Minggu, 24 April 2022

What Minimum Mass Of H2so4 Would You Need

What Minimum Mass Of H2so4 Would You Need

The mass of a baby is 3.4 kg, correct to 1 decimal place. What is the minimum mass of the baby?

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1. The mass of a baby is 3.4 kg, correct to 1 decimal place. What is the minimum mass of the baby?


3'4 decimal place


thank you,sorry for my answer false

2. The mass of a baby is 3.4 kg, correct to 1 decimal place. What is the minimum mass of the baby?


3,4 desimal place

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

sorry for my answer false

3. what would you say if you need help to someone?​


"can you help me? "


semoga membantu


can you help me please


maaf kalo salah

4. 4 sacks of corn kernels are shown below.-what is their Average mass?-What is the total mass of corn kernels ?​

4 kernels = 15kg, 6kg, 10kg, 5kg

total mass of corn kernels

= 15+6+10+5

= 36kg

Average = total data/frequency

= (15+6+10+5)/4

= 36/4

= 9 kg

So, the average mass is 9kgand the total mass is 36kg

5. The mass of 30 identical books is 9.6 kg. What is the mass of each book?​


0,32 kg

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

the mass of each book

= 9.6 kg/30

= 0,32 kg

6. what is the molarity of H2SO4 if the molecular mass is 98,S.G 1.84 and purity is 97%?Tolong Saya,Thank you.

Mr = 98
% = 97
massa jenis 1,84

Molaritas =( % x 10 x massa jenis) /Mr
M = 97x10x1,84/98 = 18,2 molar

7. the ratio of amy's mass to bala's mass is 4 : 3. the ratio of bala's mass to chandra's mass is 9 : 7. what is the ratio of amy's mass to bala's mass to chandra:s mass?

A : B
4 : 3
B : C
9 : 7

A : B : C
= (4x9) : (3x9) : (7x3)
= 36 : 27 : 21
= 12 : 9 : 7
Jadi perbandingannya adalah 12 : 9 : 7

8. the mass of 1 orange is 110 grams what is the mass of 5 oranges?​


5 orange × 110 grams = 550 grams


If 1 orange is 110 grams,so the mass of 5 oranges is :

= 110 grams x 5

= 550 grams

9. the mass of pencil 115 grams the mass of a book is 385 grams what is the their total mass​


500 mass is the total mass

The total mass is
115 grams + 385 grams=500 grams
So,the total mass is 500 grams

10. a kitten and a basket has a mass of 3 kg . A hamster and a similar basket has a mass of 1.4kg . the mass of the kitten is 5 times the mass of the hamster .a. what is the mass of the hamster ? , b. what is the mass of the kitten ?

kitten = x ,hamster = y and baskest = z

x+z = 3 kg
y+z = 1,4 kg

z = x- y = 3 kg - 1,4 kg = 1,6 kg

x+y = 4,4 kg - 1,6 kg = 2, 8 kg

x = 5y 
5y +y = 2,8 kg
    6y  = 2,8 kg
      y = 2,8 kg /6
      y = 0,47 kg
x = 5y
   = 5 * 0,47 kg
   = 2,35 kg 

a. mass off  hamster = 0,47 kg
b. mas off kitten = 2,35 kg

bonus...mass of basket = 1,6 kg


11. The mean mass of 18 bags of oranges is 2.5 kg. if a 19th bag containing 4 kg of oranges is included, what would the new mean mass of the 19 bags be?

Mean is the total mass divided by the number of bags. So to find the new mean, we need the new total mass and, to find the new total mass, of course we need the old total mass.

Here I define some symbol I will use.

T1 : old total mass
M1: old mean
N1: old number of bag
T2: new total mass
M2: new mean
N2: new number of bag
A: additional mass

Find the old total mass
T1 = N1 x M1 = 18 x 2.5 = 45

And the add the old total mass with the additional one to find the new total mass
T2 = T1 + A = 45 + 4 = 49

The we find the new mean by deviding it with the number of bags
M2 = T2/N2 = 49/19 = 2.58

So the new mean mass is 2.58 kg.

Hope this would be helpful for you.

12. you need to drink a lot of water so what​

you need to drink a lot of water so what

Anda perlu minum banyak air jadi apa?



semoga benar dan tepat.

13. What Would you need to prepare if you are about to apply the vacancies? tolong jawabannya

You need to prepare your stuff, such as clothes, shoes, jacket, ticket (if you traveling with a bus, train, plane, etc), and your personal medicine. And make sure that your parents know where you go, with who you go, and how long you go. You also need to know the emergency number for preparation if something happen to you, or to someone that travel with you.

14. what is the law of conservation of mass ?


suatu hukum yang menyatakan massa dari suatu sistem tertutup akan konstan meskipun terjadi berbagai macam proses di dalam sistem tersebut (dalam sistem tertutup Massa zat sebelum dan sesudah reaksi adalah sama (tetap/konstan)


15. A kitten and a basket has a mass of 3 kg. A hanster and a similar basket has a mass of 1.4 kg. The mass of the kitten is 5 times the mass of the hamster. (a) what is the mass of the hamster? (b) what is the mass of the kitten?

hamster = x
kitten =y

x + z = 1,4
y+ z = 3. (+)
x-y = -1,6
6x = 1,6. x =0,267
y = 5x=5×0,267=1,335

16. what Will you do of you need someone help immeaditely?​


soal nya mana gak ada soal


mana pertanyaan nya gak ada pertanyaan disini

17. Would you offer any help? What would you say? Example:do you need a ride home?

1. do you need a hand to move that bag?
2. do you mind if i bring that package?
3. do you want to be phoned at 4?

18. Zalina's mass is 5 times as Magdalene's mass. What is the ratio of Magdalene's mass to the total mass of the two girls? ​

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Massa Zalina adalah 5 kali massa Magdalena. Berapa perbandingan massa Magdalena dengan massa total kedua gadis itu?

19. what are the question need to ask to find out what contributes to mass of an atom

Please be aware that on the neutral atom will have the number of protons (p) and electrons (e) equals the Mass Number (Z) so that Z = p = e.

20. if your mass is 35 kg and the total area of the soles of your feet is 70 cm, what pressure would you exert on the ground

If it is asked in cm, then

First, convert kg to g

35 x 1,000 = 35,000 g

Then pressure per cm

35,000 / 70  = 500 g / cm


0,5 kg / cm

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