Senin, 01 Agustus 2022

Draw The Major Product S Of Nitration Of Benzenesulfonic Acid

Draw The Major Product S Of Nitration Of Benzenesulfonic Acid

which one of the following is not the ingredient of the product? a. saltb. cheddar cheese c. lactic acidd. folic acid

Daftar Isi

1. which one of the following is not the ingredient of the product? a. saltb. cheddar cheese c. lactic acidd. folic acid

Jawaban :
D. Folic Acid

smoga terbantu :)

edit : (ternyata betul stelah dibaca lagi)

2. tolong dibantu The name of the product... * The brand of the product * The description of the product? * The use of the product ... * The content of the product... * The direction to use of the product... The direction to use of the product... The expiration date of the product... *


* The name of the product Augmentin

* The brand of the product SB SmithKline Beecham

* The description of the product


Amoxicillin/ Clavunalate potassium

When reconstituted, each 5 ml contains:

-Amoxicillin 125 mg, as the trihydrate,

-Clavulanic Acid 31,25 mg, as the clavunalate potassium

* The content of the product Amoxicillin, Clavulanic Acid

* The direction to use of the product

Direction for mixing(tulis semua kalimatnya sesuai yg digambar), Dosage(tulis semua kalimatnya sesuai yang digambar)

* The expiration date of the product 10 Days



3. 1.brand of the product of the product3.description of the product4.contenst or amounts of the product5.ingredients of the product​


1. Breakfast Cereal

2. Low Fat Cereal

3. low fat breakfast cereals contains mango pieces, walnuts and royal jelly

4. 500g

5. whole grain wheat, corn, rolled oats, palm oil, etc.


4. Tentukan: 1.Brand of the product 2.Name of the product3.Description of the product4.Contents or amount of the product 5.Ingredients of the product6.Directions for instructions about the product (directions for consumption) 7.Directions for storage of the product 8.Manufacture of the productyang ga tau ga usah di jawab ​


1. MANGO, walnut and royal jelly

2. breakfast cereals

3. low fat breakfast cereals contains Mango Pieces, walnut and royal jelly

4. tulis yg didalem table

5. tulis yang ingredients

6. net weigh: 500 g

7. warning : the product may not be suitable for asthma and allergy sufferers

8. tulis yang manucfactured by:

1.brand food

2.breakfast cereals

3.manggo,walnut,and royal jelly

4.Cereals low fat

5.itu yang ingredients kamu tulis semua

6.kamu tulis semua yang warning


8.low fat energi the power of Duck

5. one of the major achievement of modern science

salah satu prestasi besar dari sciene mode artinya

6. A. the name of the product?B. the description of the product?C. the amount of the product?D. the ingredients of the product?E. the direction of the product?F. the direction to store of the product?G. the expiry date of the product?tolong di jawab ya kak (´∩。• ᵕ •。∩`) ​


a. Duos usaha, blueberry soes

b. filled with blueberry cream

c. 35 g

d. (tulis semua isi komposisi/ ingredients)

e. -

f. dont litter

g. -

7. 1.The name of the product 2.Description about the product 3.The content or amount of the product in the package 4.the ingredients of the product 5.the direction to use the product 6.The expiration date of the product Yang stalle' s, novel tea, farm house

1.Nama produk 2.Deskripsi tentang produk 3. Isi atau jumlah produk dalam kemasan 4. bahan saran 5. arah menggunakan produk 6. Tanggal kedaluwarsa produk Yang stalle 's, novel teh, rumah pertanian

8. the acid of normal rain is....then the acid rain​


B. lower


jadikan jawaban tercerdas ya


B. Lower


"The acid of normal rain is . . . than the acid rain." berarti "Tingkat keasaman hujan normal . . . dibanding dengan hujan asam."

Berdasarkan kalimat "Acid rain is rain that is highly acidic because of sulphur oxides, nitrogen oxides, and other air pollutants dissolved in it. Normal rain is slightly acidic." (Hujan asam adalah hujan yang sangat asam karena sulfur oksida, nitrogen oksida, dan polutan udara lainnya terlarut di dalamnya. Hujan normal sedikit asam), maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa hujan normal memiliki tingkat keasaman yang lebih rendah (lower) dibandingkan dengan hujan asam.

Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah B.

9. 16. By reading the text, the users of the product will get the info ...A. the importance of the product for the bodyB. the nutritional content of the productC. the procedure of using the productD. the main substance of the product​


C.the procedure of using the product

10. brand of the productname of the productdescriptioncontentingridients​


brand of product:Milkiest chocolate ice cream

name of product:nutritive and gluten free

description: lupa lagi, tapi kalo gak salah tentang nutrisi nya


ingredients:nonfat milk, cream, cane sugar, cocoa powder(processed with alkali)..



karena gak tauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

11. Facts1.Brand of Product =2.Name of Product =3.Content/Amount =4.Description about the product =5.Ingredients of the product =6.Use(s) =7.Deriction to use the product =8.Deriction to store the product =9.Expiration date of the product =Isi berdasarkan gambar yang ada diatas​


1. yakult

2. yakult

3. 5 botol

4. adalah minuman probiotik mirip yogurt yang dibuat dari fermentasi susu skim dan gula dengan bakteri Lactobacillus casei. Karena L. casei Shirota dapat ditemui dalam sistem pencernaan, Yakult dipromosikan sebagai minuman yang baik untuk kesehatan.

5. susu

6. setiap hari

7. langsung di minum

8. simpan di lemari es

9. 40 hari setelah tanggal pembuatan

12. -name of product....-brand of product....-descriotion of the product...-use of the product...-storage instructions..... -net weight.....​

Mixagrip Flu


Use only for someone that is having a flu

13. synonym of the word major

--•Synonym / Similiar meaning•--
Responsio :
Word "major" has similiar meanings with big, dominant, ultra

"You rarely have time for everything you want in this life, so you need to make choices. And hopefully your choices can come from a deep sense of who you are." -Fred Rogers

14. Brand of product : the brand of the product is?.... name of product : the product is?... content/amount : the package contains?.... description : the product is?... ingredients : the product is made from?... direction to use


1. Brand of product

The brand of the product is Haus!

2. Name of product

The product is Oreo n Cream

3. Content/Amount

The package containts ice cubes 30% milk 15% Oreos 4% cream cheese 10%

4. Description

The product is refreshing drink, very delicious to drink in hot weather!!

5. Ingredients

The product is made from ice, milk, Oreos, cream cheese.

6. Direction to use & dosage

These are the directions to use the product (-)

7. Direction to store

These are the direction to store the product (-)

8. Expiration date

no date is available on the label.

semoga membantu jawaban kamu!!!

15. 1.Brand of the product? 2.Name of the product? 3.Description of the product? 4.Contents or amount of the product? 5.Ingredients of the product? 6.Directions for instruction abiut the product (directions for consumption) 7.Directions for storage of the product 8.Expiry date of the product 9.Warning 10.Manufacturer of the product tolong carikan jawabannya BUKAN diartikan


no problem

nama kamu siapa

rumah kamu di mana

kamu menjual apa

jual dari onlain

kamu menjual pakek apa

posting produk mu

berapa harganyaa


silahkan memebeli produk saya

16. The acid of normal rain is... then acid rain


Normal rain contains the acid H2CO3. While acid rain contains SO2 and NOx acids.


Pertanyaan kurang dimengerti, ini hanyalah perkiraan jawaban.

17. 1. Mention the brand of the product !2.The kind of product is...3.Mention of the description of the product !​



2.Children's cought Syrup

3.cough mixture of formula 440 presenter by Pinux

Ini udah aku bantuin

18. -name of product....-brand of product....-descriotion of the product...-use of the product...-storage instructions..... -net weight.....​​


-nama Produk....

-merek produk....

-deskripsi produk...

-penggunaan produk...

-petunjuk penyimpanan.....

-berat bersih.......

19. Brand Of Product The Brand Of the Product is...


artinya : produk produk ini adalah...

20. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Fact Brand of the product Name of the product Description of the product Contents or amounts of the product Ingredients of the product Directions for instructions about the product (directions for consumption) Directions for storage of the product Expiry date of the product Warning Manufacturer of the product Available? Statement​


No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Fakta Merek produk Nama produk Deskripsi produk Isi atau jumlah produk Komposisi produk Petunjuk petunjuk tentang produk (petunjuk konsumsi) Petunjuk penyimpanan produk Tanggal kedaluwarsa produk Peringatan Produsen produk Tersedia? Pernyataan


terjemahannya, maaf kalo salah...

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