Jumat, 27 Mei 2022

Sam Is Rowing A Boat Away From A Dock

Sam Is Rowing A Boat Away From A Dock

lf you don't secure the boat the dock it will probably----- away​

Daftar Isi

1. lf you don't secure the boat the dock it will probably----- away​


it will probably go away (pergi)

2. look at a the boys!... are rowing a boat . do you know..... ?

They are Rowing a boat

Lihatlah anak laki-laki! apakah Anda mendayung perahu?

3. Which one is used for transporting large amounts of goods? a. Aeroplane b. Taxi C. Rowing boat d. Cargo vessel ö​


D cargo vessel

semoga membantu

D. Cargo Vessel

Kapal kargo atau kargo adalah kapal dagang yang mengangkut kargo, barang, dan material dari satu pelabuhan ke pelabuhan lainnya.

4. lengapilah kalimat kalimat berikut dengan l, me, we, us, they, them, he, him, she, her, it A. that is a tiger....is wild.dont tease.... B.look at the boys! ......are rowing a boat do you know.......​

A. it, them
B. they, them?

sorry kalau salah

5. The bank is 1 km away from my house.The post office is 2 km away from my house.The police office is 3 km away from my house​


Bank itu berjarak 1 km dari rumahku.

Kantor pos itu berjarak 2 km dari rumahku.

Kantor polisi itu berjarak 3 km dari rumahku.


Itu bahasa Indonesia nya

Semoga membantu

6. If you don’t secure the boat to the dock, it will probably___away


if you dont secure the boat to the dock, it will probably WASHED away

7. We know from the texs that a lock is..... A. Am enormous tankB. A very big boatC. A long boatD. A long tank​


A. An enormous tank

Karena di teks bilang Lock itu a gian tank



C. Along boat

jika salah maaf kan saya

8. a boat race is.... A. boat races B. race in boat C. a race for boats D. boats that race what is the answer? please answer :)


A.boat races Semoga membantu

9. ryan's house is 1 km away from school.raffi's house 2 km away from school

rumah Ryan sejauh 1 km dari sekolah. rumah Rafi sejauh 2 km dari sekolah

10. The safety gear on a boat is​

The safety gear on a boat is lifeboat, ring live buoys, life jackets.

Artinya :

Perlengkapan pengaman di atas adalah kapal sekoci, pelampung cincin, jaket pelampung.

11. Discanting-away-covid 19-keep-to-phisycal-important-is-from-is


to keep away from covid-19 physical distancing is important


Physical discanting is important to keep covid-19 away from us

12. 2. Why did Sangkuriang kick away the boatupside down?a. He failed to make the boat.b. He was disappointed with the ghostsand the fairies.c.He wanted to make a mountain froma boat.d.He wanted to show his strength toDayang Sumbi.e. He was angry about the brokenboat.​


= c:he wanted to make a mountain from a boat

sorry if wrong = maaf klu salah ini setau saya


long ago there lived a beautiful woman named Dayang Sumbi. He has a son named Sangkuriang. One day Sangkuriang hit his mother's pet dog named Tumang. Turns out that Tumang is the father of Sangkuriang. Dayang Sumbi was angry and hit Sangkuriang on the head. Sangkuriang left his mother. After decades Sangkuriang met Lady Sumbi and intended to marry her because she was still young. Dayang sumbi knew that sangkuriang was her son so she refused. Therefore, he put forward the conditions to build a lake and a boat overnight. Because of his failure, Sangkuriang kicked his boat so that it transformed into Mount Tangkuban boat

13. if it had rained cats and dogs,we could have had rowing the boat the fact​



If it had rained  cats and dogs, we could have had rowing the boat.

=> Fact :  It wasn't heavy rain or just drizzle, so we couldn't row the boat because the rain didn't make all the streets flood.


Kalimat di atas termasuk Conditional type 3, dimana menjabarkan kejadian yang tidak terwujud di masa lampau. Bisa diidentifikasi dengan melihat strukturnya dimana terdiri dari -If clause dan result clause.

Frasa "Raining cats and dogs" merupakan makna idiomatic, yang berarti hujan sangat lebatnya. Arti Kalimat Conditional di atas berlawanan dengan kondisi faktanya dimana tidak terjadi hujan lebat atau hanyalah gerimis, jadi si pembicara tidak bisa mewujudkan keinginannya untuk melihat kebanjiran air sehingga dapat mendayung perahu.


CONDITIONAL SENTENCE/ ANDAI-ANDAI Conditional sentence tells about the condition that will be actualized ( possible condition ) or only dreaming ( intention ) because of the particular condition.Conditional sentence structure consists -If clause and result clause ( main clause ).Use Comma when the result clause (main clause ) is started at the beginning sentence. Otherwise, there is no comma when -IF clause is put after the result clause.

There are 4 types of Conditional Sentence

1. CONDITIONAL ZERO Conditional zero is used to describe the PHENOMENON,  and GENERAL TRUTH ( THE FACT/REALITY  )Conditional zero uses the simple present tense form to reflect the truth.

Pattern :

IF+S+base verb (s/es ) + O/C , S+base verb (s/es ) + O/C

Example :

If we boil water , it evaporates up into atmosphere.

Analysis :

It tells about the general truth or phenomenon.It uses the simple present tense form to describe the truth. It is proven that the water evaporates up and disappear when it is heated at 100 degrees Celsius.2. CONDITIONAL TYPE 1 Conditional type 1 is used to describe the truth  in the present/future ( The planning (prediction)  will be probably happened )In fact, the speaker will actualize his/her dream now or soon .

Pattern :

If +S+ verb (s/es) + O, S+will+verb1+O/C

Example :

If I study hard, I will pass the exam easily.

Analysis :

Fact : it's possible that I will be successful for the exam later.It uses simple future form in its main clause / result clause to describe the possible condition and state the prediction will be true.3. CONDITIONAL TYPE 2 Conditional type 2 is used to describe  the untruth in the present / futureIt is Contrary to the fact in the present or it could be in the futureThe speaker has an intention ( dream ) but he/she can't afford his/her dream comes true in the present/future

"Keep in mind, if we use the first , second person and third person singular  ( I, she, he, it , ) in the nominal sentence , it must be followed by the PAST linking verb "were."" It is the same way to the plural form as the formal writing." If we use the PAST linking verb "was " , it should be used in the colloquial as the informal conversation.


If+S+verb2+O/C , S+Would/Could+verb1+O/C

Example :

If I were a president, I would build the biggest library in Jakarta.

Analysis :

Fact in the present/future : I can't build the biggest library because I'm not a president now.It uses the simple past form to reflect the untruth condition in the present  and the speaker's intention will not come true because it is contrary to the real condition for now or maybe future.4. CONDITIONAL TYPE 3Conditional type 3 Is used to describe  the untruth in the pastIt is contrary to the fact in the past and It  reflects a regret for something that the speaker couldn't afford to do in the past.

Pattern :

If+S+Had+Verb 3+O/C  , S+Would+have+Verb 3+O/C

Example :

If I had known my friend's house address correctly, I wouldn't have been lost.  

Analysis :

Fact : I didn't know my friend's house address so I was lost.


For more information , learn about the related topics.

brainly.co.id/tugas/4574076 ( Definition of conditional sentence )

brainly.co.id/tugas/23087312 ( State the fact in the conditional sentence )

Detail Answer  

Level          : Shs    ( 10 )

Subject  .   : English

Category   : Sentence structure

Code          : 5

Categorization : 10.5.9

Keywords   : Conditional sentence ; type 3 ; Raining cats and dogs ; Rowing the boat ; Stating the fact in the conditional sentence

14. Which one is used for transporting large amounts of goods?a. Aeroplane b. Taxic. Rowing boat d. Cargo vessel bantu dijawab ya kakak​

jawabannya B.


15. . if you don’t secure the boat to the dock it will probably___away.



if you don’t secure the boat to the dock it will probably sail / go away.


Jawaban dicetak tebal dan merupakan materi pembelajaran bentuk kalimat Conditional Type 1 (kalimat pengandaian tipe 1) dalam Bahasa Inggris.

if you don’t secure the boat to the dock it will probably sailaway. (jika kamu tidak mengamankan / melabuhkan kapal ke dermaga, kapal itu mungkin akan berlayar / pergi menjauh).

Conditional Type 1:

if+ subject + VI (Simple Present Tense) + Subject + will + Verb-1

Semoga membantu ya.

16. The comparative sentence a. Bobi is taller than Sam b. Bobi is more taller than Sam c. Bobi is tallest than Sam d. Bobi is tall than Sam

a.Bobi is taller than Sam

17. Wheree is sam ? He .......... a btha


is............... maaf ya kalo salah



Where is Sam? He atthe bath

Maaf klo salah

18. Terjemahan dari ini apa? Running Away From Your Problems Is A Race You'll Never Win

Melarikan diri dari masalah-masalahmu adalah perlombaan yang takkan pernah kau menangkanlari dari kesalahan mu adalah sebuah pelarian yang tidak akan pernah kamu menangkan

maaf kalau salah :)

19. The bank is km 1 away from my house The post office is 2 km away from my house The police office is 3 km away from my house Tolong doong... Jawab soal perbandingan ini...


The bank is nearer than the post office and the police office.

The police office is the farthest of all.

The post office is nearer than the police office but it is farther than the bank.


The bank is km 1 away from my house (= bank satu kilometer dari rumah saya)

The post office is 2 km away from my house (= kantor pos dua kilometer dari rumah saya)

The police office is 3 km away from my house (= kantor polisi 3 kilometer dari rumah saya)

Pelajari lebih lanjut materi superlative degree pada https://brainly.co.id/tugas/8380905


20. sailing boat is a/an...... tranportasi​


Sailing boat is a transportasi


'a' dipakai untuk kata benda tunggal yang diawali dengan huruf konsonan.

'an' dipakai untuk kata benda tunggal yang diawali dengan huruf vokal.

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