Selasa, 08 Maret 2022

On Seeing England For The First Time

On Seeing England For The First Time

on FIRST TIME in the morning. I have a good idea to get the best way for the first day in the England apa arti first time​

Daftar Isi

1. on FIRST TIME in the morning. I have a good idea to get the best way for the first day in the England apa arti first time​


artinya adalah pertama kali/ pertama Tama


kalo membantu follow aku ya ga maksa kok soalnya aku ahli b.inggris

First time artinya Pertama kali

2. travel on the plane for the first time

perjalanan di pesawat untuk pertama kalinyaperjalanan di pesawat untuk pertama kalinya

3. She rode to school on her bike for the first time

Dia (perempuan) mengendarai sepeda ke sekolah pada pertama kalinya

Maaf kalo salah
Semoga membantu

4. Urutkan! time - on - a - Istambul - peasant - the - day - visited - for - first

the peasant a time day on for visited first istambulpeasant visited for istambul the day first on time

5. Tolong buatin dialog pendek 1. You could ride a bicycle for the first time 2. You have never travelled on the plane 3. You cried when you got on the roller coaster for the first time Thank you

A : Have you ever ride a bicycle before?
B : Of course, i have.
A : When was the first time you could ride it?
B : I don't remember very well.. maybe a few years ago?
A : Woah! You must be a very skilled person.
B : Riding bicycle is nothing unusual. What about you?
A : Don't laugh at me, but i could ride it for the first time yesterday! I finally had the courage to do it.
B : Wow, good for you!

X : I just came from Malaysia yesterday. It was such a wonderful experience.
Y : How did you get there?
X : I travelled there by plane. It's my first time to use a plane to travel.
Y : That must've been a good time. I've never been in a plane before. 
X : It feels wonderful to be in a plane. You can see clouds and sky clearly.
Y : I hope i can get on the plane one day!

A : Have you ever go to the amusement park before?
B : Yeah! How about you?
A : I just went to one yesterday. What's the most exciting ride for you there?
B : A roller coaster! I cried when i got on the roller coaster on the first time.
A : Wow, i can relate to you so much!
B : But i already used to ride it now. It is so fun and exciting.

6. we must say....for ask the person condition for the first time​

Nice to meet you. How was your day

7. we...for the first the time last week​


do for the first the time last week

8. contoh giving compliments 1. you visit your friend's house for the first time 2. your friend submitted her project on time

kelas : X
pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kategori : congratulating and complimenting
Kata kunci : compliment expression

Compliment expression adalah ungkapan yang digunakan untuk memuji.
1. you visit your friend's house for the first time (kamu berkunjung ke rumah temanmu untuk pertama kalinya)
- What a comfortable house!
- How nice your house is!
- You have a nice house.
- Fantastic! I really like your house.

2. your friend submitted her project on time (temanmu mengumpulkan proyeknya tepat waktu)
- How clever you are!
- Good job! You are really so diligent.
- What a diligent boy/girl!

9. terjemahkan kata berikut :Too shocked to reach for the pistol inserted in his pocket, the first-time pilot held on for life.​

Terlalu terkejut untuk meraih pistol yang dimasukkan ke sakunya, pilot yang pertama kali bertahan seumur hidup

10. arti for the first time ​

artinya: untuk pertama kalinya


untuk pertama kali nya


maap kalo salah^-

11. where the man take the for the first time? ​



Di mana pria itu mengambil untuk pertama kalinya?

12. For the first time *Terjemahannya apa guys*

Artinya : untuk pertama kalinya
for : untuk
first : pertama
time : kali
the : kata kerja ( untuk kata berimbuhan)
semoga membantu
jadikan yang terbaik yaa

Answer :

For the first time  

Translation : Untuk pertama kalinya


Explanation :

For adalah preposisi.

The adalah definite article yang digunakan untuk menunjukkan kata benda yang sudah pasti.

First adalah ordinal number yang berfungsi sebagai adjective.

Time adalah kata benda.

For the first time adalah sebuah prepositional phrase yang digunakan sebagai adverb.

For the first time digunakan untuk menunjukkan bahwa sesuatu belum pernah terjadi atau dilakukan sebelumnya.

Contoh kalimat :

I went to London for the first time in 2010.



Subject : English

Category : Translation

Level : -

Code : 5


13. Last january, I ....(see) snow for the first time.

Last January, I saw snow for the first time.Last january, I ....(see) snow for the first time.

answer : Last january, I saw snow for the first time.
Kalimat diatas menggunakan simple past tense.
Kata kuncinya ada pada 'Last January' dimana kejadian sudah lampau(past), jadi menggunakan pola :
Subject + Verb-2 + Compliment

14. who visited the lion for the first time​



siapa yang mengunjungi singa untuk pertama kalinya?


The people who will bring the lion for the first time


I hope this helps

sorry If wrong and the spirit of learning !!

15. a ceremony for babies to stop on the ground the first time is tolong di jawab ya ​

Jawaban: A ceromony that usually happens in Bali


Tedhak siten

semoga benar:-)

16. On – the first – indonesia raya – sung – time – august 17, 1945 – for – was. susunlah menjadi kalimat yg padu​


The correct arrangement is :

Indonesia Raya was sung for the first rime On August 17, 1945.

Jawaban: The first Indonesia Raya was sung on August 17, 1945


17. She..... englisg for the first time last year

Learnt atau spoke

Maaf kalo salahSoal ini juga memiliki kemungkinan jawaban yang berbeda,

She STUDIED english for the first time last year
She LEARNT englisH for the first time last year

Bila ada pilihan jawabannya : subject + v2

18. please make conversation based on the situation You visit your friend's house for the first time​


I am sorry I do not know


i am sorry I do not know you sorry!!!!

19. tolong bikinin dialog 2 baris sajayou cried when you got on the roller coaster for the first time?

Ani : "Hani, why you cried when you got on the roller coaster for the frist time?"
Hani(me) : "because i was very scared".Wojecejh = Wow, the last is so incredible, what are you feeling?
Me           = I don't know because these is my first time so i screamed with tears out 

20. she ...english for the first time last year​

She ... English for the first time last year.

Dia ... Bahasa Inggris untuk pertama kalinya tahun lalu.

Kata keterangan waktu "last year" menunjukkan ini kalimat Past Tense jadi diperlukan Verb 2 untuk melengkapinya.

Saran saya:

berbicara : spoke

belajar : studied

Semoga membantu.

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