Sabtu, 19 Maret 2022

230 Lbs Is How Many Kilograms

230 Lbs Is How Many Kilograms

How many kilograms is her wigh​

Daftar Isi

1. How many kilograms is her wigh​


berapa kilogram wigh nya


maaf kalo salah

2. How many kilograms is her wigh​


Berapa banyak kilogram adalah wigh

3. How many kilograms of:........?She:​


how many kilograms of

artinya:berapa banyak kilogram

Artinya berapa berat dia

4. There're 30 kilograms of 10\% apple juice. How many kilograms of apples does it need to increase the current apple juice to 25%?

10% dari 30 kg adalah 3 kg

25% dari 30 kg adalah 7,5 kg

Sehingga perlu 4,5 kg apel lagi.

Semoga bisa membantu

[tex] \boxed{ \colorbox{lightblue}{ \sf{ \color{blue}{ Answer By\:BlueBraxGeometry}}}} [/tex]

5. Ezy is 60 kilograms. Saiful is 45 kilograms.(fat)​


Ezy is fatter than saiful

6. 24. How much a fully-grown octopus can weigh? a. 25 kilograms. b. 35 kilograms. c. 45 kilograms. d. 55 kilograms..​


C. 45 kg


tidak ada, ini pertanyaan tentang pengetahuan umum

7. 1. how many fish .….........? he sells ............. .2. how many beet ...... in a day ? she buys ........3. how many kilograms of chicken ................ in a day? 4. how many kilograms of .............? she......... 5. how many chicken wings ..............? he ...........................?​



How many fish does he sells everyday?


How many kilograms of chicked does he eat in a day?

How many kilograms of chocolate does she eat?



8. Ummi bought 72 kilograms of rice. In a day Ummi cooks 2 kilograms. How much rice is left after using it for 10 days?

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

after 10 days = 10×2 = 20 kg rice

then, the remaining Ummi rice is..

= 72 - 20

= 52 kg



9. How many persons in the dialogue above ?Answer:Who are they?Answer:Is Edo look tall and fat ?Answer:How many kilograms does Edo weight?Answer:Is Edo 156 centimeters tall ?Answer:How many centimeters does Edo's height ?Answer :​


Where is the dialogue?


1.How many persons in the dialogue above ?

2.Who are they?

3.Is Edo look tall and fat ?

4.How many kilograms does Edo weight?

5.Is Edo 156 centimeters tall ?

6.How many centimeters does Edo's height ?

1. Berapa orang dalam dialog di atas?

2. Siapakah mereka?

3. Apakah Edo terlihat tinggi dan gemuk?

4. Berapa kilogram berat Edo?

5. Apakah Edo memiliki tinggi 156 sentimeter?

6. Berapa sentimeter tinggi Edo?

Penjelasan: Semoga membantu maaf kalau salah :)

10. Mother bought 2 3/5 kilograms of chicken,3 1/10 kilograms of pork and 1 1/3 kilograms of beef.How many kilograms did she buy altogether?​

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

2 3/5 + 3 1/10 + 11/3

13/5 + 31/10 + 11/3

78/30 + 93/30 + 110/30

281/30 kg

atau 9 11/30 kg

11. how much is two kilograms of mango​


berapa banyak dua kilo mangga


berapa dua kilogram mangga

12. Shopkeeper : Can I help you?Sidra : Yes, have you got any mangoes?Shopkeeper : Yes, over there. How many kilograms do you want?Sidra: I want 3 kilograms of mangoes. ... does it cost?Shopkeeper : It is Rp 100.000,00​


"how much" kalau nggak salah


how much


maaaf kalau salah

13. A recipe you found online calls for 5/8 kilograms of beef. how many grams of beef is that?

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

[tex] \frac{5}{8} \times 1000 = \frac{5000}{8} = 625gram[/tex]

14. Tari:... Kilograms of orange do you want to buy? Mother:Five kilograms, my dear. What is the suitable expression to complete the dialogue? A. How muchB. How manyC. What priceD. How price​


how many


kaarena yg dita ya jumlah

tolong jadikan jawaban tercerdas yaa

15. NO1 초How many kilograms when you was a baby ?2. How many kilograms are you now?3.) were you bald as a baby?y what your hair looks like now?​


1. 0 kilograms

2. (timbang sendiri)

3. Yes

4. Long hair?


Maap nomor 2 ga ada. Karena saya ga tau berapa berat badan mu

16. fill the blank!"may i.... how many kilograms the sugar you want to?"​


fill the blank!"may i have how many kilograms the sugar you want to?"


fill the blank!"may i know how many kilograms the sugar you want to?"

17. Mother bought 2 kilograms of chicken,316 kilograms of pork and 13 kilograms of beef.How many kilograms did she buy altogether?​


2 kg + 316 kg + 13 kg = 316 + 15 = 331 kilograms in total

18. Servant :...... Kilograms of orange do u want to buy? Woman: I want to buy three lolos a. What b. How price c. How much expensive d. How many e. How many price many. because it's asking about kilograms

D. How many

karena berat jeruknya bisa dihitung, yaitu 3 kilograms.

semoga bermanfaat:)

19. 1.How many fish______________? He sells______________. many kilograms of chicken__________________in a day? The lion handler____________. many beef________in a day? She buys_____________________. many kilograms of_______? She___________________. many chicken wings_______? He____________________. Tolong di jawab yaa besok mau di kumpul


1. How many fish does he sell? He sells 1 kg.

2. How many kilograms of chicken does he feed the lion in a day? The lion handler feeds 3kg of chicken. many beef does she buy in a day? She buys 1.5kg. many kilograms of beef does she have? She has 2kg. many chicken wings does he have? He (gatau ga bisa lihat).


1.He sells 1 kg.

2.  The lion handler feeds 3kg of chicken.

3. She buys 1.5kg.

4.She has 2kg.

5 = gk keliatan



20. Tari : ..... kilograms of orange do you want to buy?Mother : Five kilograms, my dear.What is the suitable expression to complete the dialog?a. How price b. How much c. What priced. How many​


b. How much kilograms of orange do you want to buy?

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