Selasa, 10 Mei 2022

After Dinner 2/3 Of A Pan Of Lasagna Is Left

After Dinner 2/3 Of A Pan Of Lasagna Is Left

20. A magnet cannot attract the pan because ... *5 pointsthe pan is made of ironthe pan is made of steelthe pan is made of nickelthe pan is made of alumuniumTOLONG PLIZ​

Daftar Isi

1. 20. A magnet cannot attract the pan because ... *5 pointsthe pan is made of ironthe pan is made of steelthe pan is made of nickelthe pan is made of alumuniumTOLONG PLIZ​


A magnet cannot attract the pan because ...

The pan is made of aluminium


aluminium is non-magnetic material

2. 2. Mr.Ali - drinks-always-coffee-glass-a-dinner-after-of.​


Mr. Ali always drinks a glass of coffee after dinner

Pertanyaan =

Mr. Ali - drinks - always - coffee - glass - a - dinner - after - of

Jawaban =

Mr. Ali always drinks a glass of a coffee after dinner

Pertanyaan berikut merupakan pertanyaan yang berjenis menyusun kata menjadi kata yang benar. kalimat yang tepat dari peyusunan kata ini "Mr. Ali - drinks - always - coffee - glass - a - dinner - after - of " adalah " Mr. Ali always drinks a glass of a coffee after dinner ".

By = Keystone999

3. 2. Mr.Ali - drinks-always-coffee-glass-a-dinner-after-of.​


Mr. Ali always drinks a glass of coffee after dinner


Mr. Ali always drinks a glass of coffee after dinner.

Penjelasan :

Present simple, rumusnya (S + Verb 1 + s / es + Object / Keterangan)

4. The opposite of left is


the opposite of left is right


artinya itu kebalikan dari kiri apa? ya kanan (right)

semoga membantu yaa! jadikan jawaban terbaik. semangat kamuu!:))


Right ( Kanan )

Right dibaca Raigt

Left artinya ( Kiri )

Right artinya ( Kanan ).


Maaf kalo salah :)

Terimakasih :)

5. 1) harry had three bars of chocolate. he ate 1/6 of a bar of chocolate and 2/3 of another bar of chocolate. how much chocolate is left? 2) a bag of flour has a mass of 5 kg. the grocer sells 2/3 kg of flour to evidence and 5/6 kg of flour to citra. how much flower is left?


1. 3 - (1/6+2/3) = 3 - (1/6+4/6) = 3 - 5/6 = 18/6-5/6 = 13/6 = 2 1/6

2. 5 - (2/3+5/6) = 5 -(4/6+5/6) = 5 - 9/6 = 30/6 - 9/6 = 21/6 = 3 3/6 = 3 1/2 kg

6. The opposite of left is.........​

the opposite of left is right

7. the opposite of left is​

English = The Answer: opposite in the left side = right side or right

Indonesia=Jawaban: sebaliknya di sisi kiri = sisi kanan atau kanan



I hope the answer is useful I apologize if the answer is not right

don't forget to follow my brainly account, like my answer, give a perfect rating, and also give the best answer

Greeting from me!

8. There is... Milk left in the bottle after my brother drinks most of it




Kalimat tersebut merupakan kalimat positif ( tidak mengandung kata not). Kata "some" dan "any" bisa digunakan di "countable" dan "uncountable" noun. Kata "some" digunakan pada kalimat positif dan kalimat yang memiliki unsur permintaan (request) ataupun unsur penawaran (offer). Sedangkan offer digunakan pada kalimat negatif dan kalimat yang tidak memiliki unsur request maupun offer, melainkan hanya bertanya saja. Contoh:" Is there any sugar left?"

Semoga membantu

Mohon maaf jika ada kesalahan


There is SOME Milk left in the bottle after my brother drinks most of it


Semoga Membantu

9. the opposite of left is ....​




opposite adalah lawan kata

lawan kata dari kiri adalah kanan yaitu right


the opposite of left is right.


10. 300 people attended a party. after one hour 1/3 of the number of people left the party. after another hour 3/10 of the remaining people left the party. how many people wereng leaf at the party ini the end?

1/3 of 300 is 100
3/10 of 100 is 30
so, 300 - 100 - 30 = 170

11. there is 2 kg of flour to make bread mom uses 3/4 of it how many kg is left​


2kg - 3/4kg = 1 1/4kg left


1,5 Kg left

Penjelasan :

2/1 x 3/4 = 6/4 = 3/2 = 1.5

12. Solid magnesium sulfate dissolves in water to form a colourless solution. After 10 days a solid is left behind. What is the name of the solid left behind?


What has happened to the water. I (c) After 10 days a solid is left behind what the name of the solid left


maaf kalo salah jawaban nya

13. captain hook is the character of a famous ... in the story of piter pan

Pirates in the story of Peter PanCaptain hook is tge character of a famous pirates in the story of piter pan

14. what is the meaning of pan​


A pot is a cooking tool in the kitchen that is used to make food such as Soup, Chicken Curry, and others. There are small sizes, medium, large, very large.


I hope my answer is useful and correct;)

Shofiyah80 loves to help ^_^

15. captain hook is the character of a famous ... in the story of piter pan

Captain hook is the character of a famous pirate in the story of piter pancaptain hook is the famous evil pirate captain in the story of peter pan

16. the opposite of left is​

The opposite of left is right


Right : Kanan


Opposite : lawan

The opposite of left is......

Kebalikan dari kiri adalah.......


17. 1.North easts is on the left sideof...2.Northwest is on the left side of...3.South west is on the right side of...4.South east is on the right side of....5.west is between.....and.....6.North is on the left side of...7.West is on the right side of....kak mohon di jawab ya:)

1. east.

2. north.

3. south.

4. east.

5. northwest and southwest.

6. northeast.

7. southwest.

Untuk menjawab soal tentang arah mata angin tersebut, kita harus memahami direction dan location pada kompas. Sebagai contoh pada soal nomor 1: North east is on the left side of? (Timur laut ada di sebelah kirinya apa?). Semua jawaban sudah tersedia pada point of compass yang dirimu gambar, hanya perlu pemahaman dalam membaca soalnya.


1. North east is on the left side of east. (Timur laut ada di sebelah kirinya timur)

2. North west is on the left side of north. (Barat laut berada di sebelah kirinya utara)

3. South west is on the right side of west. (Barat daya berada di sebelah kanannya barat)

4. South east is on the right side of south. (Tenggara berada di sebelah kanannya selatan)

5. West is between northwest and southwest. (Barat ada di antara barat laut dan barat daya)

6. North is on the left side of northeast. (Utara ada di sebelah kirinya timur laut)

7. West is on the right side of southwest. (Barat ada di sebelah kanannya barat daya)

Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang point of compass:

_____________________________Detil jawaban:

Kelas: SD kelas VI

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Materi: Bab 10 - Earth and Planets

Kata kunci: Point of compass, Direction and location

Kode: 6.5.10

18. susunlah kata ini:mr ali-drinks-always-coffe-glass-a-dinner-after-of

Mr.Ali always drinks a glass of coffe after dinnerMR ali always drinks a glass coffe after dinner

19. the opposite of left is​


the opposite of left is RIGHT

The opposite of left is right

20. 32. What is of the text about?a. How to dish up lasagnab. How to bake gorund beefc. How to make lasagna noodlesd. How to enjoy cooking lasagnae. How to cook lasagna properly33. When do we start pouring the cheese assortment?a. After stirring the ground beef b. Before pouring the meat saucec. After heating the pasta sauced. Before uncovering the aluminium foile. After layering the lasagna noodles

32. E
33. B
maaf kalo salah ya:)

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