Rabu, 27 April 2022

The Extraordinary Science Of Addictive Junk Food

The Extraordinary Science Of Addictive Junk Food

apa singkatan Extraordinary People Of Science One ?

Daftar Isi

1. apa singkatan Extraordinary People Of Science One ?

EPOSO mungkin menurut aku sih begituBuat nama kelas ya? EXPOSE aja bagus.

2. give your suggestion bassed on the picture of the junk food


gambarnya mana?


kalo gini biasanya "we should reconsider the ingredients used to make that dish" tapi dikirim link foto dikomen aja biar aman

3. 1.what is junk food? 2.why di urban residents like to eat junk food?3.what are included as junk food?4.what are the possible impacts of too often consuming junk food?5. what can reduce the risk of diabetes? jawab berdasarkan teks diatas

1.identical with fast food
2.because them have limited time
3.(Tidak tahu)
4.bad impact
5.(Tidak tahu)
Maaf ya ada yg ngak tahu

4. Dimana thesis, argument, dan reiteration dalam teks analytical exposition ini?Dan apa saja konjungsinya?The Disadvantages of Junk Food for your diet


Eating junk food on a regular basis can lead to an increased risk of obesity and chronic diseases like cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and some cancers. We know Australian's eat too much junk food. 35% of adults' daily energy intake (kilojoules) comes from junk food.

5. 1. if you always do some experiments about science,.....2. if you stop eating junk food,.....​


1). You might become a scientist

2).You will be healthier


Maaf kalau ada salah

6. udin is getting sick brcause of junk food​


Junk food is food that is typically unhealthy and rich in fat, salt and sugar. These foods can cause various health problems, including obesity, heart problems and diabetes. Udin may be sick because he often eats junk food, which can cause various health problems.

To maintain his health, Udin should reduce his consumption of junk food and eat healthier foods such as vegetables, fruits, and healthy proteins. This will help Udin maintain his health and stay away from health problems that can be caused by junk food.


Udin sakit karena junk food

7. Man : Many people like junk food. What do you think about it? Woman : That's right. Mostly junk food are delicious. I like junk food, too. Man : I think junk food is not good for our helath. Some articles say that junk food leeds to obesity. Woman : You're right. That's why I only eat junk food twice a month. I don't want to be fat. What can we learn from the dialogue? A. they like junk food B. mostly junk food are expensive C. the woman is very fat because of junk food. D. the man doesn't like junk food. E. they agree that junk food is not good for health


E. they agree that junk food is not good for health


semoga membantu :)

8. 1.what are included as junk food,?2.why does pregnant woman shoula avoid consuming junk food?3.what can reduce the risk of diabetes?

1) Hamburger, hot dogs, french fries, carbonayed drink, candy and various types of cake that use an articial sweetener

2) because, junk food can cause bad impacts for health. Besides, junk food can also increase the risk of diabetes, a heart attack, as well as hypertension

3) reduce the consumption of junk food, exercise, eat healthy foods and not eating too much sugar

9. 5.if you stop rating junk food 6.if you always do some experiment about science

5. Jika kamu stop peringkat makanan sampah.
6. jika kamu selalu melakukan eksperimen tentang sains.

10. Man: Many people like junk food. What do you think about it?Woman : That's right. Mostly junk food are delicious. I like junk food, too.Man : I think junk food is not good for our health. Some articles say that junkfood leads to obesity.Woman You're right. That's why I only eat junk food twice a month. I don't wantto be fat.What can we lean from the dialogue?y They like junk food1. Mostly junk food are expensive.Oc. The woman is very fat because of junk food.D. The man doesn't like junk food.​


d. The man doesn't like junk food.

only this option that right from the dialogue.

(sorry if i false)

11. give 3 examples of junk food?bahasa indonesianya dan jawab


Give 3 examples of junk food?
Berikan tiga contoh makanan cepat saji.
Answer: KFC, hamburger, Pizza Hut.

Arti : berikan 3 contoh makanan cepat saji.
Jawaban : KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken), Humberger, Pizza.
Smoga membantu^^

12. Membuat pidato bahasa inggris tentang the effect of junk food for body

Assalamualaikum wr. WbGood Morning Everybody, how are you today?First of all, lets pray worship and gratitude to Allah Swt, because of his mercy, we can gather here in this morning without any troubles in good healt condition.Secondly don’t forget prise sholawat and salam to our propet Muhammas Saw, who  has guided people from darkness to lightness like we feel on this day.The Honorable Mrs.Tryy as our teacher , and also my beloved Friend in Twelve Science Three (XII IPA 3).My name is Sri Rahayu.  Thanks for giving me the opportunity to say a few word at this time. In this occasion I’d like to speak about Fast Food:Positive and Negetive.Ladies and Gentleman, Did you like junk  food? Have you ever eat that more than fiveteen time in a week? So did you know what the junk food is?Fast food also knownas  junk food is the term for the kind of food that people eat from a restaurant where the foodis prepared and served quickly.Weel. However we must be loved fast food right? We can get fast food everywhere. Fast food restaurant that provide these types of foods are scattered throughout in the region. Including in the are of shopping center like malls.You know the restaurant that can provide fast food like junk food?Lets mention it : KFC, CFC, Hoka-Hoka Bento, Pizza-Hut, Mc Donalld,J-Cool, A.W and the other again.You like to visit that place right? Maybe with your family, friend, Your Girl Friend or also your Boy Friend isn’t?Now we talk about the menu’s. I want to ask yo  u, what kindof food you like if you order it?Maybe Hamburger? French Fries? Sphagetty? Pizza or maybe just soft drink? It’s hear delicious right?Did you know some of people consider junk food as the dangerous food and other still enjoy consuming this type of food. Althought there are so many debate about advantages and disavantages fast food, the industry is still growing. Does fast food is good or bad for our health? It will be our discussed at this time.·         Well, the first positive think of fast food is fast and taste.The most obvious advantages of fast food is saving time and delicious. In this fast-paced life, there’s no better option other than fast food eventhough there are so many people who recommended the healty food. When someone come home with hunger and tiring because of work, fast food becomes the main choice for them. They do not have time to go to kitchen or shopping to supermarket just to get a various of healthy food.Moreover fast food veritable can be more tasty than the food we made. And we also can get the food without coming to the restaurant, we only called to the restaurandto order the food.

13. Food addictive berfungsi untuk


bahan yang ditambahkan dengan sengaja ke dalam makanan dalam jumlah kecil, dengan tujuan untuk memperbaiki penampakan, cita rasa, tekstur, dan memperpanjang daya simpan.[


maaf jika salah。◕‿◕。

14. dialog cause and effect of eating junk food ​


dialog sebab akibat makan junk food

15. perbedaan fast food dan junk food

Fastfood adalah makanan cepat saji, dimana sebelumnya sudah dilakukan proses pengolahan tahap awal sehingga pada saat ada pesanan hanya dibutuhkan proses pengolahan lanjutan yang waktunya relatif lebih cepat.
Junkfood adalah makanan “sampah”, yaitu makanan yang tidak dibutuhkan oleh tubuh karena mengandung kalori berlebih atau sangat rendah kalori serta mempunyai gizi yang tidak seimbang, mengandung lemak jenuh yang cukup tinggi, tinggi kandungan natrium/ garam, bahan perasa/ umami yang terlalu banyak, dan adanya pengawet tertentu yang apabila sering dikonsumsi akan berdampak negatif terhadap kesehatan.fast food itu makanan siap saji dan pembuatannya bisa cepat
junk food itu siap saji tapi makanannnya tidak sehat dan mengandung bahan kimiA. itulah kenapa di sebut makanan sampah

16. The advantage and the weakness junk food from schoolMinimal 3

Effect on Cardiovascular Health

Junk food isn't great for your heart. Many types of junk food come packed with saturated fat. This type of fat increases the "bad" cholesterol in your bloodstream, which puts your heart health at risk. In addition, the sodium found in salty junk foods raises your blood pressure, which can put you on track for cardiovascular problems later in life.

Weight Gain

Filling your diet with junk food may lead to weight gain. It takes an extra 3,500 calories in your diet to gain 1 pound of body weight. For example, consuming 500 calories from junk food each day can lead to 1 pound of weight gain in just a week. If you find yourself at the vending machine in the afternoon, pack healthy snacks the night before and bring them to work. Snack on whole fruit, wheat crackers and baby carrots with fat-free dressing instead. These snacks provide fewer calories than junk food, so you are less likely to gain weight.
Tooth Decay

A diet rich in sugary sweets increases your chances of developing cavities. Tooth decay occurs when enamel, the protective coating on your teeth, starts to break down. Eating junk food with a high sugar content, such as soda, candy and baked goods, coats your mouth, gums, tongue and teeth with sugar. This sugar coating attacks enamel and leads to tooth decay and cavities. Avoid having a painful trip to the dentist by eliminating sugary snacks from your diet. If you drink soda, switch to a sugar-free variety. Lessen your risk of tooth decay by brushing your teeth after each meal or snack.

semoga bermanfaat ya...

17. udin is getting sick because of junk food​


Don't overdo something, because something too much isn't good

18. Mengonsumsi makanan junk food terlalu sering juga dapat mengakibatkan menstruasi dini, karena makanan junk food kurang menyehatkan karena banyak mengandung bahan pengawet. contoh makanan junk food yaitu.....​


gorenganmakanan kalenganmie instandaging yang diproses (sosis,ham,dll)


maaf kalau salah

19. Yang benar, she are eating junk food atau she is eating junk food


She is eating junk food



she is


she he : is

i : am

you they we : are

20. General classification of junk food

the junk food contains, in general,high evel of fat,salt,spicies or sugar (which stimulate the appetite and thirst, which has general interest for establishment that provide that ind of food)

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