Minggu, 14 Agustus 2022

Which Intermolecular Force Is The Weakest

Which Intermolecular Force Is The Weakest

the weakest animal is​

Daftar Isi

1. the weakest animal is​


In absolute terms, the weakest animal is probably the smallest. The smallest members of the kingdom Animalia are probably the mites of the Eriophyidae genus, which can be just 125 micrometers (0.125 millimetres) long.


hope this helps!-^^

2. Which of the following is a contact force?a. Electrostatic forcec. Gravitational forceb. Frictional forced. Magnetic force​


A. Electrostatic


Kayak ny menurut saya

3. Which of the following forces is acting on the book?O Frictional forceO Magnetic forceO Gravitational forceO Elastic spring force​


B. magnetic force


i hope this answer is true

4. the Temple is in force of the​

the temple is in force of the =

kuil ini di paksa

5. ....is the unit of force​


Newton is the unit of force

6. Questions 1. From which hole does the water shoot out with the greatesest force? How can you tell? 2. From which hole does the water shoot out with the least force? 3. The force with which water shoots out from a hole increases as the liquid pressure acting on the water at that point increases. At which hole is the liquid pressure (a) the greatest? ...(b) the least? Conclusion Liquid pressure is greater at... than at... and.... As depth increases, liquid pressure...​



The greatest force is in the small cross-sectional area, while the smallest force is in the large cross-sectional area

it can be seen in the equation F = P/A

I don't give you a conclusion because maybe that question have a picture

7. Anis : Was Indonesia team as stroing as Japan?Mita : No., I think Japan was stronger than Indonesia.Anis : But ... China, Japan or Indonesia?Mita : China. *A. Which team is the strongestB. Which team is the weakestC. Which country plays betterD. Which country plays the fastestBESERTA keterangannya yah...,​


B. which team is the weakest


Anis: Apakah tim Indonesia sekeras Jepang?

Mita: Tidak, saya pikir Jepang lebih kuat dari Indonesia.

Anis: Tapi ... Cina, Jepang atau Indonesia?

Mita: Cina. *

A. Tim mana yang terkuat

B. Tim mana yang paling lemah

C. Negara mana yang bermain lebih baik

D. Negara mana yang paling cepat bermain

semoga membantu , maaf. kalo salah

8. Anna: Was Indonesia team as strong as Japan? Cindy: No, I think Japan was stronger than Indonesia. Ana: But … China, Japan or Indonesia? Cindy: China. a. Which team is the strongest? b. Which team is the weakest? c. Which country plays better? d. Which country plays the fastest?


Anna: Was Indonesia team as strong as Japan?

Cindy: No, I think Japan was stronger than Indonesia.

Ana: But which team is the strongest China, Japan or Indonesia?

Cindy: China.

Kenapa A?  

Karena degree of comparasion jenis superlatif (paling).  

Jadi jawaban yang tepat adalah A


O yakunitateba saiwaidesu (* ^ ▽ ^*)


a. Which team is the strongest?


Jawaban dicetak tebal pilihan a. dan merupakan materi pembelajaran bentuk Superlative dari Degrees of Comparison (derajat perbandingan) dalam Bahasa Inggris.

Karena dari awal percakapan sudah membahas tentang tim yang kuat dan dinyatakan bahwa tim Jepang lebih kuat, maka pertanyaannya pun kemungkinan besarnya menanyakan tim mana yang terkuat (the strongest) dan jawabannya adalah pilihan a. Which team is the strongest?

Semoga membantu ya.

9. what is the weakest animal ever?​


There are a lot of weak animals depending on what factors are considered to be 'weak'. But the most notible would be the Sloth, the panda, the hippo, and the koala.


These animals are considered 'weak' due to it's 'lazy' habits. But depending on what kind of factors your asking, I'm just answering with the basic choices.

Hope this helps :D

10. what is the weakest animal on the sea (dont copy paste!)​



sorry if im wrong

11. Pressure of 300 N/m2 is experienced when a force of 2 kn is applied. Calculate the area over which the force is applied to obtain the pressure stated. Please help


6,67 m²


Diketahui :

P = 300 N/m²

F = 2 kN = 2 x 1.000 N = 2.000 N

Ditanya :

A = ...?

Pembahasan :

Area bidang tekan dihitung dengan :

P = F/A

A = F/P

A = 2.000/300

A = 6,67 m²

So, the area over which a force is applied to obtain the stated pressure is 6.67 m².

Hope this helps you

12. 1.Give 3 example in which a force is used to change the shapeof an object. 2.Give 3 example in which a force is used to change the direction of a moving objectjawab pliss besok dikumpulSCIENCE

1.) by pressing and massaging
2.) by kicking, blocking, passing, parrying, and others.

I hope this help... : ) !!!

13. ....is the unit of force​


SI is the unit of force


have a nice day

14. The force of ...... between object and the Earth is called gravitational force.

The force of ATTRACTION between object and earth is called gravitational force

#conquer or dieThe force of ...... between object and the Earth is called gravitational force.
my answer :

Please answer me the best answer yes

15. Anna: was Indonesia team as strong as Japan? Cindy: no. I think Japan was stronger than Indonesia Anna: but...China, Japan or Indonesia Cindy: China A. Which team is the strongest? B. Which team is the weakest? C. which country plays better? D. Which country plays the fastest?


C. Which country plays better?


translete:C. Negara mana yang bermain lebih baik?

16. Anna: Was Indonesia team as strong as Japan? Cindy: No, I think Japan was stronger than Indonesia. Ana: But … China, Japan or Indonesia? Cindy: China. a. Which team is the strongest? b. Which team is the weakest? c. Which country plays better? d. Which country plays the fastest?

Jawaban: a

Jawaban yang tepat adalah Which team is the strongest, degree of comparasion jenis superlatif (paling).


A. Which team is the strongest


Semoga membantu :)

17. Which of the following is an example of a buoyant force acting on an object?


arti dari (Which of the following is an example of a buoyant force acting on an object?) adalah

"Manakah dari berikut ini yang merupakan contoh gaya apung yang bekerja pada suatu benda"


itu artinya.... tapi koookkk..... ini di suruh ngartiin atau gimana sih? etdahhh

18. clues1. gravitational force can act at a____from am object.2. the force of______bettween object and the earth is called gravitational force.3.the______of an object is the amount of matter the object jas.4.the force that pulls all object_____ is caleed gravitational force.5.the______of an object is gravitational force between the object and the earth​




karena gerak gravitasi yang bergerak

19. Assumed two vectors of force : F 1 which is 12 N F 2 which is 16 N. The angle between both vectors is 60°. Calculate the length of the resultant. Determine the direction of the resultant.​


Arti soal:

Diasumsikan dua vektor gaya: F, yaitu 12 N dan F, yaitu 16 N. Sudut antara keduanya

vectore adalah 60 °. Hitung panjang resultannya. Tentukan arah resuhant


Gw gabisa jawab njir- (maap ya)


#Jadikan jawaban terbaik# Kasih love nya#Semoga membantu

20. What is the force constant of a spring which is stretcheda) 2 mm by a force of 4N,b) 4cm by a mass of 200g?.


Untuk menghitung konstanta gaya suatu pegas, kita perlu menggunakan rumus:

k = F / x

Di mana:

k = konstanta gaya (dalam newton/meter)

F = gaya yang diberikan pada pegas (dalam newton)

x = perpanjangan pegas (dalam meter)

a) Dalam hal ini, gaya F = 4 N, dan perpanjangan pegas x = 2 mm = 2 x 10^-3 m. Jadi, konstanta gaya k = F / x = (4 N) / (2 x 10^-3 m) = 2000 N/m.

b) Dalam hal ini, massa m = 200 g = 0.2 kg. Selain itu, kita juga tahu bahwa gaya gravitasi pada bumi adalah F = m x g, di mana g adalah percepatan gravitasi (9.8 m/s^2). Jadi, gaya F = 0.2 kg x 9.8 m/s^2 = 1.96 N. Perpanjangan pegas x = 4 cm = 4 x 10^-2 m. Jadi, konstanta gaya k = F / x = (1.96 N) / (4 x 10^-2 m) = 49 N/m.


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