Kamis, 30 Juni 2022

Kara Is Sorting Buttons By Length For A Craft Project

Kara Is Sorting Buttons By Length For A Craft Project

He is making a beautiful craft as a present for his girlfriend *​

Daftar Isi

1. He is making a beautiful craft as a present for his girlfriend *​


Dia sedang membuat sebuah prakarya/kerajinan tangan yg indah sebagai hadiah untuk pacarnya

2. What is involved in collecting requirements for a project?


Collecting requirements involve defining and documenting the features and functions of the products that is initiated and delivered during the project processes used for creating them. ... Interviewing stakeholders, questionnaire and survey are also involved in collecting requirements for a project.


3. 17. It is a piece of clothing, worn especially bymen, for the upper part of the body, withsleeves and buttons. what is it?​

Jawaban: suit (jas)


contoh gambar jas

4. "kevin is the project manager for cool radio english"

Jawaban :

" kevin adalah manajer proyek untuk radio keren bahasa inggris "

Penjelasan :

5. Jelaskan secara singkat tentang sorting data file data atau validasi dan share dan Project​


Sorting data adalah proses pengurutan data dalam urutan tertentu, baik secara menaik atau menurun. Sorting biasanya dilakukan untuk mempermudah pencarian dan analisis data.Validasi data adalah proses memastikan bahwa data yang dimasukkan atau diproses sesuai dengan kriteria atau aturan yang telah ditentukan. Validasi data sangat penting untuk memastikan keakuratan dan konsistensi data yang digunakan dalam suatu sistem atau aplikasi.Sharing data adalah proses berbagi data antara pengguna atau sistem yang berbeda. Sharing data dapat dilakukan melalui berbagai metode, seperti email, file sharing, atau database sharing.Project adalah suatu usaha yang direncanakan dan diorganisir untuk mencapai tujuan tertentu dalam waktu tertentu. Project dapat melibatkan berbagai jenis aktivitas, seperti perencanaan, pengembangan produk, penelitian, atau pembangunan infrastruktur. Dalam konteks teknologi informasi, project sering terkait dengan pengembangan aplikasi atau sistem informasi.

6. 1. My pencil length is 20 cm. Your pencil length is 25 cm2. Mother is pretty. Aunt is pretty3. Fandy is 60 kg. Bryan is 70 kg. Mohan is 75 kg4. The boy is hadsome his father is hadsome 5. Clara gets a for math. Mark gets e for math

What is the question?1. My pencil is shorter than yours.
2. My mother is as pretty as my aunt.
3. Mohan is bigger than Fandy and Bryan
4. The boy is as handsome as his father.
5. Clara is smarter than Mark.

Maaf kalau salah.

7. What is your project for your country?

I want to make my country more safe from terrorist
I want to make my country more United from the other country I will make the country become more advanced again

8. Andzalta +628170934456 sujiati I am sorry for not going to do our project . The text is for.....a.A birthday celebration b.Asking for apologize c.Asking to do a project d.Having fun with anger​


Jawabannya B. Asking for apologize


"i am sorry for not going to do our project" i minta maaf karena tidak mengikuti project kita, yang artinya meminta maaf wich is Apologizing

9. The project for our school's competition will.....the students A. Be made by B. Be doing by C. Be done by D. Be did by E. Is being drive by

B. Be doing by


10. What is the estimated completion time for this project? what is the estimated project budget? what is the probability that the project can be completed in 35 weeks?


Berapa perkiraan waktu penyelesaian untuk proyek ini? berapa perkiraan anggaran proyek? berapa probabilitas bahwa proyek dapat diselesaikan dalam 35 minggu?

11. There are 24 buttons in a jar. 8 of the buttons are red and the rest are blue. What fraction of the buttons is blue.


[tex] \frac{24 - 8}{24} = \frac{16}{24} = \frac{2}{3} [/tex]

12. The ratio of blue buttons to red buttons is 3 : 7. The ratio of blue buttons to green buttons is 6 : 5. The total buttons is 100. Find the amount of each color of buttons Jawab dengan cara!!


Blue Button : X

Red Button : Y

Green Button : Z


[tex] \frac{x}{y} = \frac{3}{7} [/tex]

[tex] \frac{x}{z} = \frac{6}{5} [/tex]

[tex]x + y + z = 100[/tex]


[tex] \frac{x}{y} = \frac{3}{7} \\ x = \frac{3}{7} y[/tex]

[tex] \frac{x}{z} = \frac{6}{5} \\ x = \frac{6}{5} z[/tex]

[tex]x = \frac{6}{5} z \\ \frac{3}{7} y = \frac{6}{5} z \\ \frac{1}{7} y = \frac{2}{5} z \\ y = \frac{2(7)}{5} z = \frac{14}{5} z[/tex]

[tex]x + y + z = 100 \\ \frac{6}{5} z + \frac{14}{5} z + z = 100 \\ \frac{20}{5} z + z = 100 \\ 4z + z= 100 \\ 5z = 100 \\ z = 20[/tex]

[tex]x = \frac{6}{5} z \\x = \frac {6}{5} \times 20 = 24[/tex]

[tex]y = \frac{14}{5}z \\ y = \frac{14}{5} \times 20 \\ y = 56[/tex]





13. Is volume is a derived quantity of length?​




volume is a derived quantity of length

Artinya :

volume adalah kuantitas turunan dari panjang

Semoga membantu ^^

14. a. She is working her project paper c. she is working project paper b. She is working project paper d. she is working it's project paper


a. she is working her project paper

15. The ratio of the number of blue buttons to the number of green buttons in a container is 2: 5. There are 210 more green buttons than blue buttons. How many blue buttons are there in the container?


the many blue buttons in the container is 84

step by step explanation:

Know :

The ratio of the number of blue buttons to the number of green buttons in a container is 2: 5. There are 210 more green buttons than blue buttons

Asked :

How many blue buttons are there in the container?

Answer :

lots of blue buttons :

= 2/5 × number of green buttons

= 2/5 × 210

= 84

In the problem, it is known that there are more green buttons than there are blue buttons, so the answer to many blue buttons is 84

ANSWERDETAILSLesson : MathClass : 4Theory : -3[comparison]Question code : 2Categorization : 4.2.3



Butang Biru = 140

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Selesaikan dua persamaan yang ada dua pemboleh ubah secara serentak

Persamaan pertama 210+x=y

Persamaan kedua y/5=x/2

Persamaan ketiga y=5x/2

Jalan kira


210+x (2)=5x










16. a drone is an unmanned air craft


drone adalah pesawat tanpa awak

#tutormath76Drone yaitu oesawat tanoa awak

17. 2. Active Voice: All students are finishing the annual project. * Passive Voice: ... a. The annual project is finishing by all students. c. The annual project is being finished by all students. e. The annual project is finished by all students. b. The annual project are finishing by all students. d. The annual project are being finished by all students. ha

E. The annual project is finished by all students.

18. Raka stands for a new tower. The length of Raka's shadow is 1,25 meters abd length of tower's shadow is 23,3 meters. If raka's height is 1,5 meters,what is the length of the tower?

length of the tower is 27.96 meters

19. there 24 buttons 8 of the buttons are red the rest of the buttons are blue whats the fraction of the buttons is blue answer quick!!!!!


pake bhs indonesia donk

20. a spring is given a force of 80 N and its length gwors by 2 cm. If the given force is 100 N, the growth in length is

x=2,5 cm

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