Jumat, 17 Juni 2022

How Many Receipts Did Fetch Rewards Shoppers Snap In February

How Many Receipts Did Fetch Rewards Shoppers Snap In February

how many days are there in february

Daftar Isi

1. how many days are there in february

there are 28 days in februarythere are 28 days in february, 
but there are 29 days in february in year that could devided by 4

2. Karim's family ate a total of 42.5 kg of rice in January and February. His family ate 5.3 kg more rice in February than in January. How many kilograms of rice did Karim's family eat in February?​

[tex]j = january \\ f = february = j + 5,3 \\ \\ j + j + 5,3 = 42,5 \\ 2j = 42,5 - 5,3 \\ 2j = 37,2 \\ j = \frac{37,2}{2} \\ j = 18,6 \\ \\the \: rice\: in \: february \\ j + 5,3 \\ 18,6 + 5,3 \\ 23,9 \: kg[/tex]


23.9 kg

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

The translation:

Keluarga Karim makan nasi sebanyak 42,5 kg pada bulan Januari dan Februari. Keluarganya makan nasi 5,3 kg lebih banyak di bulan Februari dibandingkan di bulan Januari. Berapa kilogram beras yang dimakan keluarga karim pada bulan februari?

The answer:In picture


3. Kai Feng’s family sold a total of 42.5 L of milk in January and February. Her family sold 5.3 L more milk in February than in January. How many litres of milk did Kai Feng’s family sell in February?


Keluarga Kai Feng menjual total 42,5 L susu pada bulan Januari dan Februari. Keluarganya menjual susu 5,3 L lebih banyak di bulan Februari daripada di bulan Januari. Berapa liter susu yang dijual keluarga Kai Feng di bulan Februari?

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

total penjualan susu januari dan februari = 42,5 L, disurmuskan sebagai :

x + y = 42,5

penjualan susu bulan februari, 5.3L lebih banyak dari januari, dapat dirumuskan sebagai :

x + (x+5,3) = 42,5


penjualan susu februari =

1. Hitung nilai x (penjualan susu januari)

 x + x + 5,3 = 42,5

       2x = 42,5 - 5,3

        2x = 37,2

          x = 18,6 L

2. Hitung nilai y (penjualan susu februari)

x + y = 42,5

18,6 + y = 42,5

          y = 23,9 L

4. in february or on february​


menurut saya yang paling cocok itu sih on february


kalau in february berarti di february kalau on february pada bulan february

semoga bermanfaat ya jadikan jawaban terbaik aku mohon. dan kalau diartikan keduanya itu berarti di bulan february atau pada bulan february


5. You are very dizzy. you ask your sister to fetch medicine for you. how would you ask? a. dont fetch the medicine b. dont disturb me, please c. please fetch me the medicine d. please keep the medicine in the box

answer : C. please fetch me the medicinec.please fetch me the medicine

6. 1. How to write these dates in English?b. February 9th, 1782a. 17th August 1945​

b. February the nineteenth in seventeen hundred and eight two

a.Seventeenth August nineteen fourty five

7. 1. how many days in February 2020?2. what is the day of the 1st February 2020?3. how many Saturday in February 2020?4. how many Sunday in March 2020?5. in what date is the second Wednesday of March 2020?mata pelajaran = bahasa Inggriskelas = 7mohon jawab dengan baik dan benarTerimakasih ^_^ngasal = lapor​


1. there are 29 days in february

2. that is saturday

3. there are 5 saturday in february

4. there are 5 sunday in march

5. that is 14th. that is second wednesday of march


hope fully i help:)))

8. the number of people who visited the bird park in February decreased by 30% to 3360 when completed to January (a.) how many people visited the bird park in January (b.)how many many fewer people visited the bird park in February?







Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:


9. 1. what prize did the writer win? 2. whose shuttle was it? 3. who did fetch the writer at the airport? 4. how did the writer and the artist talk to each other? 5. what did the writer do in the agency's building

1. the writer win a ticket fly to Seoul
2. jang wooyoung
3. jang wooyoung with several bodyguards
4. by the helped of an interpreter
5. practiced singing with Kim junsu and practiced dancing with jang wooyoung

10. The number of people who visited the bird park in february decreased by 30% to 3360 when compared to january. A) how many people visited the bird park in january? B) how many fewer people visited the bird park in february?.

A) how many people visited the bird park in january?

january 100 %

decreased by 30%

100% - 30% = 70%

100 / 70 x 3.360 = 4.800

So people visited the bird park in january is 4.800

B) how many fewer people visited the bird park in february? 3.360

11. Look at the following calendarsthen, answer the questionsSource https Ic8 alamy com/comp/T18Y92/2020 calendar february-month-vector printable calendar-monthly scheTask 4FEBRUARY 202012 3 4 5 6 7 89 10 11 12 13 14 1516 17 18 19 20 21 2223 24 25 26 27 28 29Picture Calendar of February and March 2020MARCH 20202 3 4 5 69 10 11 12 13 1415 16 17 18 19 20 2122 23 24 25 26 27 2829 30 31sunday-english-calendar-T1BY92.jpgQuestions:1.How many days in February 2020?Answer:2.What is the day of the 1st February 2020?Answer:.....3. How many Saturday in February 2020?Answer:......4.How many Sunday in March 2020?Answer:.....5.Answer:In what date is the second Wednesday of March 2020?​



2. Monday





12. Let's Associate! KD: 3.3 PR Critical Reas * Answer these questions to deepen your understanding! 1. How many months are there in a year? Answer: 2. What is the second month? Answer: 3. Is February the shortest month? Answer: 4. How many days are there in February? Answer: 5. What is the month after February? Answer: more and wishes​


kaga tau saya maaf sekali


like and subrek bang

13. The number of people who visited the bird park in february decreased by 30% to 3360 when compare to january. How many people visited bird park in january? How many fewer people visited the bird park in february?


Jumlah orang yang mengunjungi taman burung pada bulan Februari menurun sebesar 30% menjadi 3360 jika dibandingkan dengan bulan Januari. Berapa banyak orang yang mengunjungi taman burung pada bulan Januari? Berapa sedikit orang yang mengunjungi taman burung di bulan Februari ?

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

semoga membantu

14. The number of people who visited the bird park in february decreased by 30% to 3360 when compare to january. How many people visited bird park in january?


januari = 100%

berkurang 30%

tinggal 70 % ke 3360

100%/70% * 3360

= 10/7 * 3360 = 4800 orang


15. in a shopping mall promotion every 30th shopper gets a $150 voucher aand every 120th shopper gets a free meal. how many shoppers must enter the mall before one receives a voucher and a free meal​



16. how many days are three in february?yesterday was friday tomorrow is?​

1. February has 28 and 29 days

explanation: in the leap year February there are 29 days

2. Sunday

explanation: Because yesterday was Friday and now Saturday tomorrow is Sunday

Hope it helps and sorry if it's wrong

17. did kate go canoeing on February?​


(-)no, she's didn't go canoeing on february

18. 9. How many days in one month February?A. 31 daysB. 27 daysC. 28 daysD. 30 days​


C. 28 Days


Jumlah hari di bulan februari yang normal 28 hari. sedangkan pada tahun kabisat 4 tahun sekali jumlahnya 29 hari.


C. 28 Hari


Pada akhirnya hari dalam kalender Julian ini dibuat menjadi 365 hari dengan sengaja membuat Februari hanya memiliki 28 hari, sedangkan bulan lainnya memiliki 30 dan 31 hari

19. why did mr. hamdani fetch the purse

may Mr.hamdani find her

20. You are very dizzy. you ask your sister to fetch medicine for you. how would you ask? a. dont fetch the medicine b. dont disturb me, please c. please fetch me the medicine d. please keep the medicine in the box

kayaknya yang C sih..
jawaban yang paling tepat adalah c

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