Kamis, 01 September 2022

A Powerboat Is Operating At Night

A Powerboat Is Operating At Night

"Good night"...."Good Night at the end ofconversation at night is saying of ....a. salutation b. Goodbyec.receiving d.welcomeE.address​

Daftar Isi

1. "Good night"...."Good Night at the end ofconversation at night is saying of ....a. salutation b. Goodbyec.receiving d.welcomeE.address​


B. goodbye


Good night itu biasa dipake kalo kita mau berpisah sama orang lain..lebih tepatnya pas kita mau tidur


b. good bye


goognight adalah kata yang digunakan saat akan tidur

2. . studies – at – always – Andi – the – night – lesson. The correct order is… *The correct order is…a. at night Andi always studies the lessonb. Andi always studies the lesson at nightc. Andi studies the lesson always at nightd. Andi studies always the lesson at night​


b. Andi always studies the lesson at night.

3. diera:In my opinion studying at night is better thanin the afternoon.fannya:_____.it is more qiute at night

yes, it is more quite at night

Of course it is more qiute at night

Klo gk slh kyk gtu sih

4. yustina usually.... to bed at ten o'clock at night.a. gob. goesc. ared. is​


Yustina usually goes to bed at ten o'clock at night.


Kalimat di atas menggunakan simple present tense yang menunjukkan rutinitas. ciri dari simple present tense adalah adverb of frequency (usually)

Rumus simple present tense: Subject +verb with s/es

B. goes


kalimat di atas memakai simple present tense, simple present tense digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan, pekerjaan dan peristiwa yang biasa dilakukan sehari-hari.

contoh kalimat:

1. Mikoto usually have breakfast before going to school

Mikoto biasa sarapan pagi sebelum ke sekolah

2. Anko usually go to bed at ten o'clock every evening.

anko Biasanya pergi tidur pada jam 10 setiap malam


S + to Be (is, am, are) + Verb Bentuk III + by + O

5. Chance sentence below into past tense A) budi and dina is at restaurant last night B) She is not in indonesia last night

• simple past tense •

formula : S + V2 + O/C

A) budi and dina is at restaurant last night
→ budi and dina were at restaurant last night
B) She is not in indonesia last night
→ she was not in Indonesia last night

Kunci Jawaban

A. Budi and Dina were at restaurant last night.

B. She was not in Indonesia last night.



Jadi apa itu kalimat Simple Past Tense? Kalimat Simple Past Tense adalah kalimat yang digunakan untuk mengungkapkan kejadian yang sudah terjadi dimasa lalu atau lampau dan kejadian tersebut sudah selesai terjadi atau berakhir.


Formula untuk kalimat Simple Past Tense adalah:

Subject + Verb 2 + Object/Compliment

Subject + to be (was/were) + Object/Compliment


Jadi kapan kita menggunakan “was” dan kapan menggunakan “were”. Berikut penjelasannya:

Subject dan pasangan to be yang sesuai:

was --> he, she, it, I

were --> they, we, you


Penjelasan jawaban dari soal

No (A) menggunakan “were” karena subject “Budi and Dina = they”

No (B) menggunakan “was” karena subject “She”


Detil tambahan

Kelas: 10 SMA

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Kategori: Tenses

Kata kunci: Simple Past Tense

Kode : 10.5.10

6. We saw this movie last night at cinema. The correct passive form is ... . * This movie is seen by us last night before at cinema This movie be seen by us last night before at cinema This movie would be saw by us last night before at cinema This movie was seen by us last night before at cinema


This movie was seen by us last night before at cinema


Semoga membantu mohon maaf kalau salah :D

7. 29. They drank a cup of orange juice atLaguna Restaurant last night.a.A cup of orange juice is drunk bythey at laguna restaurant last night.b. A cup of orange juice is drink byby them at Laguna restaurant lastnight.c. A cup of orange juice was drunk bythem at Laguna restaurant lastnight.d. At Laguna restaurant They drank a cup of orange juice last night​


C. A cup of orange juice was drunk by

them at Laguna restaurant last



Rumus Passive voice dalam bentuk Past Tense : S + To Be + V3

Aktif : They drank a cup of orange juice at

Laguna Restaurant last night.

Pasif : A cup of orange juice was drunk by

them at Laguna restaurant last


semoga membantu

8. Algebra is offered only in the morning. English is offered at night

=> Translate :
Algebra berganti menjadi pagi. Inggris berganti menjadi malam

Sorry klo salah

9. He walk until Late at night . Now , he Is......

He is very sleepy / so sleepyHe walk until late at night. Now, he is confuse
Dia berjalan hingga telah malam ini. Sekarang, dia bingung

Semoga membantu dan bermanfaat

10. Apa arti it is nine oclock at night edo says good night to his parents his


Pada jam 9 malam Edo mengucapkan selamat malam/tidur kepada orang tuanya

11. Algebra is offered only in the morning. English is offered at night

aljabar di ajarkan hanya di pagi hari bahasa Inggris d ajarkan d malam hari

12. Open this school is at night Menjadi kalimat yang benar


this school is open at night


maaf kalo salah :)

13. 115 v fish-tank heater is rated at 110 w. calculate (a) the current throught the heater when it is operating. (b) its resistance

Sebuah penghangat akuariumbertegangan 115 V dan berdaya 110 W. Arus listrik yang mengalir saat penghangat dinyalakan sebesar 0,96 A. Hambatan yang ada dalam penghangat tersebut sebesar 120,23 Ω.

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah

Hukum Ohm menyatakan bahwa tegangan listrik berbanding lurus dengan kuat arus listrik dan hambatan listrik berbanding terbalik dengan kuat arus listrik, asalkan suhunya tetap. Hukum ini dirumuskan sebagai berikut:

R = V/I


R: hambatan listrik (Ω)

V: beda potensial atau tegangan listrik (V)

I: kuat arus listrik (A)

Daya listrik merupakan energi listrik yang dipakai setiap satuan waktu. Daya listrik dirumuskan sebagai berikut:

P = W/t

P = VI

P = I²R

P = V²/R


P: daya listrik (W)

W: energi listrik (J)

t: waktu (s)


V = 115 V

P = 110 W


(a) I

(b) R


Untuk poin a:

Mari hitung besarnya arus listrik.

I = P/V = 110/115 = 22/23 ≈ 0,96 A

Jadi, arus listrik yang melewati penghangat tersebut saat dinyalakan sebesar 0,96 A.

Untuk poin b:

Mari hitung besarnya hambatan listrik.

R = V²/P = 115²/110 = 2645/22 ≈ 120,23 Ω

Jadi, besar hambatannya adalah 120,23 Ω.

Pelajari lebih lanjut

Materi tentang Menghitung Beda Potensial Antarujung Penghantar https://brainly.co.id/tugas/13824776



14. a.2. Why does mother choose to buy the shoes on Saturday night?A..Because is open at Saturday night.B..Because there will be a discount for a limited time on Saturday night.C..Because on Sunday the highway is often crowded.d. Because it is more comfortable to shop at night​


jawaban yg (c)


2. Mengapa ibu memilih membeli sepatu pada Sabtu malam?

A..Karena buka pada Sabtu malam.

B..Karena akan ada diskon untuk waktu terbatas pada malam minggu.

C..Karena di hari minggu jalan raya sering ramai.

d. Karena lebih nyaman berbelanja saat malam

15. Dara :...Restuti : I do the homework.a. What is your routine at night?b. I watch a film at night.C. Do you always do thehomework?d. What is my routine?​


Dara: ...

Restuti: Saya mengerjakan PR.

Sebuah. Apa rutinitasmu di malam hari?

b. Saya menonton film di malam hari.

C. Apakah Anda selalu melakukan

pekerjaan rumah?

d. Apa rutinitas saya?


A. What is your routine at night?


semoga membantu^^

16. 1. At night, .......... moon is not , shining. it is clody a. A b. An c. The ​

At night…. moon is not, shining. it is cloudy

C. The


c. the


moga membantu ya;)

17. 8. John slept at 10 pm last night.The negative form of the sentence above isA. John sleep at 10 pm last night.B. John did not sleep at 10 pm last night.C. John was not slept at 10pm last night.D. John does not sleep at 10 pm last night.​

jawaban :

B. john didn’t sleep at 10 pm last nightJawaban : ( B ) John did not sleep at 10 pm last night.

18. ....... at night is hard for me


Driving At Night Is Hard For Me


Mengemudi di Malam Hari Sulit Bagi Aku

Semoga Terbantu Dan Maaf Kalau Salah


Driving at night is hard for me

19. what is your reaction to the prohibition of operating mobile phone at school? ​

I feel that it helps us students to concentrate on our studies and will encourage us to study harder.

20. why is fian still awake late at night​


why is fian still awake late at night:

artinya:kenapa fian masih terjaga sampai larut malam?

maybe last afternoon he slept too long so that at night he had trouble sleeping again:

artinya:mungkin saja tadi siang dia tidur terlalu lama sehingga saat malam dia kesusahan untuk tidur lagi


jadiin jawaban tercerdas yya...

hii... aku ara

di follow yya ok?

Kenapa fian tetap terjaga sampai larut malam


Artinyakan ?

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