Selasa, 10 Mei 2022

Which Transformation Would Not Carry A Square Onto Itself

Which Transformation Would Not Carry A Square Onto Itself

which of the following is not the property of pyramid?A. PrismB. SquareC.PointedD.TriangularE.Rectangular

Daftar Isi

1. which of the following is not the property of pyramid?A. PrismB. SquareC.PointedD.TriangularE.Rectangular

my answer is B. Square
most is B.......square

2. which of the following is not the property of pyramid?A. PrismB. SquareC.PointedD.TriangularE.Rectangular

I choose E.Rectangular
mungkinnn pointed.. 
kalo prism pasti
square rectaular, pyramid kan dr batu" kotak
triangular, pyramid kan sgitiga :v 
jadi mungkin pointed
maaf kalo salah

3. mention three things which has a square shape

table,tv,eraser, television, and card

4. if i (be) ............ strongers,i would help you carry the piano

If i ( were )strongers,i would help you carry the piano.

( Conditional sentence type 2, to benya bentuk lampau were)

ini adalah bentuk pengandaian yang tidak akan pernah terjadi
jadi kata 'tobe' penggantinya selalu 'were' apa pun subject nya

if i were stronger, i would help you carry the piano

5. would you like........(carry out) this project?

tinggal tambahkan to dititiktitiknnya
jadinnya would you like to carry out this project?

would you like to carry out this project?

maukah kamu mengerjakan proyek ini?

Mohon maaf kalau salah

sorry if its wrong

6. she would carry the box

dia membawa kotak itu

sorry gak tau apa yg ditanyakan :)

7. I insisted that my sister____________ my bag home. A. carry B. carries C. carried D. would carry


D. would carry

( akan membawa )


I insisted that my sister would carry my bag home.

maaf yaa kalau salah

8. they can not carry the cupboard artinya


mereka tidak bisa membawa lemari


mereka tidak bisa membawa lemari

9. she would carry the box jadi kalimat pasif

She would carrying the box

Past future tense

Active: S+would+V1+O

Passive: O+would+be+V3+S

Active: She would carry the box

Passive: The box would be carried by her.

10. mention 3 things which have square​


Scrabble TIle.

Scrabble TIle.Post It Note.

Scrabble TIle.Post It Note.Bread.

Scrabble TIle.Post It Note.Bread.Toast.

Scrabble TIle.Post It Note.Bread.Toast.Napkin.

Scrabble TIle.Post It Note.Bread.Toast.Napkin.Sandwich.

Scrabble TIle.Post It Note.Bread.Toast.Napkin.Sandwich.Floppy Disc.

Scrabble TIle.Post It Note.Bread.Toast.Napkin.Sandwich.Floppy Disc.Chess Board.

11. would you help carry this book ?

maukah kamu membantu saya membawa buku ini?dapatkah kamu membantuku untuk membawakan buku ini?

kurang lebih seperti itu :)

12. An organelle that is commonly found on other plant cell is absent in this cell which does not carry out photosynthesis. Name this organelle​



Klorofil berfungsi sebagai tempat terjadinya proses fotosintesis pada tumbuhan

Jawaban: Chloroplast (kloroplas)


Kloroplas adalah sebuah organel yang hanya ada di sel tumbuhan. Ia mengandung klorofil, sebuah pigmen warna yang melakukan fotosintesis.

13. 21.Look at the figure beside!The area of square EFGH is 16 cm and the area of square ABCD is9 cm². Then the area of square ABCD which is not shaded is ...a. 4 cm²b. 3√2 cm²C. 3 cm²d. 5 cm²​

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

luas ABCD not shaded

EF = √16 = 4 cm

AB = √9 = 3 cm

not shaded

9 - 2x2

9 - 4



14. square root of 5341 ( not a decimal number )



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:




15. Which one is Maya's favoriteshape?a. circleb. squareC. ovald. rectangle​




maaf kalau salah

16. The percentage of each not shaded square is?​


The percentage of each not shaded square is?​

Bahasa Indonesianya :

Persentase setiap persegi yang tidak diarsir adalah?​

Penjelasan :

Tidak ada gambarnya, jadi aku artikan saja ke bahasa Indonesia, ya !

From LeeGaeun1

17. Perintah yang dapat dilakukan untuk membuat salinan objek agar posisi penempatannya tepat secara matematis adalah …. a. Arrange > Transformation > Position b. Arrange > Transformation > Convert to Curve c. Arrange > Transformation > Save As d. Arrange > Transformation > Skew e. Arrange > Transformation > Save

a arrange > transformation> posisition

18. Tolong cariin verb dari kata ini:"ceremony square is a square for a monday.every monday we always carry out ceremony.on the parade graund as we can play basket ball,and foot ball

Verbnya adalah carryverb :
carry out.

19. apa nhsa indonesianya would you carry these books,please

would you carry these books,please

apakah kamu membawa buku-buku ini, mohonartinya, Bisakah kamu membawa buku ini, tolong

20. Beny: you carry a backpack........are you going? Edo: i'm going swimming. Would you like to join me? Beny: sorry, not this time. I have another plan

Beny: you carry a backpack. Where are you going?it's: You carry a backpack, where are you going?

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