Minggu, 14 Agustus 2022

Categorize The Graph As Linear Increasing

Categorize The Graph As Linear Increasing

The increasing of earth temperature due to the increasing of CO2 and other gases concentrations is called as ....

Daftar Isi

1. The increasing of earth temperature due to the increasing of CO2 and other gases concentrations is called as ....

global warming
somoga membantu

2. The population of the world .................... very fast.are increasingis increasingincreasingOther:​


are increasing


jadikan jawaban terbaik


The population of the world is increasing very fast.

Hope it helps;-)

3. 1. A linear equation of graph A is 3x - 2y = 12. a.make table for 3x - 2y= 12. take x from: -2,-1,0,1,2,3,4,5 b. Draw the graph. BANTUU PLEASEEEE


Gagwlsagzvzhwlqiaagvzhapwsu, xvbskwksai, gxvswkwiayzvznamlwisyzcwbwksyzv

4. categorize the past verbs in activity 9 intro regular verbs and irregular verbs ​


92(2(22+28#8#($($(#($($#92) 2

5. Tolong doang jawab categorize the past simple verbs into regular and irraguler verbs


tomato :tomatoes

sheep :sheep

6. Draw a PPF curve for the hypothetical nation of Dustbowl. In Dustbowl, only two products are made: bottles of water and feather dusters. Assume that the law of increasing opportunity costs applies to Dustbowl. Label your graph completely.

WOW IS THE TEU NYAHO Jawab Kusorangan Tong Nanya Batur..Mih Pinteur

7. the oxidation number of mangan in the reaction 3MnO2 + KClO3 + 6KOH ➡ 3K2MnO4 + KCl + 3H2O isa. increasing 3b. decreasing 3c. decreasing 2d. increasing 2e. increasing 5

3MnO2 + KClO3 + 6KOH ➡ 3K2MnO4 + KCl + 3H2O

3MnO2 --> Mn + O2 = 0
Mn + (-2)2 = 0
Mn - 4 = 0
Mn oxd.number in 3MnO2 = 4

3K2MnO4 --> K2 + Mn + O4 = 0
1(2) + Mn + (-2)4 = 0
2 + Mn - 8 = 0
Mn = 8 - 2
Mn oxd. number in 3K2MnO4 = 6

so, the oxidation number of mangan in the reaction 3MnO2 + KClO3 + 6KOH ➡ 3K2MnO4 + KCl + 3H2O is increasing 2 (d)

8. What is the velocity/time gradient graph for the oscillator ?


The gradient of speed-time and velocity-time graphs represent acceleration. The area under a speed-time graph represents the distance travelled. Likewise, the area under a velocity-time graph represents the displacement of the moving object.


Gradien grafik kecepatan-waktu dan kecepatan-waktu mewakili percepatan. Area di bawah grafik kecepatan-waktu mewakili jarak yang ditempuh. Demikian juga, area di bawah grafik kecepatan-waktu mewakili perpindahan benda yang bergerak.

9. which graph represents the solution of the inequality -12x > 36​


the working and the answer are shown in the pic.

semangat belajar;))

10. which graph represents the solution of the inequality -12x > 36​


the working and the answer are shown in the pic.

semangat belajar;))

11. Which part of the bar graph shows the name of the graph?a. Titleb. Axisc. Scaled. Labelsmaaf bukan mata pelajaran indonesia kepencet harusnya matematika


Which part of the bar graph shows the name of the graph?

a. Title

b. Axis

c. Scale

d. Labels


d. Labels


maaf kalo salah

semoga membantu

12. The man decided to resign from his job ... his proposal of increasing the salary was rejected. (A) thus (B) as (C) hence (D) because of

(D) because of
semoga membantu :)

13. Listen to speaker and categorize every expression to the table below carefully !


dengarkan pembicara dan kategorikan setiap ekspresi ke tabel di bawah ini dengan cermat


itu Arti nya maaf kalo salah

14. The Law of increasing return adalah

Law of diminishing returns adalah sebuah hukum dalam ekonomi yang menjelaskan tentang proporsi input yang tepat untuk mendapatkan output maksimal. Teori ini menjelaskan bahwa ketika input yang kita miliki melebihi kapasitas produksi dari input, maka return (pendapatan) kita akan semakin menurun.hukum pengembalian
maaf jika salah

15. listen to the speaker and categorize every expression to the table below carefully​


dengarkan pembicara dan kategorikan setiap ekspresi ke tabel di bawah ini dengan cermat


cuman terjemahkan aja ya

16. Tsunami is a natural disaster caused by the increasing waves of the sea to land with a high swiftness as the consequence of the quake which is centred under the ocean.


Tsunami adalah bencana alam yang disebabkan oleh meningkatnya gelombang laut ke darat dengan kecepatan tinggi sebagai akibat dari gempa yang berpusat di bawah laut .

ini mau di translate atau gimna??

maaf klo slah dan gk nyambung translate nya..

17. Tsunami is a natural disaster caused by the increasing waves of the sea to land with a high swiftness as the consequence of the quake which is centred under the ocean.


Tsunami adalah bencana alam yang disebabkan oleh meningkatnya gelombang laut ke darat dengan kecepatan tinggi sebagai akibat dari gempa yang berpusat di bawah laut.

ini mau di translate atau gimna??

maaf klo slah dan gk nyambung translate nya....

18. v (m/s)50402. Look at the graph. It is a graph of velocity as a function of time ofbicycle which is performing a linear motion. Define the velocity ofthe bicycle when :a. t = 85b. t = 10 s302010 -t(s)0246810​


Tolong diperbaiki soalnya ya

19. suggestion about the increasing number of unemployment​


• Open as many job opportunities

• increase the circulation of business capital, so that the number of workers increases

• Placing job seekers in places that match their abilities


semoga membantu ^Δ^

20. Choose a graph from below, and write a description using the information in the graph. ​*tolong deadline hari ini:))​


Maaf kalo salah


In the beginning of 2010, during january to August, the salmon catches were higher than the trout catches. but at September, the trout catches overtook the salmon catches

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