Kamis, 01 September 2022

Classify These Compounds As Acid Base Salt Or Other

Classify These Compounds As Acid Base Salt Or Other

their reaction is known as... Acid + base --> salt + water a.Ionization b.Neutralization c.Dissociation d.Acidification

Daftar Isi

1. their reaction is known as... Acid + base --> salt + water a.Ionization b.Neutralization c.Dissociation d.Acidification


The reaction of an acid with a base is called a neutralization reaction.


so the correct answer is B. neutralization

2. as soon as....... with an acid, salt, and sometimes water is formed(a)a base will react(b)a base react(c)a base is reacting(d)the reaction of a base​


a. A base will react


i dont know

3. As soon as...with an acid,salt and sometimes wate, is formed A. A base will react B. A base reacts C. A base is reacting D. The reaction of a base




semoga membantu


C. A base is reacting


Maaf klo kurang tepat

4. Would you classify the QueVision system as personal, group, or enterprise information system?


Would you classify the QueVision system as a personal, group, or enterprise system? Enterprise System because it is trying to have a better interaction withemployees and customers.



5. Classify the compounds below into strong electrolytes, weak electrolytes, or non electrolytes: a) HF ; c) Ba(OH)2 ; e) C6H12O6 ; b) CH4OH ; d) CH3COOH ; f) NaCl !

#larutan elektrolit
#X semester 2

elektrolit lemah

elektrolit kuat

non elektrolit

non elektrolit

elektrolit lemah

elektrolit kuat


6. explain the differences between acid and base

acid itu lebih powerful dari pada base 
klu base dia bisa nge bantuin reaksi bahan kimia yang lain

7. Acid rain is a kind of air pollution. When coal, oil, or gasoline are burned, they release harmful gases into the air. These gases mix with the moisture that is always present in the air and form weak acids. Wind can carry the acidic droplets huge distances. Eventually, these droplets return to the ground as acid rain or as acid hail snow, sleet, or even fog. Acid rain looks, feels, and tastes just like clean rain. For humans, walking in acid rain, or even swimming in a lake polluted by acid rain, is no more dangerous than walking or swimming in clean water. But acid rain is extremely harmful to the environment When acid rain gets into lakes and streams, it kills the fish and other animals and plants that live there. Many rivers in Scandinavia no longer have any fish. All the fish have been killed by acid rain. The outside surfaces of stone buildings and monuments can also be corroded, or wom away, by acid rain. Some of the world's greatest buildings and monuments show signs of damage caused by acid rain. Acid rain eats away at the steel in bridges and railings as well. Sumber: Microsoft® Encarta @ 2009. © 1993-2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Based on the text above, identify: a 10 adverbs! b 10 adjectives!​



a. adverb

1. into

2. extremely harmful

3. there

4. outsides

5. at the

6. by

7. when

8. to

9. acid rain

10. eventually

b. adjectives

1. weak

2. huge

3. clean

4. dangerous

5. harmful

6. corroded

7. damage

8. well

9 longer

10. wom

thanks me later ;))

8. As soon as ___with an acid, salt, and sometimes water, is formed.

1. As soon as a base reacts with an acid, salt, and sometimes water, is formed.

A) a base will react

B) a base reacts

C) a base is reacting

D) the reaction of a base

Ini adalah salah satu soal TOEFL lama. Pilihan jawaban B paling tepat dipilih mengingat frasa keterangan "as soon as" sering digunakan bersama bentuk simple present.


Mengerjakan soal-soal TOEFL tulisan menuntutmu menguasai kemampuan pasif membaca (reading comprehension) berbahasa Inggris. Agar kemampuan membacamu baik dalam bahasa Inggris, kamu tentunya perlu mempelajari linguistikal (yaitu hal teknis berkaitan dengan) bahasa Inggris.

Dalam mengerjakan soal ini, kamu utamanya perlu memahami kala (tense) yang tepat digunakan dengan kata/frasa keterangan yang diberikan. As soon as menunjukkan waktu masa kini daripada masa depan. Pilihan jawaban A dengan demikian salah. Selain itu, frasa keterangan tersebut lebih lazim digunakan bersama dengan simple present tense daripada present continuous. Jadi, pilihan jawaban B lebih tepat dari pilihan jawaban C.

Pilihan jawaban D sudah salah karena struktur yang rumpang menuntut sebuah klausa daripada sebuah frasa dan the reaction of a base bukan sebuah klausa melainkan frasa.

Pelajari lebih lanjut

Penjelasan komprehensif simple present: https://brainly.co.id/tugas/21499732

#BelajarBersamaBrainly #SPJ4

9. the use of acid-base in daily?​


Acid : Accumulator


Food preserving

Base : Soap


Stomachache medicine

10. tuliskan 20 contoh acid dan base

Contoh Asam :
- Larutan Cuka (asam asetat)
- Jeruk, tomat, sayuran (asam askorbat)
- Jeruk (asam sitrat)
- Baterai mobil, pupuk ( asam sulfat)
- Bahan pengawet makanan (asam benzoat)
- asam format terdapat dalam gigitan serangga 
- protein (asam amino)
- pewarna (asam sulfat)
- cuka apel (asam asetat)
- pupuk (asam sulfat)

Contoh Basa :
- Deodoran (aluminium hidroksida)
- Mortar dan plaster (kalsium hidroksida)
- Obat urus-usus (magnesium hidroksida)
- Bahan sabun (natrium hidroksida)
- pembersih, misalnya sabun mandi
- magnesium hidroksida, sebagai obat nyeri lambung 
- amoniak, sebagai desinfektan ( pencegah terjadinya infeksi )  
- semen (kalsium hidroksida)
- baking soda

11. Make these nouns to sentences using demonstrative either singular or plural 1.Mouse 2.house 3.salt

1. That mouse is bigger than my hand
2. All of these houses are not suitable for my style
3. Please hand over that salt cellar to meANSWER

=> Mice are looking for food in the kitchen, because they are hungry.
=> a mouse is singing beautifully. It is singing a peace song.
=> There are two old houses near river banks and They are spacious
=> There is a house that is occupied by the king of demon. It is an old house.
=> salt lives in the sea with fish. it never gets lonely as I am.
=> salts contain cation and anion. They are used in a chemical reaction.


12. which of these compounds is not an electrolyte? a. sulphuric acid b. copper(II) chloride c. ammonium chloride d. carbon tetrachloride e. potassium hydroxide

d karena carbon tetrachloride tidak dapat membentuk ionD. Karbon tetraklorida
Senyawa tersebut memiliki ikatan kovalen, bukan ion

13. Classify each of the following as elements (E),compounds (C) or Mixtures (M).___titanium___ink___hot chocolate___copper___carbon dioxide___orange juice___bronze___chlorine___water___gasoline​




___hot chocolate/M


___carbon dioxide/C

___orange juice/M





semoga membantu

14. Each group chooses a pillar/pole/tree as your "Benteng/Markas” or base.​

game : Base to base(?)

15. Classify these equipment provided to the professions

bahan bahan peralatan ini di berikan oleh provensi

semoga bermanfaat..

maaf kalau salah

16. which component of salt NaClO is the conjugate base is it weak or strong?

A conjugate base is the particle that is left over after the acid loses its hydrogen ion, thus ClO⁻ defined as conjugate base in NaClO.

How strong (or weak) conjugate base is, determined by it acid, HClO.
Due to HClO is weak acid, then ClO⁻ categorized as strong base conjugate.

Strong acid ⇄ weak base conjugate
Weak acid ⇄ strong base conjugate


17. larutan yg dapat menyalahkan lampu dan membuat banyak gelembungdi uji konduktifitas listrik dan menghasilkan proton dalam listrik adalah A. STRONG ACID B.WEAK ACID C.STRONG BASE D.WEAK BASE E. NEUTRAL SOLUTION

A. strong acid ( elektrolit ) yang dapat menghantarkan arus listrikA strong acid
krena kondutivikasi listrik ny terlalu kuat

18. acid rain is a kind of air pollution . when coal ,oil ,or gasoline are burned they release harmful gasesinto the air. theses gases mix with the moisture that is love present in the air and form weak acids. wind can carry the acidid droplets huge distances .eventually , these droplets return to the ground as acid rain or as acid hail , snow, sleet or even fog. acid rain looks, feels, and tastes just like clean rain . for the humans walking in acid , or even swimming in a lake polluted by acid rain ,is no more dangerous than walking or swimming in clean water but acid rain is extremely harmful to the environment. when acid rain gets into lakes and streams . it kills the fish and other animals and plants that live there. many rivers in scandinavia no longer have any fish .all the fish have been killed by acid rain. the outside surfaces of stone buildings and monuments can also be corroded or worn away,by acid rain.some of the world's greatest buildings and monuments show signs of damage caused by acid rain. acid rain eats away at the steel in bridges and railings as well. based on the text above, identify: a. 10 adverbs ! b. 10 adjectives !


a) adverbs = extremely, dangerous, outside, longer, eventually, when, away, every, into, any

b) adjectives = greatest , harmful , weak , clean , acid , huge , damage , polluted , looks , worn

19. lime water is acid or alkali

lime water is alkali.........

20. Classify each of the following items as owner's drawing, revenue, or expense. Nomer 8-11 dong, makasih​


8. E, R, E, E, D, R, E

9. R, I, E

10. Assets

      Current Assets                            121.500

         Cash                       49.000

         Acc. Receivable     72.500

      Total Asset                                  121.500


   Equity and Liabilities

      Owner Equity                                31.500

         Owner Capital         31.500

      Current Liabilities                          90.000

         Acc. Payable            90.000

      Total Equity and Liabilities           121.500

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