Jumat, 20 Mei 2022

How Is Snowball Used As A Scapegoat

How Is Snowball Used As A Scapegoat

how is visto used as eye drops​

Daftar Isi

1. how is visto used as eye drops​


bagaimana visto digunakan sebagai tetes mata

Ini artinya

Bagaimana visto digunakan sebagai tetes mata

2. ....... used as food, but it is often grows as a decorative plant


used as food, but is often grows as a decorative plant


digunakan sebagai makanan, tetapi sering tumbuh sebagai tanaman hias

semoga benerrr yaaa

3. ..... used as food, but it is often grows as a decorative plant


A Hibuscus Flower

4. How important is transitional signal used in the passage?”​


Transition signals are linking words or phrases that connect your ideas and add cohesion to your writing. They signpost or indicate to the reader the relationships between sentences and between paragraphs, making it easier for the reader to understand your ideas.

5. How much energy is used by the lighting


berapa banyak energi yang dipakai oleh cahaya itu


semoga membantu

6. Why is English used as an international language?

because it is the one language that is spoken and understood by the majority of the population in almost every region of the world

beri jawaban tercerdas yaa

7. Li juan hui is used as a resource person because of his

because of his knowledge on discussion topic.

8. A numerical value used as a summary measure for a sample is known as....


Sample statistics, such as mean, median, deviation, etc.

9. "How are you ?" is an expression used to ... someone's condition

asking someone's condition, maybe?asking for someone's condition

10. A washing machine is.....used towash laundry,as.....and sheets.the term is mostly.... to machine that use water as..... to dry cleaning

Mesin cuci adalah ..... digunakan towash laundry, seperti ..... dan sheet.bagiannya sebagian besar .... untuk mesin yang menggunakan air sebagai ..... untuk membersihkan kering

11. Rearrange the following jumbled sentences into meaningful dialog,a. It is used to write.B. Ok, you are good.C. What is a pen used for?D. It is used to draw lines.E. How about ruler, what is it for?​

Re-arrange the following jumbled sentences into meaningful dialog!


C. What is a pen used for?

A. It is used to write.

E. How about ruler, what is it for?​

D. It is used to draw lines.

B. Ok, you are good



C. Pensil digunakan untuk apa?

A. Pensil digunakan untuk menulis.

E. Bagaimana dengan penggaris, itu digunakan untuk apa?

D. Penggaris digunakan untuk menggambar garis.

B. Oke, kamu bagus/baik.

12. apa bahasa Inggris the color is not as bright as it used to be​


itu udh basa enggres


thanks for the point


artinya warnanya tidak secerah dulu

maaf kalau salah semoga bermanfaat dan membantu

13. Which technique used by a threat actor is known as spam ?




Malspam, also known as malicious spam or malware spam, is one of the preferred attack vectors for malicious actors.

14. a radio is used to .... a vase is used to .... eraser are used to ... rulers are used to ... a calender is used to ...

A radio is used to hear news, listening to a music, ect
A vase is used to put the flower into it as a decoration
Eraser are used to erase pencil's streak
Ruler are used to help you make a straight line and to measure lenght
A calendar is used to mark an event and to inform you what date it is

A radio is used to hear news, listening to a music
A vase is used to put the flower
Eraser are used to erase pencil's streak
Ruler are used to make a straight line and to measure lenght
A calendar is used to mark an event and to inform  what date it is

15. moss plants used as medicine hepatitis is

fungus can be used as hepatitis medicinesLumut hati, dan yg terkenal sekarang ada jelly gamat

16. how might privacy and user considerations differ for an application such as facebook, which is used primarily by individual users, compared with an application such as an erp system that is used primarily by corporations

rivacy and user considerations differ for an application such as facebook be viewed and arranged on the account settings page in accordance with the privacy that is set facebook

17. the taxt is used to explain how something work is....

Explanation text

Strukturnya adalah:

1. General statement
tentang penjelasan umum tentang fenomena yang akan dibahas, bisa berupa pengenalan fenomena tersebut atau penjelasannya.

2. Squenced of explanation
berisi tentang penjelasan proses mengapa fenomena tersebut bisa terjadi atau tercipta. A squenced of explanation berupa jawaban dari pertanyaan ‘why’ dan ‘how’ penulis ketika membuat sebuah Explanation text. Dalam squenced of explanation bisa terdiri lebih dari satu paragrap.

3. Closing ( langkah terakhir dari sequenced of explanation)Answer:

Procedure Text


18. how might privacy and user considerations differ for an application such as facebook, which is used primarily by individual users, compared with an application such as an erp system that is used primarily by corporations

rivacy and user considerations differ for an application such as facebook be viewed and arranged on the account settings page in accordance with the privacy that is set facebook

19. 3.is also used as a search and rescue vehicle​




itu yang nomor tiga.

20. Using as + adjective + asAs + adjective + as is used compace peopleplece, event or things, when there is nodiffense It is used to compare thing thatare of similas propolconne​


The world’s biggest bull is as big as a small elephant.

The weather this summer is as bad as last year. It hasn’t stopped raining for weeks.

You have to unwrap it as carefully as you can. It’s quite fragile.

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