Minggu, 08 Mei 2022

Diagonalize The Following Matrix If Possible

Diagonalize The Following Matrix If Possible

Write the fact of the following conditional sentences! 1. If the doctor didn't operate him as soon as possible, hr would passed away

Daftar Isi

1. Write the fact of the following conditional sentences! 1. If the doctor didn't operate him as soon as possible, hr would passed away

kenyataannya : dokter mengoperasi dia dengan cepat jadi dia selamat  

                           ( the doctor operated on him quickly so he could survive )  

#jadikan jawaban yang terbaik ya..... :)

2. find the synonyms of the following words as many as possible! 1.jump​


1. Up

2. to the sky

3. Above

3. 4. Writee the transposse of each matrix in the following:1 2 02 5 8​


Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

4. complate the following sentence with must or have to (in the correct forms). sometimes it is possible to use either one: sometimes only have to is possible

pertanyaannya mana ya

5. Find the value of m if the matrix A has no inverse.how can i solve this question?

matrix A said to be singular if and only if it's determinant equal to zero. matrix A has no inverse if and only if matrix A is singular

since A has no inverse, then [tex]det(A)=0[/tex]

6. work in pairs.crate possible questions and responses to the following situations.then,act out in front of the class

bekerja secara berpasangan. membuat pertanyaan yang tepat dan memberikan respon pada situasi berikut. kemudian, memperagakan di depan kelas.

7. Write the fact of the following Conditional Sentence! 1. If the doctor didn't operate him as soon as possible, he would passed away 2. If he didn;t invite his friends, they wouldn't come to his party 3. They would have lost the way if they had'nt known my address

1. The doctor operates him as soom as possible so he doesn't pass way

2. He invites his friends so they come to his party

3. They didn't lose the way because they knew my address

1. If the doctor didn't operate him as soon as possible, he would passed away.

=> Ini merupakan IF Conditional Bentuk II

=> Menyatakan hal yang kontra dengan kondisinya saat ini atau nanti nanti. Jika pernyataan dalam IF clause nya bentuk negatif, maka kondisi faktanya berbentuk positif dalam kalimat simple Present Tense.

=> Sebuah angan-angan yg belum bisa diwujudkan saat ini / masa depan

=> Pola IF-Conditional II

If+ S+ Verb1 ....., S+will+ verb 1


The fact => He is still alive because his doctor operates him ASAP


2. If he didn't invite his friends, they wouldn't come to his party.

=> Ini merupakan -IF Conditional Bentuk II

=> Menyatakan hal yang kontra dengan kondisi si pembicara saat ini atau nanti nanti. Jika pernyataan dalam IF clause nya bentuk negatif, maka kondisi faktanya berbentuk positif dalam kalimat simple Present Tense.

=> Sebuah angan-angan yg belum bisa diwujudkan saat ini / masa depan


The fact => He invites his friends, so they come to his party.


3. They would have lost the way if they hadn't known my address.

=> Merupakan IF conditional bentuk III

=> Menyatakan hal yang kontra dengan kondisi si pembicara di masa lalu ( penyesalan yang dibicarakan kembali ). Jika if clause nya bentuk positif, maka kondisi fakta berbentuk negatif bentuk kalimat lampau.

=> Pola if conditional III

If+S+past perfect.., S+would+have+V3


The fact=>they knew my address , so they didn't lose the way.


Keywords : Conditional Sentences

8. Change the sentences to the passive if possible. Write the symbol "Ø" if sentence cannotbe changed to the passive. ​


rumus kata kerja pasif = tobe(menyesuaikan tenses & pelaku) + verbketiga






Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

11. Georgeisagreedbyme.(simple present tense,jadi untuk pasifnya = to be bentuk kesatu "is" mengikuti objek yg berubah mnjdi subjek yaitu "George")

12. amIagreedbyyou?(simple present tense,jadi untuk pasifnya = to be bentuk kesatu "am" mengikuti pelaku "I")

13. tandai nmr 13 dengan "symbol tersebut" (the sentence cannot be changed to the passive=klmt tersebut tdk bisa diubah mnjd pasif) karena predikatnya "happened" yg artinya terjadi. kata terjadi tdk bisa dipasifkan.

14.tandai nmr 14 dengan "symbol tersebut" (the sentence cannot be changed to the passive=klmt tersebut tdk bisa diubah mnjdi pasif) karena predikatnya "occurred" yg artinya terjadi. kata terjadi tdk bisa dipasifkan.

15.theaccidentwasseenbythem.(simple past tense,ditandai dg predikat verb/kt krj bentuk kedua yaitu "Saw",jadi pasifnya = to be bentuk kedua yaitu "was" mengikuti objek yg kmdn mnjd subjek yaitu "the accident" (accident adalah kt benda tunggal) ,berarti jika dipasifkan menjadi "wasseen"

*many people bisa diganti dg kata ganti "them" yg artinya mereka.

_smg mmbntu_

9. Make a dialog as good as possible based on the following picture. Much detailed will be better


Rani : Hey zaenab what are you doing on the weekends?

Zaenab : I will go to The Computer Exhibition it has a end year sale. I have to go there!

Rani : I will go there to with my mother!

Zaenab : Lets Go there Together!

Rani : Okay. What Time?

Zaenab : 8AM so we can go there early

Rani : Okay! See ya then!

10. the following sentences state something that is possible to happen ,except​


kalimat berikut ini menyatakan sesuatu yang mungkin terjadi kecuali


semoga bermanfaat yah

Jawaban:Kalimat berikut menyatakan sesuatu yg mungkin terjadi ,kecuali

ini disuruh terjemahkan atau gmn ya saya kurang ngerti

11. Provide the possible meanings of the following words in the Indonesian language. 1. Famine = ………………………………………… 2. Starvation = ………………………………………… 3. Blight = ………………………………………… 4. Drought = ………………………………………… 5. Flooding = …………………………………………



1. Kelaparan

2. Mati kelaparan

3. Penyakit tumbuh-tumbuhan

4. Kekeringan / kemarau

5. Banjir

12. Put the nouns in the following sentences into plural when possible. make any necessary changes.


masukkan kata benda dalam kalimat berikut ke dalam bentuk jamak jika memungkinkan. buat perubahan yang diperlukan


itu translate nya semoga bermanfaat

13. The man said, " I must go as soon as possible". Change the following into indirect speech

The man said that he must go as soon as possible.the man said that he had to go as soon as possible

14. activity 4complete the following sentences with must or have to ( in the correct forms ).sometimes it is possible to us either one ;sometimes only have to is possible.​

3. have to

4. must to

5. have to

6. have to

7. must to

8. have to

9. have to

10. have to

11. have to

12. must to

sorry if i wrong

15. 4) Which of the following represents all the possible values of x that satisfy the equation below? X X x − 3 2x 2 *​

Nilai x memenuhi persamaan yaitu x = 0 atau x = 4. Soal ini berkaitan dengan materi mencari nilai x dari suatu persamaan.

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah

Diketahui :

Koreksi soal, mungkin maksud Anda persamaan x/(x-3) = 2x/2

Ditanyakan :

Solusi dari permasalahan tersebut

Jawab :

Langkah 1

x / (x - 3) = 2x / 2

Jika dipindah ruas akan menjadi :

x . 2  = 2x . (x – 3)

Selanjutnya kita lakukan operasi

  2x  = [tex]2x^{2}[/tex] – 6x

    0  = [tex]2x^{2}[/tex] – 8x

     0 = 2x (x – 4)

 x = 0 atau x = 4

Jadi, x yang memenuhi adalah x = 0 atau x = 4

Pelajari Lebih Lanjut

Materi tentang mencari nilai x dari suatu persamaan brainly.co.id/tugas/26215307

#BelajarBersamaBrainly #SPJ1

16. B- Change the following sentence to the passive. Write the TWO possible answers.The school director has awarded Mike the opportunity to study abroad.​


1.mike has been awarded by the school director the opportunity to study abroad

2.the opportunity to study abroad has been awarded for mike by the school director

17. tolong bantu writing find the synonyms of the following words as many as possible​












18. which of the following nonces is NOT a possible english word a. twall b.imast c.preack d. drack​


ᴡʜɪᴄʜ ᴏғ ᴛʜᴇ ғᴏʟʟᴏᴡɪɴɢ ɴᴏɴᴄᴇs ɪs ɴᴏᴛ ᴀ ᴘᴏssɪʙʟᴇ ᴇɴʟɪsʜ ᴡᴏʀᴅ

ʙ ɪᴍᴀsᴛ


ᴍᴀᴀғ ᴋᴀʟᴏ sᴀʟᴀʜ

19. siapa pemeran utama di film the matrix?


pemeran utama di film the matrix adalah :

Keanu Reeves

20. Given matrix What is the determinant of the Y matrix? ​


So we get the form below. Det (Y) = (−4)(−2)(3) + 5(4)(−1) + (2)(0)(−6) − ((−1)(−2)(2) + (−6)(4)(−4) + (3)(0)(5))

(Y) = (−4)(−2)(3) + 5(4)(−1) + (2)(0)(−6) − ((−1)(−2)(2) + (−6)(4)(−4) + (3)(0)(5))=24−20+0−(4+96+0) =−96.


hope it's useful ^^




smart :l

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