Kamis, 10 Maret 2022

Label The Object Shown In Each Photo Based On Panorama

Label The Object Shown In Each Photo Based On Panorama

fill in the blanks based on the label​

Daftar Isi

1. fill in the blanks based on the label​


isi bagian yang kosong berdasarkan label


2. in pairs,complete the conversations below based on the cultural objects shown​

Student : I think I saw the frog in the pond near the rocks. Do you think so?

Student 2 : I think it wasn't near the rocks. Because i saw one standing near the pond's sand instead of being in the rocks.

Student : I think the children's playground was closed because it was broken. Do you think so?

Student 2 : Yes. Because I went to the 1st floor next to the cafeteria, it was really broken and closed for the children.

3. Write sentences based onpicture by using future tense.es based on the activities in each​

1. My sister is going to perform Traditional dance tomorrow. Her team will be the first performer. Therefore, she will practice a lot.

2. My brother is going to go to Jakarta Fair to watch Ondel-Ondel for the first time. He will take some photos of it.

3. My family will enjoy Tanjidor music next Month. The Tanjidor grup will play the music in the restaurant near to our house. We will not miss the show.

4. Two days later, there will be an exam. Megan will need a pen to do it, but she lost it yesterday. Harry will lend his pen to Megan.

5. My friends and I are going to buy a tent after this. We will go camping next week. We will go there by bus.

6. Our classroom will have a competition of the cleanest classroom among several schools. My classmates are going to clean the classroom. Meanwhile, I will buy some needs to make our classroom more perfect.


Future tense adalah tense yang digunakan untuk menyatakan sesuatu hal yang terjadi di kemudian hari atau di masa depan. Terdapat 2 macam formula future tense:

1. Future be going to

(+) Subyek + be (is/am/are) + going to + Verb 1

(-) Subyek + be (is/am/are) + not + going to + Verb 1

(?) Be (is/am/are) + subyek + going to + Verb 1


(+) She is going to go to the zoo.

(-) She is not going to go to the zoo.

(?) Is she going to go to the zoo?

2. Future "will"

(+) Subyek + will + Verb 1

(-) Subyek + will + not + Verb 1

(?) Will + subyek + Verb 1


(+) She will go to the zoo.

(-) She will not go to the zoo.

(?) Will she go to the zoo?

NOTE: Verb 1 yang digunakan tidak dipengaruhi oleh subyek yang dipakai.

She will goes to the zoo. -> SALAH

She will go to the zoo. -> BENAR

Kata keterangan waktu yang digunakan adalah: next week, tomorrow, after this, next year, dan semua kata keterangan waktu yang menyatakan masa depan.

1. My sister is going to perform Traditional dance tomorrow. Her team will be the first performer. Therefore, she will practice a lot. (Kakak perempuanku akan menampilkan tarian adat besok. Timnya akan menjadi penampil pertama. Maka dari itu, dia akan berlatih sangat keras.)

2. My brother is going to go to Jakarta Fair to watch Ondel-Ondel for the first time. He will take some photos of it. (Adik laki-lakiku akan pergi ke Jakarta Fair untuk menonton Ondel-Ondel untuk pertama kalinya. Dia akan mengambil gambar-gambarnya.)

3. My family will enjoy Tanjidor music next Month. The Tanjidor grup will play the music in the restaurant near to our house. We will not miss the show. (Keluargaku akan menikmati musik Tanjidor bulan depan. Kelompok Tanjidor akan bermain di restoran dekat rumah kami. Kami tidak akan melewatkan pertunjukan itu.)

4. Two days later, there will be an exam. Megan will need a pen to do it, but she lost it yesterday. Harry will lend his pen to Megan. (Dua hari lagi, akan ada ujian. Megan akan butuh pulpen untuk mengerjakannya, tetapi dia kehilangan pulpen kemarin. Harry akan meminjamkan pulpennya untuk Megan.)

5. My friends and I are going to buy a tent after this. We will go camping next week. We will go there by bus. (Teman-temanku dan aku akan membeli sebuah tenda setelah ini. Kita akan pergi berkemah minggu depan. Kita akan pergi ke sana dengan bis.)

6. Our classroom will have a competition of the cleanest classroom among several schools. My classmates are going to clean the classroom. Meanwhile, I will buy some needs to make our classroom more perfect. (Ruang kelas kita akan ikut perlombaan ruang kelas terbersih di antara beberapa sekolah. Teman-teman sekelasku akan membersihkan ruang kelas. Sementara itu, aku akan membeli beberapa kebutuhan untuk membuat ruang kelas kita nampak lebih sempurna.)

Pelajari lebih lanjut

1. Contoh dialog menggunakan future tense brainly.co.id/tugas/12037398

2. Perbedaan future tense dan future continuous tense brainly.co.id/tugas/5531391


Detail jawaban

Kelas: IX SMP

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Bab: Past, Present, and Future Tense

Kode: 9.5.5

Kata kunci: sentences, future tense, future will, future be going to

4. which statement is not correct based on the label

karena soal tidak lengkap, saya akan mengartikan.

Which statement is not correct based on the label = pernyataan manakah yang tidak tepat/benar berdasarkan pada label?

5. Write sentences based on the activities in each picture by using future tense

7.beni and his friends are going to the airplane

8.siti and her friends is buying some books

9.lani and diva is walking home together

10.there,s lots of different animal in the forest

semoa membantu qwq

6. State the obligation based on each picture below!

4. we must keep the environment clean
5. we have to asking permission to our parents before we go to school

7. make your own sentence in comparative or superlative based on the picture shown pliss dibantuin jangan ngasal+poin tambahan​


1. The bag on the right side is the biggest

2. the watch on the left side is brighter than the right side

3. Amy is higher than Kevin

4. The middle flower is the longest among the other flowers


1. Tas di sebelah kanan adalah yang paling besar

2. jam tangan di kiri lebih cerah dibanding yang di kanan

3. Amy lebih tinggi daripada Kevin

4. Bunga yang tengah adalah yang terpanjang diantara bunga-bunga lainnya

8. Based on the label below, write the detail information about the label​

This cola contains : carbonated water , high fructose corn Syrup , caramel color , sugar , phosporic acid , caffeine, citric acid , natural flavors

150 calories , fat 0 g , sodium 30 mg (1%) ,carbohydrate (14%) ,sugar 41g , and protein 0g . serving size 1 can

9. observe the following pictures and answer based on the animal s look like in each picture​


1. a) . Swan

b) . It has a long, curved neck, webbed feet, and

a large beak

2. a). butterfly

b). It has beautiful wings, a slender and small


3. a). Rhinoceros

b). It has horns, as well as a large body


4. a). cow

b). Large body, has a milk producer and black

and white stripes

5. a). horse

b). Strong legs to ride on, stocky and big

and hairy tail and hair


maaf kalo salah dan kalo bnr jgn lupa follow oh iya sm jawaban terbaik yaa maaciwww

10. task 1 study the food label and fill in the table based on the information​


180 80 15 170 3 2 1


190 180160 170

11. make a story based on the following photo​

Tittle: Happy Weekend

now it was a weekend morning, Dino and Dina were on vacation enjoying the waterfall. Dito's father came with Dito, Dito wanted to play with Dina and Dino. In the afternoon, they visited the beach. Dino and Dito looked fun playing water splashes. Dina and Dito's father smiled seeing that. Returning from the beach, they did not forget to stop by the supermarket to buy food to go to the zoo tomorrow. the next day, they toured the zoo. they really enjoyed their vacation. they take pictures with each other with the animals there. After being satisfied touring the zoo, Dina and Dito decided to put their photos in the album. Dino was very happy to see Dino and Dina were eager to compile photos in the album. meanwhile, parents play table tennis in the large field around the zoo. it was late afternoon, they hurried home. dino helps dad to put luggage in the trunk of the car. they returned home happy.

12. now ,make a dialog with your partner based on the situations in each picture ​

Got 100 in math
A: hey bud! How was the math exam?
B: hi! It was hard but gladly i could pass it, hbu?
A: yeaa me too, but u know what? I got 100! Hbu??
B: really?! Mine too! Haha i didnt expect that, what a lucky!
A: yes haha

Lost a new pen
A: hey! Why are u still here? What are u looking for?
B: oh hi! I lost my pen, i bought it yesterday, the color is blue. Or maybe u saw it?
A: hmm i dont think i saw it.. but i’ll hellp u to find it
B: thanks!
*after 10 minutes*
A: we’ve been 10 minutes here but there’s no blue pen here, maybe we could find it tomorrow..? Cus its time to go home
B: yea.. u’re right i’ll find it tomorrow
A: dont worry i’ll help u
B: thanks..

13. based on the label,this drug may cure​


Maksudnya suruh apa kak?

artikan kah kak? jawab dikomentar dong kak nanti aku ubah jawabannya

ini kalo di artikan

Berdasarkan labelnya,obat ini bisa menyembuhkan.

maaf kalo salah kak

semoga membantu^^

14. based on the table types of business entity based on business fields is shown by number​


where is the table ??

take a photo of the table

15. in pairs,complete each short dialogue with suitable expression based on the clues given​

Arti : Berpasangan, selesaikan setiap dialog singkat dengan ekspresi yang sesuai berdasarkan petunjuk yang diberikan

Penjelasan : Dialognya aja kaga ada wkwk

16. Construct a mini dialog abouf the materials in this unit,based on the situation as shown in the pictures.​


4. man = good morning, kids!

kids = good morning, sir! how are you?

man = I'm fine, thank you. and you?

kids = we're fine, thank you!

5. sister = the house is so messy!

brother = yes, I agree! it's very dirty

sister = let's clean the house!

brother = okay


17. Write the time shown in each picture


1.twenty to three

2.a half past seven

3.its Ten to six

4.its a half past Ten

5.its twenty past six

6.its twenty to twelve

7. its Ten to Ten

8.its three o'clock

9.its twenty past twelfe


1.Forty minutes past two 2.40

2.half past seven 7.30

3. Ten to six 5.50

4. Half past ten 10.30

5. Twenty past six 6.20

6. Twenty to twelve 11.40

7. Ten to ten 9.50

8. Three o'clock 3.00

9. Twelve past twenty 12.20


Silahkan di koreksi jika salah

18. observe the label of food below,then complete the table based on the label!​


amati label makanan di bawah ini, kemudian lengkapi tabel berdasarkan labelnya!


maaf kalo salah :)

19. create a greeting card based on the situation in each picture​


Picture 1 : Winner the dancing contest

"Congratulations for achieving the target!, You worked hard, you deserve it, you have got it! Please accept my congratulations on this wonderful recognition of your merits. Keep being a humble person"

Picture 2 : Shelter

"We are sorry for what happened to you all, May your hearts be widened by God And keep on living life"

20. Construct a mini dialog abouf the materials in this unit,based on the situation as shown in the pictures.​​


ini ya maap kalo salah sama maap ya telat

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