Jumat, 27 Mei 2022

10 Gallons To 24 Gallons

10 Gallons To 24 Gallons

1 gallons per thousand berapa liter

Daftar Isi

1. 1 gallons per thousand berapa liter

10 liter
Klo gk salah :)

2. Estimete the number of gallons


perkiraan jumlah galon


semoga membantu ya

3. If a trip of 270 miles required 12 gallons of fuel, how many gallons are required for a trip of 400 miles


400 miles/270 miles x 12 gallons

= 4.800/270

= 17 210/270

= 17 21/27

= 17 7/9 gallons

4. One gallon contains 8 2/3 liter of water. How many liters of water do such 3 gallons contain?

[tex]8 \frac{2}{3} \times 3[/tex]

[tex] = \frac{26}{3} \times 3[/tex]

[tex] = 26 \: liter[/tex]


[tex]8 \frac{2}{3} \times 3 \\ \\ = \frac{26}{3} \times 3 \\ \\ = 26 \: liter[/tex]

5. Car A consumes 12 gallons of fuel for a distance of 240 miles. Another car B consumes 25 gallons for a distance of 550 miles. Which of the two cars consumes less fuel? Translation: Mobil A mengkonsumsi 12 galon bahan bakar untuk jarak 240 mil. Mobil lain B mengkonsumsi 25 galon untuk jarak 550 mil. Manakah dari dua mobil yang mengkonsumsi lebih sedikit bahan bakar?



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Kalo di logika mobil a mengonsumsi 1 galon bensin untuk 20 miles sedangkan mobil b 1 galon untuk 22 miles

6. 11. Horse is a strong animal. It eats grass anddrinks gallons of water. It ....A. croacksB. quacksC. cacklesD. neighs​




gapapa ya kalau salah gue enggak tau


c . cackles


kerna huruf terakhir t pas kamu translet cackles

cackles = terkekeh.

jadi kyk nyambung t=terkekeh..... XD

smoga bermanfaat kerna agak nyambung:v

7. If 3 gallons of milk cost $9, howmany jugs can you buy for $45?​


15 gallons

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

$9 get 3 gallons

$45 get .... gallons

45/9 x 3 = 15 gallons

8. Suppose that the quantity of root beer demanded declines from 103,000 gallons per week to 97,000 gallons per week as a consequence of a 10 percent increase in the price of root beer. The price elasticity of demand is…….

So the price elasticity of demand is..

The formula =>
Ed = %∆Q / %∆P
     = % (6000 / 97000) / 10%
     = 6,18% / 10%
     = 0,618 % (Inelastis)

Good Luck! :D

9. exercise 8Read each paragraph. Then, working with another student, write the toplo and a maln Ideastatement. Remember: I must be a complete sentencelPThe Exxon Valdez Oil Spill1. On March 24, 1989, an enormous ship called the Exxon Valdez was traveling alonethe coast of Alaska. It was carrying about 50 million gallons of petroleum from theAlaskan oil fields. In Prince William Sound, the captain ran the ship aground. Some ofthe ship's tanks Bgoke open and about 10.8 million gallons of petroleum poured outinto the sound. It took three years and over 10,000 workers to clean up the oil. In thecourt case about the accident, the judges decided that the Exxon Company wasresponsible. The company had to pay $900 million for damages. Even that large sumwas not enough to pay for all the workers, equipment, and research that was necessary.The total cost of the clean-up effort was about $2.5 billion.Topic:Main Idea:Tolong beritahu saya mana yang topik dan mana yang main idea?​


topic:it was carrying about 50 million gallons of petroleum from the alaskan oil fields

main idea:10,000 workers to clean up the oil

maaf aja kalo salah

10. ... and expelling more than the thousand gallons during each eruption. the underlined word is closests in meaning to...

In Indo: .....dan mengeluarkan lebih dari seribu galon selama setiap letusan . kata yang digaris bawahi adalah yang paling dekat dalam arti untuk.....

11. ''..and expelling more than Ten thousand gallons durung each eruptio ."the word"expelling"ia closest meaning to. a)heating. b)melting. c)wasting. d)supplying. e)discharging​




expelling mengeluarkan hampir sama artinya dengan discharging

12. Horse is a strong animal. It eats grass and drinks gallons of water. It....A. croacksB. quacksC. cacklesD. neighsTolong jawab kakTerimakasih​




smg bnr jawabannya




maaf klo salah,arti neighs itu meringik

13. O Exercise 5Answer the questions based on the text.Message Ms. MitraMrs. Rohimah from Apt 14 B called at 2 p.m. You sent her the wrongorder. She wants 3 cans of cola & 2 gallons of milk. She received 2 cans ofcola & 3 gallons of milk. I told her you'll call her at 555-8797 as soon as youcome back.RanieMessage ToSophyI've just got the news that ourgrandfather passed away an hour ago. We aregoing to leave for Bandung soon to attend the funeral. Please be here before 7p.m.RenoMessage To: BobyDon't forget to lock all the doors before leaving to your English course. Myheadmaster invites me to attend the meeting after school. I won't be backhome as usual. See you.Mom1. Which message reminds someone?2. Which message contains sad news?3. Which message tells about complaining?4. Which message belongs to personal?5. Which message can be found at the office?​


1. the third message

2. the second message

3. the third message

4. second message

5. the first message

14. A house painting company has 8 1/4 gallons of paint available to paint available to paint a house. the paint will be divided equally among 3 painters. how many gallons of paint will each painter receive?.....

I think so..
8 1/4 : 3
= 33/4 :3
= 2.75 atau 2 3/4

so, Many gallons of paint will each painter receive is 2 3/4 ..

8 * 1/4 = 8/4 = 2 gallons There are 3 painters so each painter will get 1/3*2 gallons = 2/3 of a gallon per painter... So, 2/3 of gallon per painter... Thank you :D

15. While Andy and Henry are fishing 4 kms from shore, their boat springs a leak, and water comes in at a constant rate of 6 gallons per minute. The boat will sink if it takes in more than 24 gallons of water. Henry starts rowing towards the shore of a constant rate of 12 kms per hour while Andy bails water out of the boat. What is the slowest rate, in gallons per minute, at which Andy can bail if they are to reach the shore without sinking?Soal dari game roblox bang​


maaf guys tapi andy tidak dijelaskanseberapa banyak yang bisa dikeluarin airnya ini mtk ya tapi dari perkiraan besar kemungkinan 4,8 gallons thanks

16. bantu jwb❗1. The total capacity of 3 identical jerry cans is 8.4 gallons, what is the capacity of 1 jerry can in milliliters?2. the volume of 1 juice box of orange juice is 0.2 quarts. what is the volume of 13 juice boxes in liters?3. a fish tank has a capacity of 50 gallons if there's already 60 liters of water in it, how kany liters of water is needed to fill it up completely?4. How many milliliters of water do you need to fill up a 12 pint fish bowl?5. what can hold more water: 100 gallon bathtub or a 380,00p milliliters aquarium?makasi yg jwb in, klo bisa pakai cara kak, ❗​

1. kurang lebih 6.333

2. 2,6 L

3. 890 L

4. 12.000 ml

5. bathub

17. a car can travel 288 miles on 18gallons of gasoline. how can it travel on 24 gallons​



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

that problem can be solve with;

comparisons that have the same value ( perbandingan senilai )

288mil = 18 gallons of gasoline

........mil = 24 gallons of gasoline

The formula of same value comparisons is


= 288/b2=18/24


18b = 6912

b = 6912/18

= 384 miles

So, the car can cover 384 miles on 24 gallons of gasoline.

I hope this can help you..

Sorry if my answer is wrong..

18. exercise 8MaitRead each paragraph. Then, working with another student, write the tople and a maln Ideastatement. Remember: le must be a complete sentencelparorgThe Exxon Valdez Oil Spill1. On March 24, 1989, an enormous ship called the Exxon Valdez was traveling alonethe coast of Alaska. It was carrying about 50 million gallons of petroleum from theAlaskan oil fields. In Prince William Sound, the captain ran the ship aground. Some ofthe ship's tanks Broke open and about 10.8 million gallons of petroleum poured outinto the sound. It took three years and over 10,000 workers to clean up the oil. In thecourt case about the accident, the judges decided that the Exxon Company wasresponsible. The company had to pay $900 million for damages. Even that large sumwas not enough to pay for all the workers, equipment, and research that was necessary.The total cost of the clean-up effort was about $2.5 billion.Topictolong dijawab yaaa ,bsk sudah dikumpulkan​


latihan 8 Mait Baca setiap paragraf. Kemudian, bekerja dengan siswa lain, tulis tople dan pernyataan Ide maln. Ingat: le haruslah sentencel par org lengkap The Exxon Valdez Oil Spill 1. Pada 24 Maret 1989, sebuah kapal besar bernama Exxon Valdez bepergian sendirian di pantai Alaska. Itu membawa sekitar 50 juta galon minyak bumi dari ladang minyak Alaska. Dalam Pangeran William Sound, kapten menjalankan kapal kandas. Beberapa tank kapal Pecah terbuka dan sekitar 10,8 juta galon minyak bumi mengalir keluar ke suara. Butuh tiga tahun dan lebih dari 10.000 pekerja untuk membersihkan minyak. Dalam kasus pengadilan tentang kecelakaan itu, para hakim memutuskan bahwa Perusahaan Exxon bertanggung jawab. Perusahaan harus membayar $ 900 juta untuk kerusakan. Bahkan jumlah besar itu tidak cukup untuk membayar semua pekerja, peralatan, dan penelitian yang diperlukan. Total biaya dari upaya pembersihan adalah sekitar $ 2,5 miliar.

19. 1. wow! look at that. how ..... books do you have on your selves? i have to tell you it's a great collection! a) great collection. b) much. c) any. d) some. 2. would you like ... juice? a) many. b) a lot af. c) some. d) much 3. how .... money do you have? a) much. b) more. c)many. d) few 4. how many gallons of water did you bring for the trip? i just have ... gallons. a) much. b) any c) a little. d) a few 5. jeesica spends a lot of money on her car. now she only has .... money left to pay for her living expenses. a) many. b) a few. c) a little. d) much

1. Many
2. c.) Some
3. a.) Much
4. d.) a few
5. c.) a little

(*semoga membantu)

20. Every minute, 2.22.22, point, 2 gallons of water flows from a shower. A family of 555 people showers for an average of 999 minutes every morning. How many gallons of water does the family use for showering every morning?

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

semoga bermanfaat dan membantu anda kak

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