Senin, 25 Juli 2022

What Is 75 Of 800

What Is 75 Of 800

What fraction of 20 km 800 m is 1 km 350 m?

Daftar Isi

1. What fraction of 20 km 800 m is 1 km 350 m?



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:


Yang benar:

20000m/800m = 100m/4m atau 1km/4m

Semoga membantu maaf jika salah

2. What is the mass of 2 kg of ice that melts when 400 000 cal is given to the ice? ( L = 800 cal / g )

Suhu & Kalor       " Kalor "

Diketahui :

massa es keseluruhan : 2 kg

Q = 400 000 kalori

L = 800 kal/g

Ditanya : Massa es yang meleleh

Jawab :

[tex]Q_{Lebur} = m . L\\\\m = \frac{Q_{Lebur}}{L}\\\\m = \frac{400 000}{800}\\\\m = 500 g[/tex]

- massa yang meleleh = 500 gram

- massa yang tidak meleleh = 2 - 0,5 = 1,5 kg

Pelajari lebih lanjut :


3. 8. if you sell $2500 worth of product, pay cogs of $800 and other variable costs of $360, what is your gross profit?

2500-800-360 = 1.340

4. 800 - 75: 25 x 5 + 500 =​


800 - 75 : 25 x 5 + 500

= 1.285

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Menghitung hasil operasi campuran bilangan

Mapel : Matematika

Hasil dari 800 - 75 : 25 x 5 + 500 adalah ...

Pertama, kerjakan yang operasi pembagiannya terlebih dahulu

800 - 75 : 25 x 5 + 500

= 800 - 3 x 5 + 500

= 800 - 15 + 500

= 785 + 500

= 1.285

Jadi, hasil dari 800 - 75 : 25 x 5 + 500 adalah 1.285



800-75 : 25 × 5 + 500 = 1.285

5. A train of mass 800 000 kg is slowing down. What acceleration is produced if the braking force is 1 400 000 N

From task
we know :
mass = m = 800.000 kg
F = 1.400.000 N

Problem : acceleration?

solved :
a = F / m
   = 1.400.000 / 800.000
   = 1,75 m/s²

6. Express each of your answers as fractionsin their simplest form. What fraction ofa $1 is 20 cb 4 metres is 400 mmc 1 kg is 350 gd 2 litres is 400 mle 1 week is 48 hoursf 3 tonnes is 800 kg?​


1/5, 1/10, 7/20, 1/5, 2/7, 4/15

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

1. $1 is 100 c, thus 20 c is 1/5.

2. 4 metres is 4000 mm, thus 400 mm is 1/10

3. 1 kg is 1000 g, thus 350 g is 7/20

4. 2 litres is 2000 ml, thus 400 ml is 1/5

5. 1 week is 7 × 24 hours, thus 48 hours is 2/7

6. 3 tonnes is 3000 kg, thus 800 kg is 4/15

7. There are 800 members in a mathematic club. 560 of the members are females. What percentage of the members are females? jawab donggg



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

All members = 800 members

Females = 560 members

females percentage = 560/800 × 100%

= 70 %

semoga membantu!

8. A-Yeong is pulling a 800 N trolley full of foods for 5 m. What is the work done by A-Yeong?​




Work done, W=F×s=50×10=500J

9. Tentukan nilai 5√75 -3√72-√800​


satu tambah satu due due tambah satu tige tige tambah satu eeeee empaattt empat tambah satu eee berape e kau ingat takkk =_=

10. 75%dari 800 adalah....​

» 75% dari 800

» 75% × 800

» 75/100 × 800

» 60.000/100

» 600

75% × 800

= (75/100) × 800

= 0,75 × 800

= 600 ✔

11. 800 g of liquid X at 30°C is mixed with the same liquid of mass Mkg at 80°C. The final temperature after mixing is 60°C. What isvalue of M?#help me #physic​


m.∆t1 = m.∆t2

800.(60°-30°) = m.(80°-60°)

800. 30° = m . 20°

m = 30°/20° x 800

m = 1200 g

12. sderhanakan bentuk akar dari √80 - √75 + √800

semoga membantu yaa ^^

13. matematika porogapit 800:75

[tex] \sqrt[75]{800} = 10.6666666666[/tex]

14. what is the net force on an 800 kg airplane flying with a constant velocity of 160 km/hour north ​


Punten kak, izin menjawab yaa..


According to Newton's Law (ll)

F = m.a

Because base on the question above that plane's velocity is constant, so delta v or we called "acceleration" is zero "0".

So, value of F on Newton's Law (ll) as follow:

F = 800 × 0 = 0

15. Jumlah dari 800 ÷ 75 x 25



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

[tex] \frac{800}{75} \times 25[/tex]

[tex] = \frac{800}{3} [/tex]

[tex] = 266.667[/tex]

16. berapa hasil dari -75+800:-25=

-75 + 800 : (-25)

= 800 : (-25) = -32

= - 75 + - 32 = - 107

Jawab: -107

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

-75 + 800 : -25

= -75 + -32

= -107

17. Lake TobaLake Toba is the largestlake in Southeast Asia. It ison the altitude of 800 metersabove the sea level, 100kilometers long, and 30kilometers wide. It is situatedin the caldera of the hugeToba volcano which eruptedapproximately 75,000 yearsago1. what does the text mainly tell us about?2. what is lake toba?3. where is lake Toba located?4. what island is there in the middle of lake Toba?5. "then it formed a caldera which is now lake Toba," (paragraph 2) what does the word "it" refer to?​


1. apa yang sebagian besar teks ceritakan kepada kita?PANJANG DANAU TOBA,LEBAR DANAU TOBA,dan diberitahu bahwa danau Toba 800 meter diatas permukaan laut.

2. apa itu danau toba?

Sebuah danau Toba yang terbentuk karena adanya letusan gunung berapi yang aktif sekitar 75,ribu THN lalu

3. Dimanakah letak danau Toba?

Sumatera Utara

4.pulau Samosir ga ngerti.


ya thanks.

1. The text mainly tells us about lake toba
2. Lake toba is the largest lake in Southeast Asia
3. Lake toba is located in the caldera of the huge toba volcano
4. The island in the middle of lake toba is Samosir
5. The “ it “ refers to mountain

Hope it helps

Sorry if I make any mistake

18. what is your stat brainly? 60+20= 100+50= 800+1= what is ''tanya'' english 200-200= $20 + $20 = type your brainly password:______________








maaf kalo salah


60 + 20 =80

100 + 50 = 150

800 + 1 = 801

200 - 200 = 0

$ 20 + $ 20 = $40

Tanya bahasa inggris =asket

sorry if the answer is not correct and the answer is unclear ,, make it the smartest answer if it helps

19. 75% dari 800 adalah dengan caranya

75 % dibuat menjadi pecahan lalu dikalikan dengan 800
= 75/100*800
= 60075% dari 800
75/100 x 800
75 x 8

semoga bermanfaat

20. 75% dari 800 menghasilkan angka ?

800 : 75% = 200
semoga membantu800 : 75% = (200)
semoga membantu.

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