Kamis, 31 Maret 2022

Label The Image Of A Compound Light Microscope

Label The Image Of A Compound Light Microscope

The final image characteristic of a microscope is

Daftar Isi

1. The final image characteristic of a microscope is

the final image characteristic of a microscope is:
-in the light microscope, the final image has the same properties as a shadow while, apparent, inverted, and even more magnified
-in electron microscopy, the final image has the same properties as real objects images, aligned, and enlarged.

2. The compound microscope has not one ______ two lenses


the compound microscope has not one "but" two lenses

3. Compare and contrast the structure and function of a compound light microscope and a scanning electron microscope be sure to express the structure and function of each as well as the function and usefulness of each when examining a specimen. answer it correctly, no copy paste, and no spam! answer it in bahasa, not in english

Mikroskop Elektron menggunakan sinar elektron, sedangkan mikroskop optik menggunakan sinar cahaya.Pembesaran maksimum mikroskop optik adalah sekitar 2000x, dimana pembesaran maksimum mikroskop elektron adalah sekitar 10,000,000x<br /><br />cara pengujian<br />mikroskop elekton menyebabkab spesimen mati. proses ketjanya : Ketiks sinar elektron mencapai materi tertentu balok tersebar oleh materi. Pola hamburan ini adalah dasar dari gambar akhir yang terbentuk. Berkas elektron difokiskan menggunakan gulungan elektromagnetik, yang analog dengan lensa optik pada mikroskop optik. Berkas elektron terfokus ditargetkan setiap titik sampel untuk mendapatkan pola difraksi seluruh sample. struktyr mikroskop elekton terdiri dari piston laser yang berfungsi menembakan laser pd spesimen, fungsi untuk menganati benda renik atau pun komponen-komponen sel yg gak bisa diamatin melalui mikroskop cahaya mikroskop cahaya terdiri dari revolver,diafragma,meja prepaeat dll fungsi untuk mengamati objek sja.

4. The words below are compounds. For each one, give the meaning of each member of the compound and that of the compound form. a. Handkerchief b. Hoodwink C. Postman​

I do not understand English :(

5. Light entering the eye forms an image on 130 millions tiny light cells


Light entering the eye forms an image on 130 millions tiny light cells

(secercah) Cahaya yang memasuki mata membentuk gambar(an) atau image  pada 130 juta sel-sel cahaya yang (sangat) kecil.


penambahan kata untuk membantu memperhalus terjemahan. CMIIW

6. What does the opacity of an image define? A. The opaqueness of the image B. The color range of the image C. The dimensions of the image D. The file size of the image

the opaque nest of the image karena itu sangat membantu pikiran saya sependapat soal ini dan kalo nggak salah terhadap A930 percaya Cari aja di Google Kenapa speaker

7. What is compound words and write the compound words of Leadership.


Compound words are a combination of two basic words (morphemes) that ultimately have a new meaning. This tense will easily be found in Indonesian language in addition to compound sentences.

8. The microscope tube serves to transmit light from?


bila seseorang memiliki kemauan bekerja keras setiap ada kesempatan selalu adalah

9. Give the name of the following compound!


Answers. D. FePO4 following compound.

10. A compound contains one atom of calcium, two atoms of hydrogen and two atoms of oxygen. What is the correct chemical formula of the compound?



maaf kalau salah

11. 5 the parts of a microscope

eyepiece lens
baselensa okuler
tabung mikroskop(tubus)
meja preparat

12. what is the function of microscope? ​


To look a microscopic things


Kegunaan mikroskop adalah untuk melihat benda benda mikroskopik


In General . Microscope can be used to see something that cant we see with human eyes . It means microscope can see somethin was so small or something called by microscopic things like amoeba , hydra etc

There are a few kinds of microscpe with different function like electric microscope

13. Name of the compound

saya sama² bingung maaf yang banyak yaa

14. What ia compound words and write the compound words of Leadership!

Jawaban & Penjelasan:

Compound words or compositeum is a combination of basic morphemes which are all status as words that have special phonological, grammatical, and semantic patterns according to the rules of the language in question.

15. What is compound words and write the compound words of Leadership!


Compound words are a combination of two basic words (morphemes) that ultimately have a new meaning. This tense will easily be found in Indonesian language in addition to compound sentences.

16. The words below are compounds. For each one, give the meaning of each member of the compound and that of the compound form. a. Handkerchief b. Hoodwink C. Postman​

I do not understand English :)

17. 3. When the metal magnesium burns in oxygen gas, a compound is formed.(a) What is the name of the compound?​


materi stoikiometri


2Mg (s) + O2 (g) --> 2MgO (s)

MgO = Magnesium Oksida

18. 2. Below are the function of caption,EXCEPT ....a. Explaining the imageb. Describing the imagec. Completing the imaged. Substituting the imagee. Giving more information aboutthe image​

بِسْــــــــــــــــــمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيْمِ

السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُه



[tex]\huge\boxed{\boxed{(D) \: Substituting \: the \: image}}[/tex]


ᕼOᗯ TO ᗯOᖇK

Dibawah ini adalah Fungsi Caption (Keterangan), Kecuali...

A. Menjelaskan Gambar

B. Mengindetifikasi Gambar

C. Melengkapi gambar

D. Mengganti Gambar

E. Memberikan Informasi lainnya dari gambar tersebut

» The Caption function is to provide an explanation of the image, Not to replace pictures.

(Fungsi Caption (Keterangan) untuk menjelaskan tentang gambar tersebut, Bukan untuk menggantikan gambar.)


ᗩᑎSᗯEᖇ ᗪETᗩIᒪS

Subjects ✏ : English :

Keywords ⛷ : Caption, Image, Description


We apologize profusely, If there are words/answers that are wrong & less pleasant in the heart ◕‸ ◕✿

الْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ رَبِّ الْعَالَمِينَ

وَالسَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ

© KidsTeam

19. Draw labelled diagrams of the following cellsthat are placed under a light microscope:(a) a typical plant cell; and(b) a typical animal cell.​



20. In paragraph 2, the writer tries to explain that ..... Ernst Ruska – The Inventor of Electron Microscope Although electron microscope was patented by Reinhold Rudenberg in 1931, the invention of the microscope which uses the electron beam rather than light to produce an image is traditionally credited to the German physicist Ernst Ruska. Ruska developed the first prototype of electron microscope together with Max Knoll in 1931 and two years later, he (alone) built the first electron microscope which gave a better resolution than the light microscope. In 1986, Ruska was awarded the Nobel Prize for his work in the field of electron optics as well as for construction of the first electron microscope. Ernst Ruska was born on 25 December 1906 in Heidelberg, Germany to Professor Julius Ruska and his wife Elizabeth. After grammar school in Heidelberg, he continued education at the Technical College in Munich and later in Berlin where he got involved with high voltage and vacuum technology. At the same time, he worked on the development of high performance cathode ray oscilloscope with Dr Max Knoll and other students. Soon, however, Ruska became interested in electrons. His first scientific work in 1928-29 thus dealt with Hans Busch’s electron lens. And while he was researching Busch’s discovery, he realised that that an electron microscope with a 1,000 times shorter wavelengths from the ordinary light microscope could be used to get a better image with more details.


In Paragraph 2, The writer tries to explain about Ernest Ruska's life, Starting from his birth, his school until his worked and Invent the electron microscope

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