Sabtu, 02 Juli 2022

The Drawing Shows Two Boxes Resting On Frictionless Ramps

The Drawing Shows Two Boxes Resting On Frictionless Ramps

Ruben needs to pack school supplies for the summer. He stacks two boxes on the table to start packing. Calculate the total volume (in cubic Inches) of the boxes! *

Daftar Isi

1. Ruben needs to pack school supplies for the summer. He stacks two boxes on the table to start packing. Calculate the total volume (in cubic Inches) of the boxes! *

132 in

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

known :

long 1 = 12 in

long 2 = 6 in

wide 1 = 2 in

wide 2 = 2 in

height 1 = 4 in

height 2 = 3 in

ask : total volume?

my answ : total volume = V1 + V2

(l1×w1×h1) + (l2×w2×h2) = (12×2×4) + (6×2×3) = 96 + 36 = 132 in

2. a.She lifted the two ... all by herself.Boxb. Boxesc. Boxes​




karena 2 benda itu plural jadi tambahin s/es

Semoga membantuyah kak!jangan lupa jadikan yang terbaik

3. 1.the ball is .... two boxes2.the ball rolls ....... the street​​


1. the ball is in the two boxes

2. the ball rolls to the street


maaf kalau salah ya.....

4. 1.the ball is .... two boxes2.the ball rolls ....... the street​


1.the ball is in the two boxes

2.the ball rolls on the street

maaf klo salah



5. 1. Have - we - house - two 2. Dani - drawing - has - book - a 3. There - a painting - is - on - wall - the


1.We Have two house

2. Dani has a drawing book

3 there is a painting on the wall


1. _subjek_ predicate_object

we Have two house


Dani has a drawing book


There is on the wall

6. cereal / two / needs / of / He / boxes. Arrange these words into a good sentence is…. *A. he needs two boxes of cerealB. needs he boxes of carealC. he needs two careal boxesD. he needs a boxes cateal two​


A. He needs two boxes of cereal


No explanation.

7. identify the professions! drawing on the canvas.He/she is a​


He/she is a painterbecause have a job to drawing on the canvas.

8. there are two boxes apakah arti nya

ada dua kotak
maaf kalau salah disni terdapat dua boks
maaf kalau salah

9. Apa arti dari the picture shows two komodo dragons . I took the picture when visiting komodo island two years ago.Komodo dragons are the largest living lizards in the world. The two komodo dragons lay on the ground

gambar menunjukkan dua komodo. Saya mengambil gambar ketika mengunjungi pulau komodo dua tahun yang lalu. Komodo adalah kadal hidup terbesar di dunia. Kedua komodo itu terbaring di tanah

10. Make a good dialogue between two people that shows congratulation on achievement

A : well done! You won the race yesterday.
B : thank you... I thought i would lose the game at the beginning. But finally i could bet them all.
A : oh, i wish i could watch the race...

11. Complete the sentences with the suitable tenses on the suitable boxes​


1. The girl explained it so well.

2. They do their homework so well.

3. We send the letter now.

4. She did not forget how to use the computer.

5. Rangga left his girlfriend alone.

6. Do they obey the rules?


Im really sorry if its wrong :<

12. fill in the boxes based on the pictures artinya adalah

isi di kotak sesuai gambarisi kotak bedasarkan gambar

13. 5. Tono is drawing something on the table. Teacher : anything on the table. It makes the table dirty. Tono I am sorry, Sir. Teacher : Well. ... the drawing on your table. Tono : Yes. Sir.​


-draw anything on the table. It makes the table dirty.

-removethe drawing on your table.

14. fill in the boxes based on the pictures artinya adalah

artinya :
Isi kotak berdasarkan gambarnya

15. The diagram shows two food tests carried out on solution x. which nutrients are present in solution x ?

Diagram menunjukkan dua tes makanan yang dilakukan pada larutan x. nutrisi yang ada dalam larutan x adalah protein dan gula.


Kita tahu bahwa setiap hidangan biasanya terdiri dari satu atau lebih bahan, yang kita dapatkan dari tumbuhan atau hewan. Bahan-bahan tersebut mengandung beberapa komponen yang dibutuhkan oleh tubuh kita. Komponen ini disebut nutrisi. Makanan yang berbeda mengandung berbagai jenis nutrisi. Karbohidrat, protein, lemak, vitamin dan mineral merupakan nutrisi penting yang terdapat dalam makanan.

Nutrisi adalah komponen kimia dalam makanan yang diperlukan untuk melepaskan energi dan membantu pertumbuhan. Karbohidrat dan lemak terutama memberikan energi bagi tubuh kita.

Nutrisi utama dalam makanan kita adalah karbohidrat, protein, lemak, vitamin dan mineral. Selain itu, makanan juga mengandung serat makanan dan air.

Protein dan mineral dibutuhkan untuk pertumbuhan dan pemeliharaan tubuh kita.

Pati dan gula adalah dua jenis karbohidrat yang ditemukan dalam makanan.

Karbohidrat dan lemak terutama menyediakan energi.

Pelajari lebih lanjut

Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang:

Cara menguji kandungan zat makanan pada

#BelajarBersamaBrainly #SPJ4

16. 1.the ball is .... two boxes 2.the ball rolls ....... the streetbantu aku kakkk​


1. In

2. On

semoga membantu

17. I find two Boxes Outside there.The singular form of the underlined word is...a. an box. c. Boxesb. a box d. Some Boxes​

a box


singular form dari boxes adalah a box

18. Complete the following Dialog with suitable words from the boxes Gea dan Mr on ​


selesaikan dialog berikut dengan kata-kata yang sesuai dari kotak Gea dan mr on


maaf kalau aku masih salah

Complete the following Dialog with suitable words from the boxes Gea dan Mr on


19. who is drawing a Mount on the wall

siapa yang menggambar gunung di tembokyang melukis/menggambar gunung di dinding

20. 25. A man bought 4 boxes of notebooks and 6 boxes of drawing books. Each box of notebooks has 288 books and each box of drawing books has 60 books. The total of the boxes that he bought is... Books A. 1.152 B. 1160 C. 1368​



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

[tex]4 \times 288 = 1152 \\ 60 \times 6 = 360 \\ \\ 1.152 + 360 = 1.512[/tex]

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