Minggu, 24 April 2022

A 1400 Kg Steel Beam Is Supported By Two Ropes

A 1400 Kg Steel Beam Is Supported By Two Ropes

What is globalization supported by

Daftar Isi

1. What is globalization supported by


globalisasi adalah suatu proses sosial yang di dalamnya kendala geografi terhadap pengaturan sosial dan budaya menjadi surut dan manusia menjadi semakin sadar bahwa pengaturan tersebut menjadi semakin surut


Globalization isa social process in which the geographical barriers to social and cultural governance are diminishing more and more people realize that they are slipping away

2. c) a sound wave of frequency 7.5 khz travels through a steel beam at a speed of 6100 m/s. (i) calculate the wavelength of this sound wave in the steel beam.


0.8133 m


Known :

f : 7.5 kHz

v : 6100 m/s

Asked : wavelength (λ) = ?


λ = v/f = 6100 / (7500 Hz) = 61/75 = 0.8133 m

3. Which statement is NOT TRUE to describe the size of a beam? (A) The beam is 3 meters long. (B) The beam is 3 meters length. (C) The beam has a length of 3 m. (D) The length of the beam is 3 m. (E) The beam is 3 meters in length.​


(B) The beam is 3 meters length.


Cara mengucapkan panjang 3 meter benar semua kecuali B.

Semoga bermanfaat




size of a beam is not long, but length

4. Aleron measures the length of three ropes. Rope A is 1/2 m long, Rope B is 5/8 m long and Rope C is 3/8 m long. What is the total length of three ropes?The total length of three ropes is _______ m. * Jawaban Anda ​


1 1/2 m

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Rope A = 1/2 m x4 = 4/8 m

Rope B = 5/8 m

Rope C = 3/8 m

Total = 4/8 m + 5/8 m + 3/8 m = 9/8 m + 3/8 m

= 12/8 m

= 1 4/8 m

= 1 1/2 m


1 1/2

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

semoga membantu......

5. steel to molten steel is an example of a​


benda padat / solid object

semoga membantu

6. ... by many scientists and researc hers throughout the world, robotics is employed in auto mobile manufacturing. (A) supporting (B) it supported (C) supported (D) have been supported

C. Supported
semoga membantu... by many scientists and researc hers throughout the world, robotics is employed in auto mobile manufacturing.

↪(A) supporting

[tex] Semoga [/tex] [tex] Membantu [/tex] ⛅

7. A ... is a piece of furniture that consists of a flat top supported by legs. a.table b. chair c.cupboard d. door ​


a. table


maaf jika salah


A. \ B.



8. what is grin and beam?

grin = smile broadly, especially in an unrestrained manner and with the mouth open.

beam = a long, sturdy piece of squared timber or metal spanning an opening or part of a building, usually to support the roof or floor above.

Grin and Beam juga bisa diartikan sebagai sebuah perusahaan asal Belanda yang memproduksi perabotan rumah tangga dengan desain yang unik (grinandbeam.nl)

Semoga membantu :)

9. Apa artinya the rusting of the steel string is significantly indicated by


the rusting of the steel string is significantly indicated by

Artinya adalah karat dari senar baja secara signifikan ditunjukkan oleh

10. the rusting of the Steel string is significantly indicanted by

karat dari tali baja secara berlebihan ditunjukkan oleh

11. The mass of 5 equal steel balls is 8 kg. Calculate the mass, in kg of 4 steel balls.​


6,4 kg

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

5 steel balls = 8 kg

1 steel ball = 8 : 5 = 1,6 kg

so, 4 steel balls = 4 x 1,6 kg = 6,4 kg

12. The Last King of the Steel string is significantly indicated by titik-titik

by acoustic guitars

semoga membantu

13. apa arti dari this network is not supported

jaringan ini tidak mendukungjaringan ini tidak didukung

14. Soal: A uniform beam of length 7.60 m and weight 4.5 x 10- N is carried by two workers, Sam and Joe, as shown in Figure. Determine the force that each person exerts on the beam. Sam Joe L. -1.00 m -2.00 m 7.60 m​


panjang bgt. bentar y


th 7.60 m and weight 4.5 x 10- N is carried by two workers, Sam and Joe, as shown in al: A uniform beam of length 7.60 m and weight 4.5 x 10- N is carried by two workers, Sam and Joe, as shown in Figure. Determine the force that each person exerts on the beam. Sam Joe L. -1.00 m -2.00 m 7.60 mal: A uniform beam of length 7.60 m and weight 4.5 x 10- N is carried by two workers, Sam and Joe, as shown in Figure. Determine the force that each person exerts on the beam. Sam Joe L. -1.00 m -2.00 m 7.60 m

15. 1400 gram = dengan kg 1400 gram sama dengan berapa kg ​


1=2,4 km=24.000m

3,5 ton =3500gram|1400 gram=14kg

24 menit =1440 s

3,5 jam=12.600 s

maaf kalau salah okayy see you


1 gram= 0,001 kg

1400 gram= 1,4 kg

16. 1400 ons =.............kg​



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Maaf klo salahh:)


naik 10=dibagi 10


Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

17. what is grim and beam

grim = forbidding or uninviting.

beam = a long, sturdy piece of squared timber or metal spanning an opening or part of a building, usually to support the roof or floor above.

18. A...... is usually made of iron and steel





19. 1400 gram= ........kg?​


1.4 kg

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

karena 1000 gram = 1kg


1,4 kg

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

1.400 gram = 1,4kg

1.400 ÷ 10³

= 1.400 ÷ 1.000

= 1,4 kg

-- NPQ --

20. the rusting of the steel string is significantly indicated by

the change of colour of some parts of the string

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