Sabtu, 30 April 2022

Which Expression Represents The Measure Of Segment Rs

Which Expression Represents The Measure Of Segment Rs

Which equation represents the standard enthalpy change of formation of water .....

1. Which equation represents the standard enthalpy change of formation of water .....


equation represents the standard enthalpy change of formation of water

is 2H2​(g)+O2​(g)→2H2​O(l)

2. which graph represents the solution of the inequality -12x > 36​


the working and the answer are shown in the pic.

semangat belajar;))

3. which graph represents the solution of the inequality -12x > 36​


the working and the answer are shown in the pic.

semangat belajar;))

4. Which one of is the expression the picture?​


Manakah ekspresi dari gambar tersebut?


semoga bermanfaat

5. Which of the following sentence is the expression of uncertainty??




Maaf kalau salah

6. which one is the expression of thanking​


Thank you very much, that's very sweet of you, I appreciate that, that's very nice of you


Thank you

Thank you so much


7. which of the following setence is the expression of certainty?

kalimatnya mana?gk ada kalimat gk bisa tahu yg mana ekpresi kepastian.

Which of the following setence is the expression of certainty?Artinya terjamahan bahasa indonesianya adalah:Manakah dari kalimat berikut adalah ekspresi kepastian?

smoga membantu:]

8. which of the following setence is the expression of certainty?​

john,are you sure?

sgt jwbnya

9. which of the following is the expression of hope...?​


itu tingggal di cari dari texs nya aja cari kata di atas trus,terusin kata katanya

10. Which one is the expression of agreement? ​


yes,i agree with you

yes,i think that idea is good

semoga membantu dek^^

11. Which one of is the expression of Apology?​


Manakah dari ungkapan permintaan maaf itu?


maaf kalo slh ya

12. Which segment of the business is looking for a sales manager

The sales department,

13. Which of the following is the expression ofhope ...?​


maaf kalau salah

semoga bisa membantu

14. Which of the following sentenceis the expression of wish!​


kalimatnya mana kk


15. Which one is the expression of hope...​


- She hope that her mom gets well soon

- I hope that you win the english competition

- We hope that Fara back from Malang today

- She hope to get more flowers in the garden

16. 1. Which of the following sentence is the expression of asking certainty? 2. Which of the following sentence is the expression of certainty? 3. Which of the following sentence is the expression of uncertainty? 4. Which of the following sentence is the respond of uncertainty?

1. Manakah dari kalimat berikut adalah ekspresi meminta kepastian?

2. Manakah dari kalimat berikut adalah ekspresi kepastian?

3. Manakah dari kalimat berikut adalah ekspresi ketidakpastian?

4. Manakah dari kalimat berikut adalah respon ketidakpastian?

17. Which one ia the expression of congratulation


yang mana ungkapan selamat


Maaf cmn jdi artikan aj

18. Which of the following sentence is the expression of uncertainty??


Sorry, I’m not so sure about that


19. 12.which of the following expression is expression of compliment.​


how pity you are

semoga membantu

20. Which one is the expression of disagreement?

mana yang mengungkapkan ketidaksetujuan?

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