Kamis, 23 Juni 2022

1 22 Lab: Expression For Calories Burned During Workout

1 22 Lab: Expression For Calories Burned During Workout

Vivi is a drummer for a band. She burns 756 calories while drumming for 3 hours. She burns the same number of calories each hour. How many calories does Vivi burn per hour? calories

Daftar Isi

1. Vivi is a drummer for a band. She burns 756 calories while drumming for 3 hours. She burns the same number of calories each hour. How many calories does Vivi burn per hour? calories

Answer =

= 756 calories : 3 hours

= 252 calories

So, Vivi burns 252 calories per hour

Make it the best answer :p

2. 22 alat lab dan fungsinya

maksud dari pertanyaan nya itu benda2 yg ada di lab atau gimana?

3. 22 Alat lab dan fungsinya

Thermometer =gunanya mengukur suhu suatu benda, senyawa atau zat.
Neraca = untuk mengukur massa suatu benda atau zat padat.
Pipet tetes = untuk mengukur zat cair dalam bentuk tetesan.
Mikroskop = untuk melihat benda benda yang berukuran micro atau sangat kecil.
Gelas pengukur =untuk mengukur zat cair.
Mata pisau =untuk melakukan investigasi atau pembedahan.
Elektroskop =untuk mengetahui apakah suatu benda mengandung listrik.
Sarung Tangan =untuk mencegah dari bahaya zat zat krosif.
Kacamata lab=untuk melindungi mata.
Tabung kaca=gunaya untuk membakar zat cair atau memanasi zat cair atau sekedar mencampurkan be berapa zat cair.
Apremeter=untuk mengukur kuat arus suatu rangkaian elektronika .
Corong =untuk mempermudah menuangkan zat cair.
Saringan =untuk menyaring zat cair.
Mortar=wadah untuk mengaduk atau menghancurkan zat padat sehingga menjadi cair atau untuk mencampurkan zat zat tertentu.
Alu = alat untuk mengaduk atau menghancurkan zat padat pada mortar.
Lensa =pada lab fisika gunaya untuk percobaan cahaya.
Wadah besi =gunanya untuk menaruh alat alat atau bahan bahan.
Pembakar spritus =untuk memanaskan sesuatu.
Penjepit =untuk menjepit tabung reaksi.
Pinset lab=untuk menjepit bahan.
Suntikan=untuk menyuntikan zat.
Palu =untuk megetuk sesuatu.
Gunting lab=pada Gunting lab ini, memiliki beberapa nomor, gunaya untuk pembedahan.

4. Buatlah dialog yang ada expressions of certainty, expression of asking for attention, expression of asking for repetition, dan expression of amazement

ani, i hear you get toothache,right
Budi, yes,because i am lazy to brush my teeth
Ani, listen Budi .brush teeth Will make you clean
Budi, ok,i Will
Ani, brush your teeth every morning and if you Will go bed.take a look my teeth ia good
Budi, you are really to have good teeth

5. tuliskan contoh percakapan expression of getting attention dlm suasana di 1. perpustakaan 2. lab 3. lingkungan sekolah 4. kelas

1.stay,says:hello sir/ms.
2.smile,says:good morning
3.happy,says:hello everyone
4.happy,says:hello guys nice to meet you

sorry if i'm false

6. how much calories do you get for pepperoni pizza​

On average, one slice of pepperoni pizza contains 311 calories, 13.5 grams of fat (including 5.5 grams of unsaturated fat), and 720 milligrams of sodium. It's just one slice, where it's rare for people to eat one piece and then stop

7. Mention the expression to ask for someone expression


shock, quiet, smile,happy,

8. Tuliskan contoh percakapan expression of getting attention dlm suasana di1. perpustakaan2. lab3. lingkungan sekolah

Attention, please.
Floods are widespread nowadays And the lack of trees may become one of the causal factors. That's why, our school plans a program for planting trees. We will do it next Saturday. Each class should bring at least one tree and grow it in front of the class. Don't forget to bring hoes, spades or sickles for planting them.
Thank you

9. how many calories are there for amount per serving?



10. 1. Expression asking for attention2. Expression asking for and giving opinion3. Expression checking understanding4. Expression appreciation5. Expression asking for and answering about ability6. Expression asking for and answering about willingness7. Expression asking for and answering about suggestion8. Expression asking for and answering about obligationBerikan pengertianya dan contohnya jawab yang bener yg bener ku jadikan jawaban tercerdas


maap aku kurang ngerti mksd nya


1. May I have your attention, please

2. Do you agree with me?, Yes I do

3. Do you Understand?

4. That's the best ever!

5. May I know about your ability?, Yes, My ability is cooking.

6. Will you please help me to cook?

7. What do you think about our project?, It's good but I can be better.

8. You must wear a seatbelt when you drive. Yes, sorry I forgot to wear seatbelt.


1. Minta perhatianya dong

2. Lu setuju ama gw gk?, Ya gw setuju

3. Lu paham gk?

4.  Itu yang paling terbaik!

5. Gw boleh tau gk tentang kamampuan lu?, iya dong, gw bisa masak.

6. Bantuin gw masak dong?

7. Gimana pendapat lu tentang projek kita?, Bagus sih tapi bisa lebih baik.

8. Lu harnya pakek sabuk pengaman pas lu nyupir. Eh iya maaf gw kelupaan pakek sabuk pengaman

11. Temukan:1.Ask for agreement2.Temukan agreement expression3Temukan Disagreement expressionTolong kk​​

Task 1

Find some disaggrement in the dialogue and write them in the box below!

1. I have to object your statement

2. I don't agree with you

12. 1. Expression of Giving opinion adalah……………………………………2.Phrase yang sering digunakan dalam asking opinion yaitu …………….3.Expression of checking for understanding adalah ……………………………………………….4. Expression of Asking and giving for attention adalah ………………………………………5. Expression of appreciating something adalaha ………………………………………………….​


1. Ekspresi ketika kamu ingin memberikan pendapat.

2. In my opinion / In my view

3. Do you know what i mean, is it clear, do you know what i saying

4. May i have your attentuon please

5. Thank You, Thanks

13. they had just been living in that house for five years when it .... by fire. A. burned B. Had burned C. Was burned D. be destroyed E. was destroying

c.was burned
mungkin membantuc was burned

maaf kalau slah

14. Make a request to your Lab Instructor to provide extra time during experiments.


Dear Lab Instructor,

I am writing to request extra time during our experiments in the laboratory. I understand that the schedule is tight and that we need to adhere to a specific timeline, but I feel that I could benefit from a bit more time to complete the experiments and make sure that I fully understand the concepts and procedures involved.

I would appreciate it if you could consider allowing for a few extra minutes during each experiment session, or if possible, extending the length of the sessions by a short amount of time. I believe that this would help me to feel more confident and capable in the laboratory, and to make the most of the learning opportunities that are available to me.

Thank you for considering my request.


[Your Name]

15. Buatlah 1 contoh percakapan expression of antention expression of checking for understanding

sarah : attension,please!

roy : sarah needs a pen, do you know what i mean?

lisa : yes i think jacob have a pen

jacob : i have! you can borrow my pen, sarah

16. bolehkah 15tahun ikut calisthenic/bidyweight workout/street workout??

tentu saja boleh karena street workout atau apapun nama lain dari itu merupakan olahraga aoutdoor yang apabila dilakukan dengan standar kebutuhan dapat membantu menyehatkan badan .

17. dalam proses workout adalah sebagai

bentuk protes terhadap kecurangan atau pelangharan yg terjadi

18. 5 contoh expression for giving suggestion dan 5 contoh expression for offering something


giving suggestion:

If I may suggest...

Can I suggest you something better?

I think it would be better if...

I prefer that....

I believe this way is more effective for...


can I offer you something?

do you need anything?

Let me offer you my help

Maybe you need my help

Do not worry I will be happy to help you

if you need me.

19. 1. write an expression of asking for a favor (service) 2. write an expression of asking for a thing 3. write an expression of asking for a opinion 4. write an expression of giving opinion

1. Can you help me with my math?
2. Can I borrow your pencil, please?
3. What do you think about me?
4. I think we should get a new car.

20. 1.which expression for accepting invitation ? 2.which expression for declining invitation? 3.which expression for inviting someone? help me pleass​


1. Ok! I will be there ! I'll like love to come. All right.

2. Sorry I'cant attend/I'm afraid I'm not able to come

3. Do you want to go to the beach/Do you want to go to the studios/ Do you want to.......

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