Senin, 28 Maret 2022

Paddling With The Current A Group Of Kayakers

Paddling With The Current A Group Of Kayakers

with the statement 'one of the current

Daftar Isi

1. with the statement 'one of the current

artinya=dengan pertanyaan salah satu arus

2. A man's speed with the current is 15 km/hr and the speed of the current is 2.5 km/hr. The man's speed against the current is:


12,5 km/hr

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

15 km/hr - 2,5 km/hr

12,5 km/hr

Maaf Kalau Salah

3. A man's speed with the current is 15 km/hr and the speed of the current is 2.5 km/hr. The man's speed against the current is:


6 km over the current

4. Match the sentences in Group A with their replies in Group B.​


1. b

2. d

3. a

4. f

5. c

6. g

7. e

semoga membantu

5. A man's speed with the current is 15 km/hr and the speed of the current is 2.5 km/hr. The man's speed against the current is ______ km/hr. Type your answer below! Math And English! Tolong Jawab!!!


if the speed of the man with the current is 15 km / h and the speed of the current itself is 2.5 km / h then the speed of the man against the flow is 15-2.5 = 12.5km / h (speed of the man himself)

12.5-2.5 = 10km / h (the guy's speed against the current)


Man speed in still water = 15 - 2,5 = 12,5 km/hour

Man speed against the wall = 12,5 - 2,5 = 10 km/hour

Semoga Bermanfaat :)


6. a / of / group / criminals / out / broke / the / of / jail / month /last. * Choose the good sentence orderly based on the jumbled words above! A. A group of criminals broke out of the jail last month B. A group of criminals out broke of the jail last month C. Group of criminals broke out a of the jail last month D. Group of a criminals broke out of the jail last month Tolong jawab ya terima kasih


A group of criminals broke out of the jail last month ( A dan B )


Semoga membantu jadikan jawaban terbaik dan maap kalo salah

7. Match the sentences ini Group A with those in Group B

1. Look at the blue sky = It's going to be a beautiful day

2. He never arrives on time = He'll be late today as well

3. Look at that time = We're going to be late

4. The price is too high = They'll never pay that much for their house

5. Edward has been made a supervisor = I think he'll be good in that job

6. Arya doesn't know = I'm going to tell him

7. Marta is off today = She'll be back tomorrow

8. I called Gerry but he was busy = He's going to call me back

9. Terry doesn't know whether to accept = She's going to think about it

10. Great. I'm glad you're coming = I'll pick you up at seven

8. what happen if we are paddling the bicycle with high speed? Why does it happen?

you are will fall from the bicycle,because gravitation.

9. 8. The following pie chart presents the blood groups for large sample of people.Group BGroup ABGroup AGroup 0(a) What is appproximate percentage of people with group A blood? If the pie isbased on a sample of 500 people, approximately how many of those 500 peoplehave group A blood?(b) What is the approximate percentage of people with group B blood? Assumingthe pie cahrt is based on sample of 500 people, approximately how many ofthose 500 people have group B blood?​


8. Diagram lingkaran berikut menyajikan golongan darah untuk sampel besar orang.

Grup B

Grup AB

grup A

Grup 0

(a) Berapa persentase perkiraan orang dengan darah golongan A? Jika pai itu

berdasarkan sampel 500 orang, kira-kira berapa dari 500 orang tersebut

memiliki darah golongan A?

(b) Berapa perkiraan persentase orang dengan darah golongan B? Asumsi

pie cahrt didasarkan pada sampel 500 orang, kira-kira berapa banyak

500 orang itu memiliki darah golongan B?


maaf y aku cuma tau artiny

10. Which $1,000 bond has the higher yield to maturity, a twenty-year bond selling for $800 with a current yield of 15% or a one-year bond selling for $800 with a current yield of 5%?


one year $ 800r bonds seling for$800 with

artinya: obligasi satu tahun dijual seharga $ 800


semoga bermanfaat^-^

likebintang 5jadikan jawaban cerdasfollow

11. arti dari group work practise the dialogue with yuor friend in front of the class

kerja kelompok,latihan dialog dengan teman mu didepan kelas

12. Subjek yang kata kerjanya tidak boleh ditambah s/es adalah kelompok A. The third group of subject B. The second group of subject C. The fourth group of subject D. The first group of subject


yang d


bener itu jawaban nya yang d


jangan lupa follow ya

13. 2. At the beginning of the year, a firm had current assets of $121,306 and current liabilities of $124,509. At the end of the year, the current assets were $122,418 and the current liabilities were $103,718. What is the change in net working capital?


apa itu saya tidak mengerti wkwkwkwk:v

14. A group of people with one purpose ​



sekelompok orang dengan satu tujuan

15. what happen if we are paddling the bicycle with high speed? Why does it happen?

you will die because you are padding your bicycle and you forget using helmet and you crashing with train. So, wear your helmet if you riding bicycle or motorcycle. i believe you are good person


wind bisa, strong winds bisa


17. you are a part of the school committe that will hold a pensi design the program with your group

Anda adalah bagian dari komite sekolah yang akan mengadakan program desain pensil dengan kelompok Anda

maaf kalo salah:)

18. 4. A student is provided with a 3.0 m long wire with a current of 0.15 A flowing through it. What is the strength of the magnetic field at the centre of the wire if the wire is bent into a circular coil of one turn ?

Jawaban sudah saya tulis, jadikan brainliest ya.

19. What ia the relation of the song Heal the world with the current situattion? Explain Tolong jawab yh


Nowadays, there's a lot of people that careless about the world. They just think about theirselves, without looking for others.

semoga membantu

20. A man's speed with the current is 15 km/hr and the speed of the current is 2.5 km/hr. The man's speed against the current is ___ km/hr. Type your answer below! Math And English


Man speed (With the current) = 15 km/hour

The speed of the current = 2,5 km/hour

The man (Against the speed current) = ???

Man speed in still water = 15 - 2,5 = 12,5 km/hour

Man speed against the current = 12,5 - 2,5

??? = 10 km/hour

Semoga Bermanfaat :)


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