Jumat, 27 Mei 2022

Jeff Lives 12 Miles East Of Stan

Jeff Lives 12 Miles East Of Stan

Jeff is my best friends......lives in manado.​

Daftar Isi

1. Jeff is my best friends......lives in manado.​

Jeff is my best friends he live in manado


Jeff is my best friend, He lives in Manado

====== ?

Karena Jeff laki-laki, maka memakai "he"

2. Who lives in East Nusa Tenggara? *​


yes i do


semoga membantu

3. If a trip of 270 miles required 12 gallons of fuel, how many gallons are required for a trip of 400 miles


400 miles/270 miles x 12 gallons

= 4.800/270

= 17 210/270

= 17 21/27

= 17 7/9 gallons

4. mr. arman lives(a little/a few) miles from our schoolanswer:​

Jawaban: few


5. East kalimantan is in the east of kalimantan

East kalimantan is in the east of kalimantan=

kalimantan timur berada di timur kalimantan

6. 11. Who is Jeff? Jeff can be ...O the teacher of the three studentsO the driver of Pam's familyO a doctor of a hospitala pilot of a plane​


The teacher of the three students

7. suatu stan pameran pada gambar berukuran panjang 6 cm dan panjang 4 cm jika ukuran panjang stan sebenarnya 12 m maka luas sebenqrnyq stan tersebut adalah


Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

8. koeis!!!11 × 12 + 85 = aaaaa jeff apdettt​


11 × 12 + 85




Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

11 × 12 + 85

= (11 × 12)

= 132 + 85

= 217

[tex] by: Zzanas12[/tex]

9. 11. Palangkaraya is in the ....... of kalimantana NorthX Eastb. North eastd. South12. Banjarmasin is in the ....... Of Kalimantana NorthSouth Eastb. North eastd. South13. Samarinda is ... ... of Palangkarayaa North westNorth eastb. South westd. South east14. Pontianak is ....... Of PalangkarayaW North Westc. North eastb. South westd. South east15. Samarinda is ....... of Pontianaka Northc. Eastb. North eastSouth​







10. A car drives 5 miles Fast and 12 miles North for 10 seconds. What is the total displacement and distance of the car?​


Sebuah mobil melaju 5 mil dengan cepat dan 12 mil ke utara selama 10 detik. Berapakah perpindahan total dan jarak mobil tersebut?

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

follow ya

11. 21. ASEAN adalah kependekan dari… . A. Association of South East Nation Asian B. Association East of South Asian Nation C. Association Asian of South East Asian Nation D. Association of South East Asian Nation


D. Association of South East Asian Nation


maaf kalau salah:>


Opsi D.


Association of South East Asian Nation merupakan satuan dari beberapa negara di Asia Tenggara termasuk Indonesia.

12. ASEAN adalah Kepanjangan dari .... *10 poina. Association South of East Asia Nationsb. Association of South East Asia Nationsc. Association East of Asia Nationsd. Associations Nation of East Nations​


a. Association South of East Asia Nations


B. Assoaciation of South East Asia Nations


Semoga membantu

13. raul lemos lives in East Timor. He is....

pertanyaannya kurang mendetail. yg ditanyakan apa ya?

14. ASEAN adalah kependekan dari a.Association of South East Asian b.association East of South Asian Nationc.association Asian of south East Asian Nationd.association of south East Asian Nationtolong dijawab ya kakak kakak​


D Association of South East Asian Nation

"Semoga Bermanfaat"

15. East kalimantan is in the east of kalimantan.


East kalimantan is in the east of kalimantan.


16. Mr. Arman lives (a little/a few) miles away from our school.​


a few


Pak Arman tinggal beberapa mil dari sekolah kita

beberapa ( a few )


A few

Hope this is helpful

17. isi lah pertanyaan yg kosong di bawah iniSituation 1: Susan and Jeff are walking from the school canteen.Susan : Jeff, do you like Harry Potter story?jeff: ... (1) There are many stories of Harry Potter.Susan : The Goblet of Fire. Do you have the novel?jeff: Yes, of course. I have all the novels of Harry Potter.Susan : ... (2)jeff= .... (3) I'll bring to tomorrow.Susan : Thank you, Jeff.​

Situation 1: Susan and Jeff are walking from the school canteen.

Susan : Jeff, do you like Harry Potter story?

Jeff : Yes, which story do you like the most? (1). There are many stories of Harry Potter.

Susan : The Goblet of Fire. Do you have the novel?

Jeff : Yes, of course. I have all the novels of Harry Potter.

Susan : May I borow one of it ? (2)

Jeff : Sure. (3) I'll bring to tomorrow.

Susan : Thank you, Jeff.

Situation 1: Susan and Jeff are walking from the school canteen.

Susan : Jeff, do you like Harry Potter story?

jeff: ... (1) There are many stories of Harry Potter.

Susan : The Goblet of Fire. Do you have the novel?

jeff: Yes, of course. I have all the novels of Harry Potter.

Susan : ... (2)

jeff : .... (3) I'll bring to tomorrow.

Susan : Thank you, Jeff.


Situasi I : Susan dan Jeff sedang berjalan dari kantin sekolah.

Susan : Jeff, apakah kamu suka cerita Harry Potter?

Jeff : ...(1) Ada banyak cerita Harry Potter.

Susan : Yang Goblet of Fire. Apa kamu punya novelnya?

Jeff : Tentu saja. Aku punya semua novel Harry Potter.

Susan : ... (2)

Jeff : ... (3) Aku akan membawanya besok.

Susan : Makasih Jeff.

Maka, kalimat yang tepat adalah

Kamu suka cerita yang mana? Bolehkan aku meminjam novel mu? Tentu

Jadi translatenya :

Which story di you Like? May I borrow your novel?Sure.

Hope it helps

18. East Kalimantan is in the East Of Kalimantan True of False​


it's true

semangka kawan


True (?)


19. Jeff is 12 years older than Leon now. 10 years ago, the total age of Jeff and Leon was 78 years. How old is Leon now


43 years old

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

J = 12+L

(J-10) + (L-10) = 78

(12+L-10) + (L-10) = 78

2+L + L-10 = 78

2L - 8 = 78

2L = 86

L = 43

20. arti dari but, he lives on damai raya street, cipayung, east jakarta now

Tetapi, sekarang dia tinggal di JL. Damai Raya, Cipayung, Jakarta Timur.but = tapi
sekarang dia tinggal di jalan damai raya, cipayung jakarta timur

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