Senin, 01 Agustus 2022

The Risk Premium You Receive As A Saver Is Based:

The Risk Premium You Receive As A Saver Is Based:

Dear m_adwir The results are based on the sequence numbers you follow me. You have the opportunity to receive a free knife " equivalent market price 25$ " Note: +Valid only for 24 hours from the time you receive this message. +Make sure you follow me as quickly as possible, I can send you instant messages.

Daftar Isi

1. Dear m_adwir The results are based on the sequence numbers you follow me. You have the opportunity to receive a free knife " equivalent market price 25$ " Note: +Valid only for 24 hours from the time you receive this message. +Make sure you follow me as quickly as possible, I can send you instant messages.

Untuk m_adwir Hasil didasarkan pada nomor urut yang kamu ikuti. Kamu memiliki kesempatan untuk menerima pisau gratis "harga pasar setara 25 $". Catatan: + Hanya berlaku selama 24 jam sejak kamu menerima pesan ini. + Pastikan Kamu mengikuti saya secepat mungkin, saya dapat mengirimimu pesan instan.

2. the biggest risk is not taking any risk

Risiko terbesar tidak mengambil risiko apapunresiko terbesar tdk megambil resiko ter kecil

3. Based on the ratings, The BFG isFinding Dory.A. as interesting asB. not as interesting asC. more interesting thanD. the most interesting​

Based on the ratings, The BFG is ... Finding Dory.

B. not as interesting as

Because in the table below,

It can be seen that The BFG movie only have a 75% rating and not as interesting as than Finding Dory movie which have a 94% rating.

hope this helping :3


4. . the real rate of tnteresr is 3% and is expected to remain contant for the next 3 year. inflation is expected to be 4% next year, 4.5% the following year. and 5% the third year, the maturity risk premium is estimated to be 0.1 x (1-1)%, where t = number of years to maturity. the liquidity premium on relevant 3-year secuities is 0.25% and the default risk premium on relevant 3-year secuities is 0.6% a. what is the yield on 1-year T-bill? b.what is the yield on 3 T-bond? c. what is the yield on 3-year corporate bond?


The yield on a T-bill, T-bond, or corporate bond is the annual return that an investor can expect to receive from holding that security. To calculate the yield on a 1-year T-bill, a 3-year T-bond, or a 3-year corporate bond, you need to consider several factors:

The real rate of interest: This is the rate of return that an investor can expect to receive after adjusting for inflation. In this case, the real rate of interest is 3%.

Inflation expectations: These are the expected rates of inflation over the next few years. In this case, inflation is expected to be 4% next year, 4.5% the following year, and 5% the third year.

Maturity risk premium: This is an additional return that investors expect to receive for holding a longer-term security, such as a T-bond or a corporate bond. The maturity risk premium is calculated as 0.1 x (1-1)%, which is 0% in this case.

Liquidity premium: This is an additional return that investors expect to receive for holding a more liquid security, such as a T-bill. The liquidity premium for a 3-year security is 0.25%.

Default risk premium: This is an additional return that investors expect to receive for holding a riskier security, such as a corporate bond. The default risk premium for a 3-year security is 0.6%.

To answer the questions:

a. The yield on a 1-year T-bill is equal to the real rate of interest plus the liquidity premium. In this case, the yield on a 1-year T-bill is 3% + 0.25% = 3.25%.

b. The yield on a 3-year T-bond is equal to the real rate of interest plus the maturity risk premium plus the liquidity premium. In this case, the yield on a 3-year T-bond is 3% + 0% + 0.25% = 3.25%.

c. The yield on a 3-year corporate bond is equal to the real rate of interest plus the maturity risk premium plus the default risk premium. In this case, the yield on a 3-year corporate bond is 3% + 0% + 0.6% = 3.6%.


5. You receive the bill for servicing your diesel engined car. As a good engineer you immediately notice that one of the items on bill cannot be correct. Which item is it ?


You receive the bill for servicing your diesel engined car. As a good engineer you immediately notice that one of the items on bill cannot be correct. Which item is it ?

Spark plugs.


Mesin diesel tidak membutuhkan busi (Spark Plugs).

Semoga membantu ya.

6. 4. My cupcake is as .... as my father's cupcake.Based on the pictures above, the correct word to fill the blank is ...A. heavyC. bigB. smallD. light​


pictures nya mana kak kok ga ada


A heavy



7. ... the others can receive more distance.... (in the last paragraph) The antonym of the word ‘receive’ is .... *




Receive = menerima

So, the antonym of 'receive' is refuse (menolak).

8. 2. Based on the list above, Wati is the ....student.A. tallestB. fastestD. heaviestC. fattestBased on the list above, Budi is ....WatiA. the fastest of B. heavier thanD. as tall asC. fatter thanRiaYou know?I think Arifa is an intelligent studentFaiz : I also think that wayRia : Of course. Arifa is the.... in her classA. most intelligent B. more intelligent C. as intelligent as D. intelligentKalimantan is .... Island in Indonesia.A. larger than B. the largestC. as large asD. more large​








9. 2. Based on the list above, Wati is the ....student.A tallestB. fastestD. heaviestC. fattestD. as tallasC. fatter than3. Based on the list above, Budi is ....WatiA the fastest of B. heavier thanRia : You know?1 think Arifa is an intelligent studentFaiz : I also think that wayRiaOf course. Anta is the.... in her classA most intelligent B. more intelligent C. as intelligent as D. intelligentKalimantan is Island in Indonesia.A larger than B. the largestD. more largeC. as large as​


Maaf kak , soalnya kurang jelas , tolong di koreksi kembali ya .... , saya tunggu

10. 3. The four price is as ..... as the condensed milk price.Based on the table above, the correct word to fill the blank is ....A. cheapC. lowB. expensiveD. smalltolong kak​





The four price is as cheap as the condensed milk price.

The four price is as low as the condensed milk price.

The four price is as expensive as the condensed milk price.

The four price is as small as the condensed milk price.

artinya :

Keempat harga tersebut semurah harga susu kental manis.

Keempat harga itu serendah harga susu kental manis.

Keempat harga tersebut semahal harga susu kental manis.

Keempat harga itu sekecil harga susu kental manis.

Jadi bisa saja empat harga tersebut semurah susu kental manis

dan Bisa juga keempat harga itu semahal harga susu kental manis.

11. please tolong Saya 1.write explanation about question tags with you opinion ! 2.rearrange the jumble word into good sentences ! a.biggest - is - the - any - talking - not - risk - risk b.that's - in - a -changing - word - really - only - the - that - srategy - is - fail - to - not - guarande - risk - talking - not - quickly - is

No1 harus tau text nya dulu habis tu dikasih pendapat sendiri tentang kalimat bertanya yg Ada di text

No2. (A) talking any risk is not the biggest risk

(B) gatau

12. Moncef Slaoui, said the first Americans to receive a vaccine could be as early as the second week of December.' (par 1)The direct sentence of the underlined statement is ... AMoncef Slaoui said, "The first Americans to receive a vaccine could be as early as the second week of December." BMoncef Slaoui said, "The first Americans to receive a vaccine could have been as early as the second week of December." CMoncef Slaoui said, "The first Americans to receive a vaccine can be as early as the second week of December." DMoncef Slaoui said, "The first Americans to received a vaccine could be as early as the second week of December." EMoncef Slaoui said, "The first Americans to have received a vaccine could be as early as the second week of December."​


C. Moncef Slaoui said, "The first Americans to receive a vaccine can be as early as the second week of December."

13. Dialogue 1Andi : How old are you, Santi?Santi : I'm 14 years old. And you?Andi : I am 15 years old.Santi : How about you, Diana?Andi : This year, I will be 14.c. older thand. the youngest6. Based on the data above, Diana is .... Santi.a. younger than b. as old as7. Santi is .... Andia. older than b. as old asc. younger thand. as young as8. Andi is .... studenta. as older asb. As young asc. The youngestd. The oldest​






semoga membantu :D

14. apa arti dari who is the receive the memo ​

Jawaban:artinya siapa yang menerima memo(surat) tersebut?



siapa yng menerima memo/surat itu

15. 1.write explanation abous question tags with you opinion ! 2.rearrange the jumble word into good sentences ! a.biggest - is - the - any - talking - not - risk - risk b.that's - in - a -changing - word - really - only - the - that - srategy - is - fail - to - not - guarande - risk - talking - not - quickly - is

1. question tags is a clause into a question. So if it is a regular statements you can use question tags to make it into a question.

Ex: The zoo isn't closed,is it?

      Sara is at the park, isn't she?

2.a. Any talking risk is not the biggest risk.

  b. Talking really quickly is not a risk that's changing the any strategy that is guarande to not fail in word.

Itu jawabannya ya..

Semoga membantu dan juga benar..

Maaf kalo salah ya..:)

16. Moncef Slaoui, said the first Americans to receive a vaccine could be as early as the second week of December.' (par 1)The direct sentence of the underlined statement is ... AMoncef Slaoui said, "The first Americans to receive a vaccine could be as early as the second week of December." BMoncef Slaoui said, "The first Americans to receive a vaccine could have been as early as the second week of December." CMoncef Slaoui said, "The first Americans to receive a vaccine can be as early as the second week of December." DMoncef Slaoui said, "The first Americans to received a vaccine could be as early as the second week of December." EMoncef Slaoui said, "The first Americans to have received a vaccine could be as early as the second week of December."​





17. apa arti dari based on the text who is promoted as publik manager​


berdasarkan teks yang dipromosikan sebagai manajer publik


tolong jadikan jawaban terbaik,ya

semoga bermanfaat

18. Moncef Slaoui, said the first Americans to receive a vaccine could be as early as the second week of December.' (par 1)The direct sentence of the underlined statement is ... AMoncef Slaoui said, "The first Americans to receive a vaccine could be as early as the second week of December." BMoncef Slaoui said, "The first Americans to receive a vaccine could have been as early as the second week of December." CMoncef Slaoui said, "The first Americans to receive a vaccine can be as early as the second week of December." DMoncef Slaoui said, "The first Americans to received a vaccine could be as early as the second week of December." EMoncef Slaoui said, "The first Americans to have received a vaccine could be as early as the second week of December."​


C. Moncef Slaoui said, "The first Americans to receive a vaccine can be as early as the second week of December."

19. situation: You work as a receptionist and you receive a call from the company secretary you are collaborating with them calling to inform you the manager that the opening ceremony data for their new shop has been changed but your manager is in a meeting. so you have to take a message from them. please write dialogue based on the situation. (taking messages by phone)​


disuruh ngapain?? artin atau gimana

20. Based on the data above, Diana is . . . . Santi.a. younger thanb. as old asc. older thand. the youngest​


A. Diana is younger than santi

karena Diana masih akan 14 tahun di tahun ini. sedangkan santi sudah 14 tahun lebih dulu

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