Selasa, 29 Maret 2022

Mechanics Go To Parenting Phrase

Mechanics Go To Parenting Phrase

The guide decided to go home because the rain started to fall.termasuk apa?? a. independent clause b. dependent clause c. noun phrase d. verb phrase

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1. The guide decided to go home because the rain started to fall.termasuk apa?? a. independent clause b. dependent clause c. noun phrase d. verb phrase


A. independent Clause

Semoga Membantu :)


the guide decided to go home because the rain started to fall? d.verb phrase

2. Identified the noun phrase: When will we go to the Pandawa Beach? a the Pandawa Beach b When c we go d will we go e go to ​


Noun phrase adalah gabungan dua buah kata atau lebih. Dari pilihan, maka jawaban yang tepat adalah a. the PandawaBeach

3. Rearrange these disorder latters into good word or phrase so that it will go to meaning​



2. bank teller

3. hobby

4. corals

5. approaching

6. landed

7. alien

8. melodious

9. return

10. overjoyed

11. fertilizer

12. trowel

13. buried

14. clumsy

15. terrified

16. apologize

17. escape

18. thoughtful

19. ashamed

20. hurt

4. Mary needs to drive her new car much more carefully. Rangkaian kata yang digaris-bawahi adalah merupakan .... noun phrase adverbial phrase adjective phrase O verb phrase


mary perlu mengendarai mobil barunya dengan lebih hati hati

a.praksi kata benda

✔b.frase kata keterangan

c.frase kata kerja


maaf kalau salah jadikan jawaban terbaik semoga membantu jika ada yang salah komen aja ya sekali lagi aku minta maaf kalau salah

5. A. Write 5 (five) sentences use adverb with qualifier to make adverb phrase! B. Write 5 (five) sentences use Prepositional phrase to make adverb phrase! C. Write 5 (five) sentences use infinite phrase (adverb of purpose) to make adverb phrase!


C.write 5 (five) sentences use infinite phrase (adverb of purpose) to make adverb phrase


maaf kalau salah yaaaa

6. the underlined phrase in"sorry i can't go window shopping.."the underlined word is closest in meaning to​


window kalo gak salah y kk


Looking at goods in shops without buying

Maaf Kalau Salah:)

7. Ubahlah ke dalam bentuk yang tepat!Two Mechanics ( repair ) ... it before we start to workItu simple apa ya

Repairing (past continous)
Maaf kalo salah yaare repairing
(simple present continuous)

semoga membantu

8. Jawablah setiap pertanyaan dibawah ini! 1.Mention phrase to give an opinion! 2.mention a phrase to give a suggestion!


1.foot balll

2.she play bike

3.reading books,dancing, listening to music


1). I think that answer is wrong ( Aku pikir jawaban itu salah )

I believe that the earth is round ( Aku percaya bahwa bumi itu bulat )

I would say that is looking incredible ( Aku akan bilang kalau itu terlihat menakjubkan )

2).I suggest that you study grammar more. ( Aku menyarankan kalau kamu harus belajar buku kamus lebih banyak )

I suggest that he think more about it before he makes a decision. ( Aku menyarankan jika dia harus berfikir lebih dahulu sebelum menetapkan keputusan )

I recommend that she focus on improving her speaking. ( Aku merekomendasikan kalau dia harus fokus meningkatkan tata bicaranya )





9. perbedaan greeting dan parenting​


Greeting itu untuk sapaan, kalo parenting itu seperti mengajar. kaya orang tua kita

10. (+)... (-)... (?) Is hea mechanics

(+) He is a mechanic

(-) He is not a mechanic

(?) is he a mechanic?


Kalimat tersebut adalah Present Tense bentuk Nominal Sentence:

(+) S + To Be (is/am/are) + O

(-) S + To Be (is/am/are) + Not + O

(?) To Be (is/am/are) + S + O?

Catatan Subject + To Be

I = am

You, we, they = are

He, she, it = is


Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Kelas: SMP

Materi: Present Tense

11. Joni: why don't you go to the toilet yet?lilo: the toilet ... by another passenger. the correct phrase to complete the dialogue is ....​


Lilo: The toilet has been entered by someone else


Karena "Has been entered" adalah frasa.

12. Apa arti parenting zoom​


Penjelasan:karena orang batak mengatakan olo adalah artinya iya

13. nominal phrase is used to​


Penjelasan:Frasa adalah gabungan dua kata atau lebih yang bersifat non-predikatif maksudnya di antara kedua kata itu tidak ada yang berkedudukan sebagai predikat dan hanya memiliki satu makna gramatikal.

14. **We went to look for some seeds first ..."The underlined phrase is closest in meaning toA.findB.hopec. pick outd. go through​

Jawab: A. Find (menemukan)

Berdasarkan arti:

We went to look for some seeds first

= Kami pergi mencari benih dulu ... "

The underlined phrase is closest in meaning to

= Frasa yang digarisbawahi paling dekat dengan arti

A.find = menemukan

B.hope = harapan

c. pick out = mengambil

d. go through = melewati

* jadi jika yg digarisbawahi “look for” maka Jawaban yg paling tepat A.

* alasannya karena look for (mencari) paling dekat artinya dengan find (menemukan)

=====Semoga Membantu======

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Kelas: SMP

Materi: Synonym

Kode Mapel: 5

15. change the adverb clause to adverb phrase 1.when you have finished your work gou may go home

After finishing your work, you may go home.

16. The area outside the boundary is dangerous to cross. Rangkaian kata yang digaris-bawahi adalah merupakan .... Verb phrase. Adjective phrase. Noun phrase. Prepositional phrase.


jawaban = Prepositionalphrase


The area outsidethe boundary is dangerous to cross.

=(Wilayah di luar batas berbahaya untuk dilintasi.)

*kata outsidepada kalimat diatas berfungsi sebagai "Prepositional phrase" (frase kata depan) karena diikuti oleh "noun" yaitu "theboundary"

_smg mmBntu_

17. Tolong buat pertanyaan tentang parenting


1. Jelaskan peran penting ayah dalam mendidik anak?

18. 1). Identify the phrase type of these sentences as (Adjective Phrase, Adverb Phrase, Noun Phrase, Preposition phrase, or Verb Phrase)! a. Houses are unbelievably expensive just now. b. We met Paul last week. c. A car that won't go is not particularly useful. d. I enjoy eating in Indian restaurants. e. Don't you have to leave early? f. Tell him not to worry. Tolong dibantu kk terimakasih.

Jawaban: f. Tell him not to worry.


Semoga benar dan maaf kalau salah :)

19. phrase, dependent clause, independent clause, and write the term that you find belongs to the type of phrase like (noun phrase, verb phrase, adjective phrase, adverbial phrase or noun phrase) and for clause belongs to adverb clause, adjective clause or noun clause) in this paragraph. Maximum 3 examples i

Nama : SangKeren
Mapel : Bahasa inggris

This is easy. Can you speak English? Because even a little kid like me knows. Man, This is really sad. You should practice reading more often.

Maaf kalau salah

Semoga membantu

20. 41. The guide decided to go home because the rain started to fall. independent clause dependent clause phrase42. I will go to the play, but you will need to go to the football game with me. independent clause dependent clause phrase43. If they plan to sleep here tonight, they will need to sleep on the floor. independent clause dependent clause phrase44. The team with the most points wins. independent clause dependent clause phrase45. Defending that person’s behavior makes you look just as ridiculous. independent clause dependent clause phrase46. When the doorbell rings, the dog goes nuts. independent clause dependent clause phrase47. After losing our luggage, we went to the store and bought new clothes. independent clause dependent clause phrase48. Maybe we should go to the store before spending all of the grocery money. independent clause dependent clause phrase49. You can learn from television, but it can also rot your brain. independent clause dependent clause phrase50. She preferred eating at the local deli for lunch. independent clause dependent clause phrase

41. Pemandu memutuskan pulang karena hujan mulai turun.
klausa independen
klausa dependen frasa
42. Saya akan pergi ke drama ini, tapi Anda harus pergi ke pertandingan sepak bola dengan saya.
klausa independen
klausa dependen frasa
43. Jika mereka berencana untuk tidur di sini malam ini, mereka perlu tidur di lantai.
klausa independen
klausa dependen frasa
44. Tim dengan poin terbanyak menang. klausa independen
klausa dependen frasa
45. Membela perilaku orang itu membuat Anda terlihat sama konyolnya.
klausa independen
klausa dependen frasa
46. ​​Saat bel pintu berbunyi, anjing itu menjadi gila.
klausa independen
klausa dependen frasa
47. Setelah kehilangan barang bawaan kami, kami pergi ke toko dan membeli baju baru.
klausa independen
klausa dependen frasa
48. Mungkin kita harus pergi ke toko sebelum menghabiskan semua uang belanjaan.
klausa independen
klausa dependen frasa
49. Anda bisa belajar dari televisi, tapi bisa juga membusuk otak Anda.
klausa independen
klausa dependen frasa
50. Dia lebih suka makan di deli setempat untuk makan siang.
klausa independen
klausa dependen frasa

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