Selasa, 29 Maret 2022

Tax Simulation 4 Taxes For Students Everfi Answers

Tax Simulation 4 Taxes For Students Everfi Answers

3. Students who will participate in the seminar shouldA. Feature a simulation of trekking activitiesB. Be physically healthy to attend the simulationC. Have lunch before the simulationD. Take part in the simulation to practise martialarts​

Daftar Isi

1. 3. Students who will participate in the seminar shouldA. Feature a simulation of trekking activitiesB. Be physically healthy to attend the simulationC. Have lunch before the simulationD. Take part in the simulation to practise martialarts​




Feature a simulation of trekking activites(Menampilkan simulasi aktivitas trekking)

2. citizen has to play taxeswhat for..​


on the


maaf kalau salah

3. "Death and taxes" Americans often say that there are only two things a person can be sure of in life: death and taxes. Americans do not have a corner on the ‘death’ market, but many people fell that the United States leads the world with the worst taxes. Taxes consist of the money which people pay to support their govern-ment. There are generally three levels of government in the USA: city, state, and federal; therefore, there are three types of taxes. Salaried people who earn more than a few thousand dollars must pay a certain percentage of their salaries to the federal (national) govern-ment. The percentage varies for individuals. It depends on their salaries. The federal government has a graduated income tax; that is, the percentage of the tax (14 to 70 percent) increase as a person’s income increases. With the high cost of taxes, people are not very happy on April 15, when the federal taxes are due. The second tax is for the state government: New York, California, North Dakota, or any of the other forty-seven states. Some states have an income tax similar to that of the federal government. Of course, the percentage for the state tax is lower. Other states have a sales tax, which is a percentage charged to any item which you buy in that state. For example, a person might want to buy a package of gum for twenty-five cents. If there is a sales tax of eight percent in that state, then the cost of the gum is twenty-seven cents. This figure includes the sales tax. Some states use income tax in addition to sales tax to raise their revenues. The state tax laws are diverse and confusing. The third tax is for the city. This tax comes in two forms: property tax (residents who own a home have to pay taxes on it) and excise tax, which is levied on vehicles in a city. The cities utilize these funds for education, police and fire departments, public works (including street repairs, water, and sanitation) and municipal buildings. Since Americans pay such high taxes, they often feel that they are working one day each week just to pay their taxes. People always complain about taxes. They often protest that the government misuses their tax dollars. They say that it spends too much on useless and impractical programs. Although Americans have conflicting view on many issues - religious, racial, cultural, and political - they tend to agree in one subject: Taxes are too high. Read the passage entitled ‘Death and Taxes’ carefully. Be sure that you understand what the writer wanted to send to us as the readers. Then answer these following questions closely to the text. (1). In Europe there are for different seasons. The seasons are summer, autumn, sprink, and winter. As you know, ‘how many seasons are there in Indonesia?’ (2). According to the writer of the text that Americans are sure about death and taxes. What are their reasons to say so? (3). Write two different terms which you are very sure in life! (4). Have you ever paid taxes in your life? (5). What kind of taxes you have ever paid? (6). How much are the taxes? (7). Write down three different taxes Americans have to pay. (8). Do Indonesian people have to pay taxes for death? (9). When Indonesian people die, ‘what do the dead persons relatives have to pay?’


(1). In Europe there are for different seasons. The seasons are summer, autumn, spring, and winter. As you know, ‘how many seasons are there in Indonesia?’

There are two seasons in Indonesia with this tropical climate, the dry season and the monsoon season.

(2). According to the writer of the text that Americans are sure about death and taxes. What are their reasons to say so?

Their reasons are:

1. Nobody escapes death.

2. Their country taxes everything.

3. Their country has the worst taxing system.

4. Taxes are too high in their country.

(3). Write two different terms which you are very sure in life!

1. God (Tuhan)

2. Miracles (Keajaiban yang datangnya dari Tuhan)

(4). Have you ever paid taxes in your life?

Yes, I have.

(5). What kind of taxes you have ever paid?

Products, because whenever I buy something, I pay the taxes.

(6). How much are the taxes?

Well, it depends on how much the price of the products.

(7). Write down three different taxes Americans have to pay.

1. Payroll taxes

2. Property taxes

3. Corporate income taxes

(8). Do Indonesian people have to pay taxes for death?

Yes, Indonesian people do.

(9). When Indonesian people die, ‘what do the dead persons relatives have to pay?’

They have to pay estate and inheritance taxes.


Teks pada soal ingin menyampaikan sesuatu yang pasti dalam hidup, terutama untuk rakyat Amerika yang kemungkinan juga dialami oleh rakyat negara lain di dunia. Dalam teks dinyatakan bahwa kematian dan pajak merupakan hal yang pasti dialami oleh semua orang di Amerika dan Indonesia.

Semoga membantu ya.

4. An advantage of the historic or back simulation model for quantifying market risk includes !


C. the systematic risk of the trading positions is known


5. pada tax code information untuk kode pajak PPN, Linked tax for tax collected di isi dengan account?A. Tax payableB. VAT InC. VAT OutD. Goods&service taxE. Sales tax​


A. Tax Payable


semoga ngebantu ya

6. Help For Answers Pleaseee Fast Yo

c. cannnot

maaf kalo salah

7. Pada tax code information untuk kode pajak ppn,linked account for tax collected diisi dengan account

Jawaban: PPN outcome

8. answers for this question





11.B. Badly






Maap Kalau Salah Boss

9. Rearrange the dialog below into a good one! (Urutkan dialog dibawah ini menjadi dialog yang bagus) Reorder answers 1. Teacher : Everybody, Are you ready to learn English now? Reorder answers 2. Students : Good morning, ma’am Reorder answers 3. Siti : Yes, We will use English in our English class. Reorder answers 4. Teacher : Good morning, students. Reorder answers 5. Students : We will use English in our class. Do you understand me, Siti. What did I say? Reorder answers 6. Students : Yes, Ma’am Reorder answers 7. Students : Yes, Ma’am Reorder answers 8. Teacher : Everybody, may I have your attention, please? Reorder answers 9. Teacher : Listen to our explanation!

Jawaban :

Teacher  : Good morning, students

Students : Good morning, ma’am

Teacher  : Everybody, may I have your attention, please ?

Students : Yes, ma’am

Teacher  : Everybody, are you ready to learn English now ?

Students : Yes, ma’am

Teacher  : Listen to our explanation !

Students : We will use English in our class

Teacher : Do you understand me, Siti. What did I say ?

Siti         : Yes, We will use English in our English class

Penjelasan :

Jika terdapat bentuk soal yang berbentuk dialog seperti contoh soal diatas dan kalian harus mengurutkannya, maka hal yang pertama kali harus dilakukan adalah menterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa indonesia terlebih dahulu, cara menterjemahkannya dengan bantuan google translate atau dengan kamus terjemahan bahasa inggris - bahasa indonesia. Jika kalian sudah menterjemahkan semua artinya maka kalian akan lebih mudah mengurutkannya menjadi sebuah dialog yang utuh.

Pelajari lebih lanjut :

materi contoh dialog dalam bahasa inggris pada link


10. pada tax code information untuk kode pajak PPN linked account for tax collection diisi dengan account​


PPN outcome


maaf kalo salah

11. Rearrange the dialog below into a good one! (Urutkan dialog dibawah ini menjadi dialog yang bagus) Reorder answers 1. Teacher : Everybody, Are you ready to learn English now? Reorder answers 2. Students : Good morning, ma'am Reorder answers 3. Siti : Yes, Ma.Am. We will use English in our English class. Reorder answers 4. Teacher : Good morning, students. Reorder answers 5. Students : We will use English in our class. Do you understand me, Siti. What did I say? Reorder answers 6. Students : Yes, Ma'am Reorder answers 7. Students : Yes, Ma'am Reorder answers 8. Teacher : Everybody, may I have your attention, please? Reorder answers 9. Teacher : Listen to our explanation!

Urutan dialognya: 4. Teacher: Good morning, Students2. Students: Good morning, Ma’am8. Teacher: Everybody, may I have your attention, please?6. Students: yes, Ma’am9. Teacher Listen to my explanation7. Students: Yes, Ma’amTeacher: we will use English in our class. 5. Do you understand me? Siti, what did I say?3. Siti: Yes, Ma’am. We will use English in our English class1. Teacher: Everybody, are you ready to learn English now?

Artinya:Guru: Selamat pagi, murid2Siswa: Selamat pagi, BuGuru: Semuanya, boleh saya minta perhatian kalian?Siswa: ya, BuGuru: Dengarkan penjelasan sayaSiswa: Ya, BuGuru: kita akan menggunakan bahasa Inggris di kelas kita. Apakah kalian mengerti [maksud] saya? Siti, apa yang saya katakan?Siti: Ya, bu. Kita akan menggunakan bahasa Inggris di kelas kita [saat pelajaran] bahasa InggrisGuru: Semuanya, apakah kalian siap untuk belajar bahasa Inggris sekarang?

PEMBAHASANExpression Attention

Ungkapan untuk mendapatkan perhatian atau atensi dari perorangan atau kelompok.

Expression:Excuse me,Listen to meAttention, pleasePay attention, pleaseMay I have your attention, please?

Response:YesI see.Sure.Really?Tell me more about it.


Percakapan terjadi di kelas antara guru dengan para murid:

Guru meminta para perhatian murid2nya dan murid mengiyakanlalu sebelum memulai pembelajaran kelas, guru memberitahu para muridnya bahwa mereka akan belajar bahasa inggris dengan menggunakan Bahasa Inggris.kemudian guru megecek apakah ada yg mendengarkannya dan memilih salah satu muridnya yaitu sitidan siti menjawab yg menandakan bahwa ia mendengarkan gurunyasetelah pemberitahuan tsb maka BARULAH proses pembelajaran benar2 dimulai yaitu guru bertanya "Everybody, are you ready to learn English now?" ✔

Pelajari Lebih Lanjut

Menyusun percakapan:

Soal serupa:


Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Materi: Expression of Attention

Kelas: 8

Kode Soal: 5

Kode Kategorisasi: 8.5

12. Arrange these jumbled words into good sentences!1. obligatory/file/is/electronically?/to/it 2. necessary/keep/to/copies/it/of/returns/tax/is/your3. year?/when/next/will/taxes/we/to/file/need 4. must/taxes/send/my/\/today5. tax/returns/by/finished/April 15th/all/be/must6. before/closes/post office/she/go/to/has/to/got/it/the7. or/you/l/complete/taxes,/it?/do/did/our/to/have8. father/to/additional/this/my/has/pay/taxes/year 9. need/you/taxes?/do/to/file 10. grandmother/taxes/any/more/pay/to/not/have/does/her​​


1. Is it obligatory to file electronically?

2. Is it necessary to keep your copies of tax returns?

3. when will we need to file taxes next year?

4. I must send my taxes today.

5. All tax returns must be finished by April 15th.

6. She has got to go to the post office before it closes.

7. Did you complete our taxes, or i have to do it?

8. My father has to pay additional taxes this year.

9. Do you need to file taxes?

10. Her grandmother does not have to pay taxes any more.

Semoga Membantu

13. Buat 10 pertanyaan offering help. 5 answers for accpeting help(menerima bantuan) and 5 answers for refusing help (menolak bantuan).​


Offering help ;

1. May I help you to buy an ice cream?

2. Can I help you to do your assignment?

3.Excuse me, May I help you for something sir?

4.May I help u to bring that half of twenty-six books?

5. Do u want to use my usb stick to save ur document?

6.Gd evening Sir, Can I get you some water

7.Would u like to get in my house? i'll get some snacks for you

14. The Importance of Paying Tax Taxes that we are obliged to pay monthly, quarterly and annually often come to us as a (1)..., yet it is better to pay appropriately than to have back taxes, which will haunt us. Taxes have been in existence for thousands of years and will forever (2)... as long as we have a civilization. Indeed, paying tax is a burden we all must live with, however, it is also pertinent to take into consideration that taxes and other forms of indemnity imposed by the government play a crucial role toward the progress of humanity. Therefore, it will only make sense to follow through with the obligation of paying taxes. Here are the reasons why it is important to pay your taxes appropriately: First, it gives social welfare pack. Social welfare and social security are one of the greatest benefits the less (3) .., homeless and those in need enjoy without having to pay back. Taxes over the years have been used to fund social welfare packages, which are important to humanity, especially the needy. Social welfare packages are a must in a sane society and without taxes; it would not be possible to render such services. Government over the years has used (4).. from taxes to build health services and other institutions beneficial to humanity, thereby laying a better foundation for the future generation. Therefore, proceeds from taxes go a long way to improve the standard of living in a society. Second, paying taxes will sustain government. A tax irrespective of its name is another life source of government (5) .... No government can sustain itself without tax. Tax money goes a long way in funding government programs, which are needed to keep a government alive. There is no government in the world today that does not collect tax in one way or another, and the reason is to sustain itself. Because taxes are the life source of a nation, we should be (6)..., to this life source in order to keep the nation functioning. That said, tax is essential to help the government give us protection, build better roads and bridges, institutions and provide social infrastructures... Last, paying taxes regularly will (7) back taxes we owe the government, we often think of ways to cut back on it. Well, most tax laws understand the hardships of every taxpayer. Though, tax services are available for those who are (8) ... in paying their taxes, which is a helpful opportunity to people who don't have available money or funds. But, why (9)... you to resolve defaulting tax duties? Paying taxes will save you from the wasted time and energy of being called in to pay or even jail time for not paying taxes. In view of the above, it is important to know that paying our taxes makes us better citizens, helping build a stronger nation for its citizens and the future generation that will follow. Though tax (10) ... is considered unlawful, there are means which can be followed in order to resolve such acts without having to get to court. However, a stitch in time saves nine. ... you from taxes back. When being confronted with​


The importance of Paying Tax

Taxes that we are obliged to pay monthly, quarterly and annually often come to us as a (1) burden, yet it is better to pay appropriately than to have back taxes, which will haunt us. Taxes have been in existence for thousands of years and will forever (2) remain as long as we have a civilization. Indeed, paying tax is a burden we all must live with, however, it is also pertinent to take into consideration that taxes and other forms of indemnity imposed by the government play a crucial role toward the progress of humanity. Therefore, it will only make sense to follow through with the obligation of paying taxes.


Here are the reasons why it is important to pay your taxes appropriately:

First, it gives social welfare pack. Social welfare and social security are one of the greatest benefits the less (3) privilege, homeless and those in need enjoy without having to pay back. Taxes over the years have been used to fund social welfare packages, which are important to humanity, especially the needy. Social welfare packages are a must in a sane society and without taxes; it would not be possible to render such services. Government over the years have used (4) proceeds from taxes to build health services and other institutions beneficial to humanity, thereby laying a better foundation for the future generation. Therefore, proceeds from taxes go a long way to improve the standard of living in a society.

Second, paying taxes will sustain government. A tax irrespective of its name is another life source of government (5) sustenance. No government can sustain itself without tax. Tax money goes a long way in funding government programs, which are needed to keep a government alive. There is no government in the world today that does not collect tax in one way or another, and the reason is to sustain itself. Because taxes are the life source of a nation, we should be (6) patriotic to this life source in order to keep the nation functioning. That said, tax is essential to help the government give us protection, build better roads and bridges, institutions and provide social infrastructures.

Last, paying taxes regularly will (7) avoid back taxes we owe the government, we often think of ways to cut back on it. Well, most tax laws understand the hardships of every taxpayer. Though, tax services are available for those who are (8) delinquent in paying their taxes, which is a helpful opportunity to people who don’t have available money or funds. But, why (9) hassle you to resolve defaulting tax duties? Paying taxes will save you from the wasted time and energy of being called in to pay or even jail time for not paying taxes.

In view of the above, tax services should be reformed to make it more flexible to directly reduce defaulters and tax back. It is also important to know that paying our taxes makes us better citizens, helping build a stronger nation for its citizens and the future generation that will follow. Though tax (10) evasion is considered unlawful, there are means which can be followed in order to resolve such acts without having to get to court. However, a stitch in time saves nine.

Pelajari lebih lanjut mengenai perbedaan hortatory exposition dengan analytical exposition pada


15. Arrange these jumbled words into good sentences! 1. obligatory/file/is/electronically?/to/it 2. necessary/keep/to/copies/it/of/returns/tax/is/your 3. year?/when/next/will/taxes/we/to/file/need 4. must/taxes/send/my/\/today 5. tax/returns/by/finished/April 15th/all/be/must 6. before/closes/post office/she/go/to/has/to/got/it/the 7. or/you/l/complete/taxes,/it?/do/did/our/to/have 8. father/to/additional/this/my/has/pay/taxes/year 9. need/you/taxes?/do/to/file 10. grandmother/taxes/any/more/pay/to/not/have/does/her​


uY7haguau az gsu7svua vusuvgvsuvsysgghugvha7a5bbsua7 bahagianyA



16. 6. pada tax code information untuk kodepajak PPN ,Linked account for taxcollected diisi dengan account....​

PPN Keluaran (VAT OUT)

17. chapter 4 For example hal 56English class 8 please answers...

maaf kalo salah
hal 55 sama hal 56 kan??

18. FPB Dari 16,24, Dan 30 Adalah? Ty For All Answers

16:2=8:2=4:2=2    16=2 pangkat 4
24:2=12:2=6:2=3    24=2 pangkat 3*3
30:2=15:3=5  =2*3*5
semoga membantu ya.........

19. only need answers for numbers 1&4&5​


1. C

4. C

5. A

maaf jika salah :(

semoga membantu :)


1. c the writers new backpack

4.d the writers bedroom

5.b in the center of the room


1&4: its about what the writers are telling about in the story

20. answers:4)5)6)thank you for your help​


maaf da pintar bahas inggris

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