / pengoperasian sesuatu. { This part explains the steps/method of using / making something sequentially }

3. 13. Which one is not the parts of “Procedure TextA. GoalB. IngredientsC. StepsD. Procedure​


D. Procedure


There are three generic structures in procedure text. The first is goals or purposes. The second is materials or tools. The third and the last are steps or methods.


D. Procedure


semoga membantu:)

4. B. Answer the following questions.1 What do you know about procedure texts?Answer: ..2. What is the social function of procedure texts?Answer:3. What is the structure of a procedure text?Answer:What are the language features used in a procedure text?Answer:​


1. a text that explains how people or do something step by step. function is to describe how something is completely done through a sequence of steps.

3. aim/goal,materials/inggredients,step/methodes/procedures.

4. menggunakan pola kalimat perintah(imperative),memggunakan action verbs,menggunakan sequence verbs, menggunakan adverbs.


Complete the Answer!

1 What do you know about procedure texts?

Answer: Procedure texts is a text that is designed to describe how something is achieved through a sequence of actions or steps. It explains how people perform different processes in a sequence of steps. This text uses simple present tense, often imperative sentences.

2. What is the social function of procedure texts?

Answer: Its social function is to describe how something is completely done through a sequence of steps.

3. What is the structure of a procedure text?

Answer: The first is goals or purposes. The second is materials or tools. The third and the last are steps or methods.

4. What are the language features used in a procedure text?

Answer: Using connectives (Conjunction) to sort of activities, such as then, while, etc. Using adverbials (Adverbs) to express detail the time, place, manner accurate, for example, for five minutes, 2 hours, etc. Using the simple present tense.


Detail Jawaban:

Mata Pelajaran: Bahasa Inggris

Kelas: VIII (JHS)

Materi: Procedure Text

Kode: 2.1.1

Tanggal: 5-11-2020

//Semoga membantu.

5. Please make power point about " ProcedureText"It contains :1. What is procedure text2. What is the social function of proceduretext3. What are the characteristics of proceduretext4. What is the generic structure of proceduretext5. The example of procedure text​


Procedure text is a text that explains or helps us how to make or use something. Its social function is to describe how something is completely done through a sequence of steps. Communicative purpose of this text is to describe how something is made through a sequence of actions or steps. There are three generic structures in procedure text. The first is goals or purposes. The second is materials or tools. The third and the last are steps or methods. To know the text that we read is procedure or not is so simple. You can read the title if the title is started with ‘how to make…’ or ‘how to use…’ it can be certainly defined that the text is procedure text.

6. which of the following statement is incorrect...A. A cell is the basic unit of lifeB. All cells are made up of the same basic componentsC. All cells perform the same functionD. A unicellular perform organism is made upJawab yg bener pls

Terjemahan pertanyaan tsb yaitu :

pernyataan berikut mana yang salah ...
A. Sel adalah unit dasar kehidupan
B. Semua sel terdiri dari komponen dasar yang sama
C. Semua sel melakukan fungsi yang sama
D. Uniseluler melakukan organisme terbentuk

jawabanya adalah : C

Maaf klo salah, semoga membantu :)

7. In which part of the text ca you find the goal of the procedure?


In part one


Semoga membantu

8. what is the definition of procedure?

procedure is an established or official way of doing something.text which tell you how to make/do something. step by step.

9. HF is a weak acid (Ka = 6.7 x 10^-4). and NH3 is a weak base (Kb = 1.8 x 10^-5). In A 1.0 M solution of NH4F, which of the following condition is possible. (A) F- isa less basic than H2O (B) NH4^+ is more basic than H2O (C) Hydrolysis degree of NH4^+ is greater than F- (D) pH of solution is basic (E) pH of solution is acid


C) Hydrolysis degree of NH4^+ is greater than F-


condition is possible is degree

10. in which part of the text can you find the goal of the procedure?

the goal is in the title.

11. which of the following is notnecessary when talking about how tomake something? *the materials or ingredientsO the steps of procedureO the time of the dayO the equipment​


the steps of procedure

12. Answer the following questions: 1. What is the social functions of a procedure text? 2. What are the generic structures of a procedure text? 3. What are the features of a procedure text?




Genre teks ini menjelaskan bagaimana cara menggunakan / membuat sesuatu secara runtut. { Procedure text is a text which explains the sequential steps how to use or make something }


To explain how to make/to use something in sequential steps ( untuk menjelaskan langkah berurutan bagaimana cara membuat/menggunakan sesuatu )



"Goal" berupa informasi judul yang ingin disampaikan kepada pembaca/penonton. { The goal / title is the short information ( introduction)  of the thing you want to make or share it to the readers }

Example : How to make fried rice, how to operate the stand fan


Dalam teks ini berisi informasi bahan-bahan, peralatan yang digunakan dalam mengerjakan sesuatu. { This part contains the supported material / ingredients / utensil of  making or using something}


Dalam teks ini berisi informasi cara-cara ( langkah-langkah ) penggunaan/ pembuatan / pengoperasian sesuatu. { This part explains the steps/method of using / making something sequentially }

LANGUAGE FEATURE  { Unsur Kebahasaan }

√ Penggunaan adverbial of sequence   ( terdapat identifikasi keterangan urutan )

Example : First, second, then.....

√ Penggunaan imperative/ command ( berisi kalimat perintah )

Example : cut the meat, slice the onion

√ Penggunaan adverb of detailed time  ( berisi informasi waktu pengolahan/penanganan )

Example : steam the potatoes for 30 minutes...

√ Penggunaan simple present tense

( Dikarenakan informasi yang disajikan sifatnya fakta, maka, penggunaan pola simple present tense pada kata kerja nya baik dalam kalimat verbal maupun nominal )

√ Penggunaan action verb ( berisi kata kerja aksi )

Example : slice, put, blend


13. which of the following is notnecessary when talking about how tomake something? *O the materials or ingredientsO the steps of procedureO the time of the dayO the equipmentOPertanyaan ini wajib diisi​


the time of the day


Semoga membantu:)

14. Which of the following does not belong to the Four Basic Sentence?Select one:a. Simpleb. Imperativec. Compoundd. Complex​


Manakah dari berikut ini yang tidak termasuk dalam Empat Kalimat Dasar?

Pilih satu:

Sebuah. Sederhana

b. Imperatif

c. Senyawa

d. Kompleks

Yang terbaik dari semua hal yang dipertimbangkan:



maaf kalo salah semoga membantu kamu ya

15. "pilgrim' circumambulation of the ka'bah , which is a basic ritual of..........." Which here revers to?

haji.jawabanya klo ga salah

16. Which of the following does not belong to the basic components of English wordsSelect one:a. Part of Speechb. Syntaxc. Nound. Inflection​


IT is syntax


I Hope its helpful

17. The purpose of the procedure above is

 "tujuan dari prosedur diatas adalah"

semoga membantu...

Tujuan dari prosedur adalah

18. The followings are language feature of procedure text, except…AUsing imperative sentence.BUsing simple present tense.CUsing future tense.DUsing adverb.Which of the following is not necessary when talking about how to make something?AThe materials or ingredients.BThe time of day.CThe steps or procedure.DThe equipment.TOLONG DI BANTU KAK PLEASE ​

1. C

2. B

Procedure text is a type of text in English that contains detailed and sequential goals and steps that aim to create or do something related to that goal.

Characteristics of procedure text:

Use Simple Present TenseUse Imperative Sentence (ex: do, don't, wait, etc.)Use Connetive of Sequence (ex: then, now, next, etc.)

19. A. Answer the following Question!1. Explain the meaning of Producer Text?2. What is the purpose of procedure Text?3. Indentify the Structure of Procedure text ?4. Explain the criteria of Procedure text?​

1. Procedure text is a text to show a procedure of making or achieving something

2. The purpose is to describe steps that needed to be completed during making or achieving something

3. a) Goal

b) Materials or Ingredients

c) Steps or procedure

4. The sentences should be in order. The words that are used should be easy to understand. Lastly, the steps should be easy to follow.


1.“Procedure text is a text that is designed to describe how something is achieved through a sequence of actions or steps.”

Procedure text adalah teks yang dirancang untuk menggambarkan bagaimana sesuatu dicapai melalui urutan tindakan atau langkah-langkah.

2.The purpose of procedure text is to tell the reader how to do or make something through a sequence of actions or steps.”

Tujuan dari teks prosedur adalah untuk memberitahu pembaca bagaimana melakukan atau membuat sesuatu melalui urutan tindakan atau langkah-langkah .

3.Goal : memberikan informasi tentang maksud dan tujuan prosedur dan memprediksi suatu kesimpulan.

Materials : berisi daftar materi atau bahan-bahan yang dibutuhkan untuk melakukan suatu prosedur atau langkah-langkah.

Steps : daftar urutan instruksi/aktivitas untuk mencapai tujuan dalam urutan langkah yang benar.

Result : Hasil dari serangkaian langkah-langkah yang telah dilakukan.

4.a.Menggunakan pola kalimat perintah (imperatif)

b.Menggunakan kata kerja aktif

c.Menggunakan kata penghubung (konjungsi) untuk mengurutkan kegiatan.

20. What is the purpose of a procedure text? *


A procedural text describes how to do something in such a way that other people can do it easily.

Translate: Sebuah teks prosedur menjelaskan bagaimana melakukan sesuatu sedemikian rupa sehingga orang lain dapat melakukannya dengan mudah.


Semoga membantu..

Jadikan jawaban tercerdas ya..

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