Rabu, 16 Maret 2022

Identify Whether Each Change Represents An Oxidation Or Reduction

Identify Whether Each Change Represents An Oxidation Or Reduction

The following changes occur in a dry cell. For each change, decide if it is oxidation or reduction and give a reason for your choice. Zn to Zn2+

Daftar Isi

1. The following changes occur in a dry cell. For each change, decide if it is oxidation or reduction and give a reason for your choice. Zn to Zn2+


Zn to Zn2+ is oxidation


oxidation = increase oxidation number

reductuon = decrease oxidation number

2. The following changes occur in a dry cell. For each change, decide if it is oxidation or reduction and give a reason for your choice. Zn to Zn2+


Reaksi logam seng dalam larutan tembaga sulfat.

Proses yang terjadi dalam reaksi redoks ini ditunjukkan di bawah ini sebagai dua reaksi setengah yang terpisah, yang kemudian dapat digabungkan menjadi reaksi redoks penuh.

Jawaban:aku gk tau maaf yaa

Penjelasan: terimakasih semoga bermanfaat

3. Identify whether noun, verb, adjective or adverb !​


3. girl : perempuan

Long ; panjang

4. Which equation represents the standard enthalpy change of formation of water .....


equation represents the standard enthalpy change of formation of water

is 2H2​(g)+O2​(g)→2H2​O(l)

5. 2 identify objects 1-10 in the picture. Fill in your answers in column 1 of theIdentify the material that each object is made from (for example, metal,wood). Fill in your answers in column 2 of the table.table.Decide whether each is an electrical conductor or an electrical insulator.Record your answers by putting a / in either column 3 or 4 of the table.​Di Jawab Ya Plisss


maaf kak ini soal fisika atau yang lainnya

6. Directions: Each of the following sentences has an error in the use of comparative or superlative adjectives. Identify the error and correct it.​


1.my bed is more bigger than my desk

2.usain bolt can run faster than me

3.you are more generous than my brother

4.of all our luggage,mine is heavier

5.Michalengo's David is the most realistic statue I have ever seen


semoga membantu

have a great day

7. 1. identify each event in each caption2. identify the agent(s) in each caption3. identify the situation in each caption​


1. mengidentifikasi setiap peristiwa di setiap keterangan.2. mengidentifikasi agen di setiap keterangan.3. mengidentifikasi situasi di setiap keterangan.

8. B. Identify whether the following sentences are Dependent Clause (D) or Independent Clause (I).


1. Dependent clause

2. Dependent clause

3. Independent clause

4. Dependent clause

5. Independent clause

6. Independent clause

7. Dependent clause

8. Dependent clause

9. Independent clause

10. Dependent clause


An independent clause contains a complete thought. It can stand alone as a sentence with clear meaning.

On the other hand, a dependent clause contains an incomplete thought. It can't stand alone as a sentence. It's usually accompanied with a subordinate conjunction. The clause sounds odd and leaves many questions in the reader's mind. It's commonly as the adverbial, adjective and nominal clause.


1. Before you leave.

It's categorized in the dependent clause because there is a dependent marker word "before" and the clause doesn't express a complete thought. Eventhough the clause contains subject and verb, it doesn't give the clear clue/information what is being talked about.

2. Because she doesn't have enough money.

It's categorized in the dependent clause because there is a dependent marker word "because" and the clause doesn't express a complete thought. Eventhough the clause contains subject and verb, it doesn't give the clear clue/information what is being talked about.

3. She is in the library.

It's categorized in the independent clause because it doesn't contain a dependent marker word and the clause expresses the complete thought.

4. Wherever he is.

It's categorized in the dependent clause because the clause contains subordinate conjunction "wherever", it doesn't express a complete thought and it leaves many questions in the reader's mind.

5. We have operated some difficult devices.

It's categorized in the independent clause because it doesn't contain a dependent marker word and the clause expresses the complete thought.

6. What will you do?

It's categorized in the independent clause because the clause expresses a complete thought.

7. What you will do.

It's categorized in the dependent clause because the clause doesn't express a complete thought and it contains a subordinate conjunction "what."

8. Whom you picked up.

It's categorized in the dependent clause because the clause doesn't express a complete thought and it contains a subordinate conjunction "whom."

9. Whom did you pick up?

It's categorized in the independent clause because the clause expresses a complete thought.

10. Since you were here.

It's categorized in the dependent clause because there is a dependent marker word "since" and the clause doesn't express a complete thought. Eventhough the clause contains subject and verb, it doesn't give the clear clue/information what is being talked about.


Learn more about

Simple, complex and compound sentence


Subordinate conjunction




Grade : XII

Subject : English

Category : sentence structure

Code : 12.5

Keywords : independent, dependent clause

9. Identify the verbs in the following sentences and state whether they are transitive or intransitive.​


transitive setelah verb ada object.

intransitive setelah verb gaada object.

1. verb = fight, intransitive karena setelah kata fight gaada object. fiercely kata sifat.

2. verb = sank, transitive karena setelah kata sank ada object yaitu the ship.

3. verb = spoke, transitive karena setelah kata spoke ada object yaitu the truth.

4. verb = spoke, intransitive karena setelah kata spoke gaada object. loudly kata sifat.

5. verb = boil, transitive karena setelah kata boil ada object yaitu the water.

6. verb = stopped, transitive karena setelah kata stopped ada object yaitu the train.

7. verb = kicked, transitive karena setelah kata kicked ada object yaitu the boy.

8. verb = rises, intransitive karena setelah kata rises gaada object. in the morning konjungsi temporal.

9. verb = blew, transitive karena setelah kata blew ada object yaitu his whistle.

10. verb = killed, transitive karena setelah kata killed ada object yaitu herself.

11. verb = took, transitive karena setelah kata took ada object yaitu shelter.

10. Does each of the following describe a physical change or a chemical change.


1. "Melting an ice cube." This describes a physical change because the ice cube is changing from a solid to a liquid, but its chemical composition is not changing.

2. "Burning a piece of paper." This describes a chemical change because the paper is reacting with oxygen to produce heat, light, and ash, which are all different substances than the original paper.

3. "Cutting an apple into slices." This describes a physical change because the apple is being physically altered (cut into slices) but its chemical composition is not changing.

4. "Mixing vinegar and baking soda." This describes a chemical change because the vinegar (an acid) and baking soda (a base) are reacting to produce carbon dioxide gas and water, which are different substances than the original vinegar and baking soda.

5. "Freezing water to make ice." This describes a physical change because the water is changing from a liquid to a solid, but its chemical composition is not changing.

11. I invited her, but I don't care about ... (A)not she will come whether. (B)whether or not she will come. (C)whether she won't or not come. (D)whether or not. (E)whether or she will come

B. wheather or not she will come
bisa juga disusun seperti whether she will come or not
semoga membantu yaAnswer :

Opsi → B. Whether or not she will come.

Thanks for you.......

12. Identify the apostrophe ('s) below ! state whether it is "to be" or "possessive ! a. Helena's hair is black . b. Citra's in the garden.

Identify the apostrophe ('s) below ! state whether it is "to be" or "possessive ! a. Helena's hair is black . possessive: milik/kepunyaan karena rambut milik Helena

b. Citra's in the garden. Citra's itu to be. 's itu menyatakan to be yaitu is

Citra is in the garden.

13. Task 8 Complete the sentences in reported speech! Note whether the sentence is a request, a statement, or a question and whether you have to change the tenses or not! Then spell it aloud!​

she said that she is very tiredshe told gandi to becarefullshe says she will take a drink for her selfhe wondered why I didn't call himhe said he can't drive them to city parkshe asks fajar nugroho to prefer milk or juiceshe ask me where I spend my holiday a week agohe advised her not go Far awayhe wanted to know where are we been

14. identify whether the following expressions belong to suggestion or offer,I can give you a hand.

I can give you a hand (aku bisa membantumu) termasuk kalimat offer atau menawarkan, semoga membantu :)

15. Tolong sekali ada tugas kimia disuruh translate artikel kimia dari inggris ke indonesia.tolong di bantu yang pandai bahasa inggris Oxidizing Agent in The Body Oxidation-reductions are used all the time. Burning, bleaching, batteries, metallurgy, and photography all rely on oxidation-reduction reactions. An important application of oxidation-reduction reactions is in electrochemical cells. (These types of cells should not be confused with biological cells. The word cell comes from cella, Latin for chamber or small room.) In an electrochemical cell, the oxidation reaction is physically separated from the reduction reaction, and the electrons pass between the two reactions through a conductor. Oxidation occurs at the anode and reduction occurs at the cathode. Oxidation-reduction reactions are responsible for food spoilage. The main source of oxidation is oxygen from the air. Preservatives that are added to foods are often reducing agents. Oxidation reactions are important in many reactions that keep our bodies going. But oxidation has also been blamed for aging, cancer, hardening of the arteries, and rheumatoid arthritis. Research is being done to evaluate the benefits of antioxidants in foods and dietary supplements. Antioxidants are natural reducing agents, such as fat soluble vitamin E and vitamin C (ascorbic acid). These substances might inhibit damaging byproducts of oxidation reactions that can occur in the human body after exposure to some toxic chemicals. One concern that scientists studying antioxidants have is that substances do not always act the same way in the human body that they do outside of it. For example, vitamin C is a reducing agent. If lemon juice is squirted on a cut apple, the vitamin C in the juice will prevent the browning of the apple that is caused by oxidation of the apple by the air. However, vitamin C might act as an oxidizing agent in the body.

Pengoksidasi agen di tubuhOksidasi-reduksi digunakan sepanjang waktu. Terbakar, pemutihan, baterai, metalurgi, dan fotografi semua bergantung pada reaksi oksidasi-reduksi. Sebuah aplikasi penting dari reaksi oksidasi-reduksi dalam sel elektrokimia. (Ini jenis sel tidak harus bingung dengan sel biologis. Sel berasal dari kata cella, bahasa Latin untuk ruang atau kamar kecil.) Dalam sel elektrokimia, reaksi oksidasi secara fisik terpisah dari reaksi reduksi, dan elektron melewati antara dua reaksi melalui konduktor. Oksidasi terjadi pada anoda dan reduksi terjadi di katoda.

Reaksi oksidasi-reduksi bertanggung jawab untuk pembusukan makanan. Sumber utama oksidasi oksigen dari udara. Pengawet yang ditambahkan ke makanan sering pereduksi.
 Reaksi oksidasi yang penting dalam banyak reaksi yang menjaga tubuh kita akan. Tapi oksidasi juga telah disalahkan untuk penuaan, kanker, pengerasan arteri, dan rheumatoid arthritis. Penelitian yang dilakukan untuk mengevaluasi manfaat antioksidan dalam makanan dan suplemen makanan. Antioksidan adalah zat pereduksi alami, seperti larut dalam lemak vitamin E dan vitamin C (asam askorbat). Zat-zat ini mungkin menghambat produk sampingan yang merusak reaksi oksidasi yang dapat terjadi dalam tubuh manusia setelah terpapar beberapa bahan kimia beracun. Salah satu kekhawatiran bahwa para ilmuwan mempelajari antioksidan adalah bahwa zat tidak selalu bertindak dengan cara yang sama dalam tubuh manusia yang mereka lakukan di luar itu. Misalnya, vitamin C adalah agen mengurangi. Jika jus lemon yang disemprotkan pada luka apel, vitamin C dalam jus akan mencegah browning apel yang disebabkan oleh oksidasi apel oleh udara. Namun, vitamin C mungkin bertindak sebagai agen pengoksidasi dalam tubuh.

Maaf kalo salah, semoga membantu, jika puas jadikan jawaban terbaik ya:)

16. circle the adverb in each sentence below. write whether the adverb answer how, when, or where ​

1. How, adverbnya ‘carefully’
2. When, advnya ‘today’
3. When, adv ‘always’
4. where, ‘high’
5. How, ‘gracefully’
6. how, ‘often’
7. where, ‘inside’
8. how, ‘never’
9. where, ‘recently’
10. how, ‘happily’

semoga membantu, maaf kalau salah ^^

17. identify whether the sentences use parallelism or not/corrcet them if they are not parallel​


1, The sentence uses Paralellism (correct)

2.  The correct sentence should be:

Either the blue shirt or the white shirt will look good with your jeans.

3. The sentence uses Paralellism (correct)

4. The correct sentence should be:

Farah and I will both watch movie and have lunch tomorrow.

5. The correct sentence should be:

When his wife is not at home, Mr. Jack not only cooks for his son but also cleans the ....... (kepotong gambarnya)


Parallellism adalah kesejajaran dalam penggunaan bagian kalimat dalam kalimat majemuk,, baik kesejajaran struktur maupun tense nya.

Kalimat majemuk adalah kalimat yang mempunyai entah dua subjek kalimat, dua verbm dua objek dst.

Jika kalimat memiliki dua subjek atau dua objek, atau dua verb maka pemakaian dalam kalimat harus paralel (sama struktur dan tense nya).

Contoh kalimat 2:

Either the blue shirt or wearing the white shirt will look good with your jeans.

Di sini ada dua subjek kalimat:

1) blue shirt

2) wearing the white shirt

Kalau diperhatikan, keduanya tidak paralel. Maka bagian nomor 2) kita perbaiki menjadi 2)the white shirt (tanpa wearing) . Barulah keduanya paralel.

Contoh lain, kalimat4:

Farah and I will both watching movie and have lunch tomorrow.

Di sin iada 2 vern:

1) watching

2) have lunch

Kita perhatikan, keduanya tidak paralel, karena ada dalam bentuk verb1, ada dalam bentung verb-ing.

KIta perbaiki dengan melihat kalimatnya secara keseluruhan, maka kita ganti watching jadi watch.

Semoga bermanfaat

18. Identify whether each sentence below is active or passive. 1. Manchester united beat liverpool at old trafford 2. Liverpool was beaten by manchester united at old trafford


1mancester united paul pokba suarez tai kucing biji bapak lu

19. challenge 1identify whether the sentences are in the simple past tense or the present perfect tense. tick the correct column ​

The tenses are identified as =

Simple pastPresent perfectSimple pastPresent perfectSimple pastPresent perfectSimple pastPresent perfectPEMBAHASANSimple Past

Simple Past adalah kalimat yang digunakan untuk menyampaikan situasi di masa lampau.

I. Formula

[+] S + Verb 2 + O [-] S + did not + Verb 1 + O [?] Did + S + Verb 1 + O + ?

II. Adverb of Time

Yesterday Last week Last month Last Year Just now Present Perfect

Present Perfect adalah kalimat yang digunakan untuk menyampaikan situasi yang telah terjadi di masa lampau yang masih berlangsung hingga saat ini atau kegiatan yang masih memiliki efek hingga sekarang secara umum.

I. Formula

[+] S + Has/Have + Verb 3 + O [-] S + Has/Have + not + Verb 3 + O [?] Has/Have + S + Verb 3 + O + ?

II. Auxiliary

Has : Subjek tunggal (Singular) Have : Subjek jamak (Plural), I, You

III. Adverb of Time

Already Before Since For Yet LatelyWhat's The Difference?

Simple past digunakan untuk kegiatan yang telah selesai di masa lampau pada waktu tertentu dan tidak memiliki efek untuk saat ini. Sementara Present perfect digunakan untuk kegiatan yang telah selesai di masa lampau dan masih ada efeknya hingga saat ini.

Present perfect menekankan pada efek kejadian tersebut. Sementara Simple past hanya menyebutkan waktu kejadian tersebut.

Contoh :

Simple past : I visited America last year. (Aku berkunjung ke Amerika tahun lalu). Di kalimat ini, dijelaskan bahwa aku berkunjung ke Amerika, yaitu pada tahun lalu. Present Perfect : I have visited America. (Aku pernah berkunjung ke Amerika). Di kalimat ini dijelaskan bahwa aku pernah berkunjung ke Amerika sebelumnya, meskipun tidak tertulis kapan.PENJELASAN

1. My cousin inherited his parent's house last year.

Kata kunci = inherited, last yearJenis = Simple past

2. We have been saving our money in ABC Bank for the last ten years.

Kata kunci = have been saving, for Jenis = Perfect Continuous*

3. When did she borrow the money from you?

Kata kunci = didJenis = Simple past

4. Have you ever had a problem with your neighbor?

Kata kunci = Have, ever hadJenis = Present Perfect

5. I didn't withdraw my money from the ATM booth this morning.

Kata kunci = didn't, this morningJenis = Simple Past

6. The company hasn't raised our salaries for about five years.

Kata kunci = hasn't raised, forJenis = Present Perfect

7. I called the bank yesterday and they lent me Rp100,000,000.

Kata kunci = called, yesterday, lentJenis = Simple past

8. Haven't you finished your work?

Kata kunci = Haven't, finishedJenis = Present PerfectPELAJARI LEBIH LANJUTPresent Perfect vs Past Tensehttps://brainly.co.id/tugas/37404702https://brainly.co.id/tugas/9250827https://brainly.co.id/tugas/29569740


Detail Jawaban

Kelas : X - SHS

Mapel : Bahasa Inggris

Materi : Present perfect tense vs past tense

Kode Kategorisasi : 10.5.7

Kata Kunci :  Tick the correct one


20. apa maksud if or whether

if = jika
or = atau
wether = cuacakalimat yang mengandung if or whether merupakan kalimat pengandaian

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