Sabtu, 30 April 2022

To Cite An Entry In An Encyclopedia Use The

To Cite An Entry In An Encyclopedia Use The

Cyntia is ... an encyclopedia of animals in the library

Daftar Isi

1. Cyntia is ... an encyclopedia of animals in the library


Cyntia is reading an encyclopedia of animals in the library

2. Which is easier to skim, the web page or the encyclopedia entry? Why? ​


The easier is the web page, because we just need to enter our question to Google and then a lot of answer appear. But, for more credible information, take a look at the encyclopedia entry, because it made by professionals.

Maaf kalo salah, jangan lupa jadikan jawaban terbaik agar poinmu kembali. Terima kasih!


Manakah yang lebih mudah untuk membaca skim, halaman web atau entri ensiklopedia? Mengapa?


3. an encyclopedia set cost $2560. If the price was reduced to $2176, find the percentage decrease in price.​


2560 - 2176 = 384

384/2560 x 100 = 15%

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

4. give an example how to use contraction in our daily activites

beri contoh bagaimana cara menggunakan kontraksi dalam aktivitas kita sehari hari

5. we use an ... to bring the patient to the hospital


maaf kalau salahambulance


6. An Encyclopedia or a encyclopedia

A Encyclopedia. Karena Kata benda Atau Verbnya Encyclopedia. Jawabannya an encyclopedia karenakan setelah kata a itu huruf vokal

7. the expression we can use to accept an assintance in a formal situation is​


6 expressions to offer help in English

English Phrases

How to offer help in English

When you want to offer help, how do you make your offer in English? It’s very common for English speakers to offer help in the conversation just to be polite and helpful. So there are some certain expressions that we use in order to make your offer. And what exact expressions are used? It’s always nice to offer help, right? A lot of English learners get a little nervous to open their mouth when they want to help. So I’m sure these expressions are really helpful to you.

Let’s have a look at some expressions:

Can I …?

When you start making your offer, you might say “Can I …?”. “Can I…?” is always a good choice of expression, especially when you are in a social situation. Like when you are in a party or you have guests at home.

Can I get you a coffee?

Can I be of any assistance to you? (Can I help you?)

Shall I…?

You can begin to make your offer by using the phrase “Shall I…?”. This is a pretty formal way of speaking. You can use this phrase when you are at work, at school or at any formal places.

Shall I help you with your work?

Shall I take care of these files?

Would you like …?

You can offer help in another formal way by using the phrase “Would you like…?”.

Would you like to dance with me?

Would you like to add some milk?

Do you want me to…?

There are times, you are not sure if your help would be welcome. With a nice heart, you do make an offer. However, you are not sure if the other person is really happy. In that case you can say:

Do you want me to repair the computer for you?

Do you need me to check your math?

After making the offer, you wait for the answer. Don’t go ahead and start helping. Just wait for an answer. If your offer is welcome, then go ahead and help them. But if someone refuses your help, don’t worry about it.

I’d be glad to help…

What you use the phrase “I’d be glad to help…”, it means that you are really happy to help, you are very excited. And you are very positive that your offer would definitely be helpful, and will be happily accepted by the other person. So you just say:

I would be glad to help you making a phone call.

I would be glad to give you a ride.

I would be glad to assist you with your homework.

Learn more: Do you want something to drink?

Accept offers

There are situations you accept offers or decline offers. When you are at the other end, someone is asking if he/she can help you. How do you accept it? Or, how do you decline it?

Here are some phrases that you can use to respond to any offers. If someone asks you politely, you might say “Yes, please. I’d like to / I’d love to”.

A: Would you like to have a coffee?

B: Oh, yes please. I’d love to.

When you are at work and your colleague comes up to you and offer help. And you are happy that he/she is ready to assist you with the work. You don’t want to show on your face that you are very excited about their help. The best way to accept the offer by saying:

A: Shall I take care of these files?

B: If you wouldn’t mind.

You are at a party and someone offers you a drink. You can say thank you and show that you are excited about their help.

A: Would you like to have another piece of cake?

B: Thank you. That would be great.

Learn more: How to ask for repeating in English politely?

Decline offers

There are times you really don’t want any help, how do you decline the offer made?

When you want to decline the offers without saying something very rude like “No. I’ll manage.”. You might say:

A: Would you like me to help you with this?

B: It’s OK. I can do it myself.

When you are at a shopping mall, you are looking to buy something. A staff in the store comes up and offer a help.

A: Are you looking for something? Do you need my help?

B: Don’t worry. I’ll do it.

The simplest way to decline the offers is to say: “No, thank you.”

A: Would you like to drink some tea?

B: No, thank you.


8. A: What do you like to do in your spare time?B: I like encyclopedia in my spare time.​


B: I like yes your not spare time

A: What do you like to do in your spare time?
B: I like to read an encyclopedia in my spare time.
Semoga membantu :D

9. use apostrophes in the following sentences to make contractions .number 1 is an example ​


2. i don't like vanilla ice cream

3. i'm going to the mall

4. who's the new student?

5. they're my best friends

6. we aren't waiting in the line

7. she'll be the class president

8. he shouldn't worry so much

9. they'll be here in fifteen minutes

10. where's my blue book?

11. she doesn't eat spinach

Penjelasan: apostrophes adalah tanda petik satu (') biasanya dipakai untul menghubungkan subject dengan to be atau kata kerja (verb)

10. we use the italicized words to express an​


(artinya) Kami menggunakan kata-kata yang dicetak miring untuk mengekspresikan .


11. What do the students use to find an area?

apa yang siswa gunakan untuk menemukan suatu daerah?kompas ,mungkin
benar gak

12. Write about your house. You can use the previous text "My House" as an example. Don't forget to use a, an, and the in your text.​


my house is a comfortable and safe place


masih g ahli b inggris


Tulis tentang rumah anda. anda dapat menggunakan teks sebelumnya "Rumahku" sebagai contoh. jangan lupa untuk menggunakan a ,an, dan the dalam teks Anda


itu di terjemahkan kan ?

maaf kalo salah

13. Give an example of the use of 'should' to tell an expectation.


You should work harder ig you wish to succeed


Kamu harus bekerja lebih keras jika ingin sukses.

14. we use the italicized words to express an?besertakan alasannya

we use the italicized words to express an foreign word.

One of reasons is to distinguish general word from foreign word.

Kita menggunakan kata miring untuk menunjukkan sebuah kata asing.

Salah satu alasannya adalah untuk membedakan kata umum dari kata asing.

15. How to use an and a in sentence

an untuk kata setelahnya huruf vokal.Kalo a untuk kata setelahnua hutuf konsonanAN is for vocals such as : a,e,i,o,u
A is for consonants such as: b,n,m,k,l,j and others

16. use an orange colour pencil to trace the paths that represents closed circuits in the following diagrams


gunakan pensil warna oranye untuk melacak jalur yang mewakili sirkuit tertutup pada diagram berikut



17. We use ... to talk about an action in progress at certain time in the past

We use phone to talk about an action in progress at certain time in the past

Semoga tidak membantu

18. Simple Past Tense is...a. a sentence we use to show an activity in the past.b. a sentence we use to talk an activity in progressc. a sentence we use to show daily actiivityd. a sentence we use to show activity will doHelp me pleass​

a) jelas lah.. namanya PAST tense, so it shows activity in da PAST

Jawaban : A.

Simple Past Tense is a sentence we use to show an activity in the past

(Artinya: Simple Past Tense adalah kalimat yang biasa dipakai untuk kegiatan yang sudah/ telah dikerjakan atau dapat juga diartikan aktivitas pada masa lampau)

19. 1. The girl is (clean) .... the blackboard 2. The students are playing football in the ... 3. Cyntia is ... an encyclopedia of animals in the library the blackboard


3.Saya tidak tatau


20. write an e-mail to a friend inviting him / her to the party you planned in 6. use the e-mail in 5 and the languange in the express elevator to help you. mohon di jawab ​


tulis email ke teman yang mengundangnya ke pesta yang Anda rencanakan di 6. gunakan email di 5 dan bahasa di lift ekspres untuk membantu Anda. mohon di jawab


maap kalo salah

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