Sabtu, 25 Juni 2022

Which Rhetorical Device Is Demonstrated In The Excerpt

Which Rhetorical Device Is Demonstrated In The Excerpt

International - is -fierce - shipbuilding-demonstrated - in - industry -competition

Daftar Isi

1. International - is -fierce - shipbuilding-demonstrated - in - industry -competition

shipbuilding is fierce demonstrated in internasional industry competition

cuman bantu jawab,maaf kalau salah :)

2. 3) Re-read the second paragraph of point number 9 on the third page of the sermon. In this section, Edwards makes use of a rhetorical device known as prosopopoeia, which is "A figure of speech in which an imagined, absent, or dead person or thing is represented as speaking" (Oxford Living Dictionaries). Who does Edwards represent as speaking? Do you think using this trope was effective?

semoga membantu ya sukses selalu

3. The word telephone is even older than the device." What is the meaning of device?​

Jawaban: alat

Penjelasan: device means alat in indonesia


ngak bisa bahasa ingris

4. How would you compare the rhetorical devices used by Thomas Jefferson in the Declaration and those used by Patrick Henry in the “Give Me Liberty” speech?

Bagaimana kamu membandingkan perangkat yang retoris yang digunakan oleh Thomas Jefferson dalam Deklarasi dan yang digunakan oleh Patrick Henry di " Give Me Liberty " pidato ?

5. 2. Who is a lot of the people?a. Demonstratedb. Directorc. Managerd. Supervisor​


who is a lot of the people?

a. demonstrated

maaf kalo salah have a nice day

6. What kind of invitation do yu think is in the excerpt given above?how can you say that?

there is no an invitation here :))

7. laura has demonstrated the ability to articulate information and ideas only in the verbal forms.

laura telah menunjukan kemampuan untuk mengartikulasikan informasi dan idenya hanya dalam bentuk verbal

8. My hair in the morning is like a crumpled piece of paper." The poetic device used in the sentence is ... * 4 poin rhyme metaphor hyperbole onomatopoeia simile

The answer is simile


1. Hyperbole

An exaggerative statement for emphasis. In Bahasa, we assume it as the statement "lebay."


A ton of worry was left when I waited for his call.

[Berton-ton kecemasan saat menunggu telefon darinya]

2. Simile  

A comparison made between two different things but at least there is a point in common. It’s commonly identified by the words “like”, “as."

Example :

He ran fast like cheetah

[Dia berlari cepat seperti citah]

3. Metaphor

An implicit simile, the hidden comparison between two distinct things. The equation of two unrelated things is defined based on some characteristics. In metaphor, the connecting words "like", "as" are dropped.

Example :

Thanks for helping me, you are an angel.

[Terima kasih atas pertolongannya, kamu adalah malaikat]

4. Onomatopoeia

A figure of sound, the imitation of the natural sounds.

Example :

"zzzzz" reveals the snoring.

5. Rhyme

Two words sound alike which appears within the same line or end of line.

Example :



The statement "My hair in the morning is like a crumpled piece of paper" [Rambutku di pagi hari bagaikan kertas kusut] is categorized in "simile" figure of speech. It explicitly explains the shape of hair in the morning looks like. Simile is identified by the connector word using "like or as" to compare two different things but there's a point in common.

The "A [rhyme]" option is false. It doesn't contain the similar sound words either within the same line or end of line.

The "B [metaphor]" option is false. It doesn't contain the figurative meaning or the hidden comparison.

The "C[hyperbole]" option is false. It doesn't contain the overstatements.

The "D [Onomatopoeia] option is false. It doesn't contain the natural sounds.

So, the correct answer is the "E" option.


Learn more about

Figure of speech

Poetry Analysis "Family"

Poetry Analysis "The passionate Shepherd to his love"

Poetry Analysis "The sound of earth"



Grade       : XI

Subject     : English

Category   : Understanding the context

Sub.Cat. : Poetic devices

Code         : 11.5.7

Keywords : Figure of speech


The poetic device used in the sentence is SIMILE


9. Ellen Ochoa demonstrated hard work and perseverance in becoming an astronaut. What evidence is there from the text that shows this? (Reading street)


demonstrated hard work and perseverance

jadikan jawaban tercerdas ya

10. A gadget . . . . ??A. is a device that performs a certain taskB. is a device which performing a certain taskC. is a device is performing a certain taskD. . is a device perform to a certain deviceE. is a device performed a certain task​


B. is a device which performing a certain task

11. I what kind of Invitation do youthink is in the excerpt given above?How can you say that?write down your thoughts here​

hgcfdxchhjfssvvcbuh bhhhcgh

12. The device for measuring the depth of sea is said​





Founded in 1893, Chauvin Arnoux is an expert in the measurement of electrical and physical quantities in the industrial and tertiary sectors.

From portable instrumentation to fixed electrical equipment and energy performance solutions, backed by mastery of the whole thermal process chain and industrial metrology, the Chauvin Arnoux Group’s offering meets all its customers’ needs, whatever their sector of activity (contractors, industry, local authorities, etc.).


selling the product and service offering

CHAUVIN ARNOUX : Portable electrical test and measurement instrumentation

CHAUVIN ARNOUX ENERGY : Measuring equipment for critical infrastructure applications

PYROCONTROLE : Temperature measurement and control in industrial processes

MANUMESURE : Metrology and regulatory testing

INDATECH : Design of optical sensors for quality control in the laboratory and on in-line processes

SPECTRALYS : Measurement of agri-food product quality in real time by fluorescence and infrared

A few figures

100 million euros of sales revenues

10 subsidiaries spread across the world

900 employees

8 production sites

6 R&D departments worldwide

11% of revenues invested in R&D

bhs indonesianya:



Didirikan pada tahun 1893, Chauvin Arnoux adalah seorang ahli dalam pengukuran kuantitas listrik dan fisik di sektor industri dan tersier.

Dari instrumentasi portabel hingga peralatan listrik tetap dan solusi kinerja energi, didukung oleh penguasaan seluruh rantai proses termal dan metrologi industri, penawaran Chauvin Arnoux Group memenuhi semua kebutuhan pelanggan, apa pun sektor aktivitas mereka (kontraktor, industri, otoritas lokal, dll.)


menjual penawaran produk dan layanan

CHAUVIN ARNOUX: Uji listrik portabel dan instrumentasi pengukuran

CHAUVIN ARNOUX ENERGY: Alat ukur untuk aplikasi infrastruktur kritis

PYROCONTROLE: Pengukuran dan kontrol suhu dalam proses industri

MANUMESUR: Metrologi dan pengujian peraturan

INDATECH: Desain sensor optik untuk kontrol kualitas di laboratorium dan pada proses in-line

SPECTRALYS: Pengukuran kualitas produk pangan pertanian secara real time dengan fluoresensi dan inframerah

Beberapa angka

100 juta euro dari pendapatan penjualan

10 anak perusahaan tersebar di seluruh dunia

900 karyawan

8 lokasi produksi

6 departemen R&D di seluruh dunia

11% dari pendapatan diinvestasikan dalam R&D

semoga bermamfaat:<

selamat membaca:v

13. what is the first calculating device


What is the first calculating device?
=> It is "The Abacus".


14. Bantu jawab saya butuh cepat What kind of invitation do you think is in the excerpt given above? How can you say that ? Write down your thoughts here

The question still in doubt, so I can't answer it.

15. Questions:1. Why should smoking be banned in public areas2. Write down lethal diseases which are caused by3. How many chemicals does smoke from the ave4. Why is nicotine dangerous for our health?5. Does smoking have an effect on social life?6. In which paragraphs does the writer state his7. Does the writer use passive voice in this text?8. What is the social function of this text?9. Mention the rhetorical stages of this text.​


Jawaban untuk pertanyaan tersebut adalah sebagai berikut.

Smoking should be banned in public areas because it causes health damage to the public.Some diseases associated with smoking behavior are lung cancer, brain cancer, heart attack etc.Known chemicals in smoke include nicotine, tar, carbon monoxide etc. Smoking does have effect on social life as non-smoking people tends to avoid smoker.Number 5 - 6 can't be answer as there is no reference.


Pada kesempatan kali ini, soal didasarkan pada teks. Namun, karena tidak disajikan teks rujukan, beberapa jfawaban didasarkan pada pengetahuan umum tentang merokok. Untuk memperoleh jawaban yang lebih akurat, dapat disajikan teks sebagai rujukan.

Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang materi smoking pada


16. As a safety measure, the detonator for a nuclear device may be made of. …each of which is controlled by a different employee.

As a safety measure, the detonator for a nuclear device may be made of two pieces of equipment each of which is controlled by a different employee. We must pay attention to subject-verb agreement.


Arti dari kalimat tersebut adalah:

"Sebagai tindakan pengamanan, detonator untuk perangkat nuklir dapat dibuat dari dua peralatan yang masing-masing dikendalikan oleh karyawan yang berbeda."

Subject-verb agreement adalah penyesuaian antara suatu verb (kata kerja) dengan subjek yang ada dalam sebuah kalimatUntuk menentukan kata kerjanya, kita harus memperhatikan apakah subjeknya tunggal (singular) ataupun jamak (plural).Subjek juga berbentuk countable (dapat dihitung ) = bisa singular dan plural atau noncountable noun (tidak dapat dihitung) = hanya singular form.

Untuk memudahkan pembahasan, dalam hal ini, pertanyaan kurang lengkap seharusnya disertai pilihan jawaban, yaitu:

(A) two equipments

(B) two pieces of equipments

(C) two pieces of equipment

(D) two equipment pieces

Jawaban yang tepat adalah jawaban (C) two pieces of equipment. Hal tersebut disebabkan:

Kata "equipment" merupakan kata noncountable noun (kata yang tidak dapat dihitung), sehingga tidak memiliki plural form (bentuk jamak)Oleh karena itu, kata "equipments" salah digunakan. Eliminasi jawaban A dan B.Secara makna, jawaban D benar. Namun, hal tersebut tidak lazim digunakan dalam bahasa Inggris (bentuk informal), oleh karena itu, jawaban yang benar sudah jelas jawaban C.

Pelajari lebih lanjut:

Materi tentang Plural Nouns

#BelajarBersamaBrainly #SPJ4

17. What is the excerpt of the song lyrics mainly about Imagine by John lennon

Jawaban: harmony and uniting with each other.


Full lyrics:

Imagine there's no heaven

It's easy if you try

No hell below us

Above us only sky

Imagine all the people

Living for today

Imagine there's no countries

It isn't hard to do

Nothing to kill or die for

And no religion too

Imagine all the people

Living life in peace, ooh

You may say I'm a dreamer

I'm not the only one

I hope someday you'll join us

And the world

Will live as one

Imagine no possessions

I wonder if you can

No need for greed or hunger

A brotherhood of man

Imagine all the people

Sharing all the world, ooh

You may say I'm a dreamer

I'm not the only one

I hope someday you'll join us

And the world

Will be as one

18. mention device which used inclined plane

Artinya : sebutkan perangkat yang menggunakan bidang miring

19. arti the device has been disconnected or is unavailabe

alat tidak terhubung atau tidak tersedia

20. True/False: The movie Moneyball demonstrated the use of a new business model to enhance win rates in professional baseball. ?


True/False: The movie Moneyball demonstrated the use of a new business model to enhance win rates in professional baseball. ?

The answer is: True.


Film Moneyball mengajarkan pada kita bahwa semua orang bisa belajar dari Billy Beane dan Oakland A. melalui penggunaan statistik yang tidak sentimental dan melakukan sesuatu secara berbeda, Billy Beane mampu memanfaatkan inefisiensi di pasar untuk bakat bisbol dan membangun tim beranggaran rendah yang menang atas pesaing di pasar besar mereka. Mereka pada akhirnya mampu meningkatkan jumlah kemenangan dan berhasil meraih gelar juara.

Semoga membantu ya.

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