Kamis, 31 Maret 2022

What Darwin Never Knew Answers

What Darwin Never Knew Answers

artikan ke bahasa indonesia erlin:i never knew you could dive

Daftar Isi

1. artikan ke bahasa indonesia erlin:i never knew you could dive

erlin: Aku tidak pernah tahu kamu bisa menyelamSaya tidak pernah tau kamu bisa menyelam

(kalo ga salah)

2. The test wasm easy ... (because/because of) he knew all the answers​

The test was easy because he knew all the answer

3. yang betul itu “ever met but never knew”, atau “ever meet but never know”?jawab ya guis heuheu

Artinya :

"pernah bertemu tetapi tidak pernah tahu"

Jawaban : "Ever meet but never know"

karna meet => bertemu, berjumpa. Kalo met tidak ada terjemahannya.

Kalo menurutku “ever met someone but never know”

Kenapa met? Karena itu bentuk lampau, dan memang sdh pernah bertemu.

Kenapa know? Karena sampe skrg belum kenal...

Maaf kalo salah hehe

4. I was never knew that i already fell to u.mohon dikoreksi grammarnya terimakasi.​


I never knew that i was already in love with you <333

Penjelasan: Kalau salah maaf yya kak, Kalau betul cuman butuh mahkota

5. what files forever and never rest


Wind (angin)


6. Task 5Discuss these questions below with your friend!1. What does the song tell us about?Answers:2. What is the greatest love according to the song?Answers..3. What is the saddest ward to hear?Answers4. When will a mother say goodbye to the daughter?Answers5. What will the writer do to pay for the mother's kindness?Answersterjemahin dong yang tau​


Translate :

Task 5

Diskusi lah pertanyaan di bawah ini dengan teman mu!

1. Apa yang lagu ini beri tahu ke kita?


2.Apa cinta terbesar menurut lagu tersebut?


3.Apa kata yang paling menyedihkan untuk didengar?


4.Kapan seorang ibu mengucapkan selamat tinggal ke anak perempuannya?


5.Apa yang akan penulisnya lakukan untuk menbayar kebaikan ibunya?


Semoga membantu.

7. Arti Kutipan people say you don't know what you've got until it's gone. Truth is, you knew what you had, you just never though you'd lose it​


orang mengatakan Anda tidak tahu apa yang Anda miliki sampai hilang. Sebenarnya, Anda tahu apa yang Anda miliki, Anda tidak akan pernah kehilangannya


Orang bilang, Kamu tidak tahu apa yang kamu miliki sampai hilang. Sebenarnya, kamu tahu apa yang Anda miliki, hanya saja kamu tidak pernah berpikir kamu akan kehilangan itu


semoga membantu

8. Bahasa Indonesia dari: 1.what have You never eaten? 2.what have You never seen? 3.where have You never been to? 4.who have You never spoken to

1. Apa yang belum pernah kamu makan?
2. Apa yang belum pernah kamu lihat?
3. Dimana tempat yang belum pernah kamu kunjungi?
4. Siapa yang belum pernah berbicara denganmu?
Mohon maaf jika ada kesalahan. Semoga membantu:)

9. What is tha model text charles robert darwin? Tolong di jawab

apa model teks charles robert darwin

semoga membantu

10. what does your teacher never do​


artinya apa yg tidak pernah yg dilakukan guru kepadamu


What your teacher never do ?

Answer : what my teacher never did was hate his students


[tex] \infty nis \alpha c \alpha ns \infty \\ semoga \: membantu[/tex]

11. what happened when lion knew the content of the box ?

Apa yang terjadi ketika singa mengetahui konten yang ada di box?

12. lengkapilah kalimat dibawah ini how come i never knew you could..... so well ​


melakukan (To do)


maaf yah kalo salah semoga bermanfaat (≧▽≦)


How come i never knew you could do that so well

maaf kalo salah

13. Please give me answers What is love


In my opinion, love is a taste that you will experience for someone special. Feelings of love are usually accompanied by feelings of wanting to protect, wanting to be near that person, and a feeling of love so great that you try not to hurt him. Love can appear without any reason, because love does not judge by appearance, attitude, or anything


Love is an emotion of strong affection and personal interest. Love can also be interpreted as a feeling in a person due to its constituent factors. In the context of the philosophy of love is a good trait that inherits all kindness, feelings of compassion and compassion.

14. what does LMAO mean? (wrong answers only) ​


Laugh Out Loud

(wrong answer kan?)

15. what is the meaning of dining roomAnswers:​


Dining room=ruang makan. Dining room is place where people has breakfast, lunch, dinner.( All people have meal time at dining room)


***semoga membantu, selamat belajar***

16. what happenad after the hawk knew the truth?


apa yang terjadi setelah elang tahu yang sebenarnya?


what happened : apa yang terjadi

after the hawk : setelah elang

knew the truth : tahu yang sebenarnya ?

17. " i'll never let go, never say goodbye" what the 'i' never let go?​


"Aku tidak akan pernah melepaskan, tidak pernah mengucapkan selamat tinggal" apa 'aku' tidak pernah melepaskan?

18. the present perfect with for, since, ever and neverask someone question with ever or how long. get answers with never, for and since.​


have you ever gone to indonesia?

no I have never gone there before

how long have you lived in Medan?

I have lived in Medan for 5years

how long have you played the game?

I have played the game since i was kid

19. what is the answers above?

tanaman tomat kering
layu akibat
gagal adaptasitanaman tomat kering layu akibat gagal adaptasi

20. jawaban what does Santi wish for Darwin​


terjemahan Indonesia

apa harapan santi untuk darwin


maaf kalo salah

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