Selasa, 26 April 2022

What Other Evidence Supports The Inference About Twentieth Century Fads

What Other Evidence Supports The Inference About Twentieth Century Fads

What evidence supports the conclusion that increased globalization is inevitable?

Daftar Isi

1. What evidence supports the conclusion that increased globalization is inevitable?

Technology has created ties among nations.

2. What is the information that supports writer's reasoning?ConclusionClaimTopicEvidence​




I hope this helps

# sorry if wrong

3. What evidence supports the theory that human life began on the continent of Africa?

The proof of common ancestors is evidence that shows that all organisms on earth are descended from the same ancestors. The many proofs of common ancestors in living things prove the existence of evolution and provide much information about the processes of nature in which the diversity of life on earth develops. This evidence supports the synthesis of modern evolution, which is a scientific theory that explains how and why life changes over time.

4. The 21st Century is the current . What ia the textile about

soalnya kurang lengkap

5. what were the characteristics of the british 20th century

romanticism and realism
romanticism and realism

6. 1. what is dialog about? 2. Is it formal situation? Explain. Give evidence from the dialog.

1. introduction
2. yeah. beacuse it is in the school= I have to go and submit my homework to miss butet.

7. Enstein is one of the undisputed genius of the twentieth century. What is the closest meaning of the word undisputed?


Enstein adalah salah satu jenius tak terbantahkan dari abad kedua puluh. Apa arti terdekat dari kata yang tidak terbantahkan?

8. what inference can be made about the rotation of the earth based on the changing position of the shadow?​


The rotation of the earth causes the part of the earth that is facing the sun to get light and experience daylight.

While on the opposite side, the earth's back to the sun and does not get light. We call it night.

This event lasts throughout the day with each part of the earth experiencing day and night for 12 alternating hours.

The difference in the time of day and night becomes further in the hemisphere that is farther from the equator or the equator.


sorry if wrong:)

9. artikanFrom the lyric, is the speaker being positive about what may happen in the futureShow the evidence!​


Dari liriknya, apakah pembicara bersikap positif tentang apa yang mungkin terjadi di masa depan  Tunjukkan buktinya!

10. What other achievements do you think will be accomplished within this century? ​

nggak tau


nggak bisa bahasa inggris

11. What is the evidence about the need practicing before examinations?

The proof that when faced with the exam, we are not nervous or afraid of the exam questions.

12. The science of medicine.......a great deal in the twentieth Century (advance)


has been advancing in


topic:present perfect continuous:membahas kejadian Yang terjadi dimasa lalu Dan masih berlanjut sampai sekarang

13. 2. What the purpose about announcement for other?​


apa tujuan pengumuman untuk orang lain?

untuk memberi tahu

atau mepertanya kan sesuatu

14. What is inference question ?


An Inference/ Inferential question is a question that we need to use the clues in the text to infer what the texts are talking about.


Pertanyaan Inferensi / Inferensial adalah pertanyaan yang kita perlukan untuk menggunakan petunjuk dalam teks untuk menyimpulkan apa yang dibicarakan teks.

Semoga membantu^^

15. Apa arti what ? What do you Mean ? What about the other server

ARTI : apa ? maksud kamu apa ? bagaimana dengan server lain


what = apa

what do you mean = apa maksudmu

what about the other server = bagaimana dengan server lain


semoga membantu:)

16. the jury were/was arguing about the importance of evidence.​




maaf kalau salah




maaf jika salah.

menurut saya jury itu jamak

17. terjemahan the computer is the greatest invention of the twentieth century

komputer adalah penemuan terhebat di abad ke-20=> Terjemahan :
The computer : Komputer.
Is : To be jika subyek tunggal. (tidak memiliki terjemahan)
The greatest : Terbesar / terhebat / terbaik.
Invention : Penemuan.
Of the twentieth century : di abad ke-20.

Jadi, The computer is the greatest invention of the twentieth century :
Komputer adalah penemuan terhebat/terbaik di abad ke-20.

Maaf jika salah. Semoga membantu ^_^

18. 1. Simon has a certain bed in the studio.Evidence:2. Comfort doesn't matter for Simon.Evidence:3. Simon bought a new leather rug in the MiddlEvidence:4. We can learn about a person from what is andEvidence:​


1. Simon punya tempat tidur di studio.


2. Kenyamanan bukan masalah bagi Simon.


3. Simon membeli karpet kulit baru di Middl


4. Kita bisa belajar tentang seseorang dari "apa itu dan"



itu artinya


so what? please complete the question.

do you have the text for this question? if you have please attach it

19. What is the conversation about? What clue did you use to make the inference?.

Arti dari kalimat "What is the conversation about?" adalah Tentang apa percakapan tersebut?. Dan arti dari kalimat "What clue did you use to make the inference?" adalah Petunjuk apa yang Anda gunakan untuk membuat kesimpulan?.


Karena pada soal tidak dilengkapi dengan conversation yang berhubungan dengan pertanyaan, maka saya hanya membantu menerjemahkan dan cara menjawab dalam bentuk panjang.

What is the conversation about? The conversation is about ....What clue did you use to make the inference? The clue used to make the inference is ....

Berikut ini adalah contoh the clue used to make the inference.

"Аccording to the pаssаge, we cаn reаsonаbly infer...""Bаsed on the pаssаge, it could be suggested thаt...""Which of the following stаtements is best supported by the pаssаge?""The pаssаge suggests thаt this primаry problem...""The аuthor seems to imply thаt…"Pelajari Lebih Lanjut

Materi tentang inference pada



20. The productivity of American industry has increased during the twentieth century because of improved technology and skill. The cause in the sentence above is


The productivity of American industry has increased during the twentieth century because of improved technology and skill.


Because of improved technology and skill.

Dinyatakan di teks tersebut bahwa sebab produktivitas di industri America telah meningkat pada abad ke-20 karena peningkatan teknologi dan keterampilan.

Semoga membantu, maaf jika ada kesalahan.

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