Minggu, 25 September 2022

At What Temperature Is The Substance A Heated Gas

At What Temperature Is The Substance A Heated Gas

At noon one day outside temperature temperature is 4°c, By Midnight the temperature is 8 degrees lower, What temperature is it at midnight

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1. At noon one day outside temperature temperature is 4°c, By Midnight the temperature is 8 degrees lower, What temperature is it at midnight

- 4°Celcius..................as it says that the temperature at noon is 4 degrees and by midnight is 8 degrees lower that means the temperature is subtracted 8 points from it is at noon.
So the answer is 4 - (8) = - 4 degrees celcius.
Hopefully it can help you.

2. what is the effect of pressure, temperature toward the gas particles?

ketika terjadi perubahan temperatur dan tekanan udara, partikel udara juga terpengaruh, mulai dari pergerakan, massa jenis, dan sebagainya.

semoga bermanfaat..

3. The temperature in the morning is - 2 derajat celsius. Its rises by 7 derajat celsius at noon. What is the temperature at noon?



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

-2 + 7 = 5 derajat celcius


4. Which of the following happens when a gas is heated​


ini jawabannya


When a gas is heated?

When you heat a gas, both its vapor pressure and the volume it occupies increase. The individual gas particles become more energetic and the temperature of the gas increases. At high temperatures, the gas turns into a plasma

5. the difference between the temperature is 10 degrees 1 temperature 4 oc what is the other temperature​


1 2 3 4 dan 5bbsvvdkdgdgcd

6. what is the substance of sodium

sodium adalah kandungan dari garam dan mineral

7. what is the substance of sodium

semoga bermanfaat,tapi maaf ya kalo salah

8. What is the mass of 6.0 dm³ of carbon dioxide gas, CO2, at standard temperature and pressure? [1 mole of gas occupies 24 dm³ at standard room and pressure]


The mass of 6.0 dm³ of carbon dioxide gas, CO2, at standard temperature and pressure is 0.25 moles, or 44.01 grams.

9. The temperature of a substance measured by a Reaumur thermometer is 40°R. When measured with a Celsius thermometer, it shows the temperature is




Based on the formula, we can get the formula to convert Reaumur to Celsius.

°C = [tex]\frac{5}{4}[/tex] °R

So, let's go back to the problem. Then, substitute the number to the formula.

40°R = ... °C

40°R = [tex]\frac{5}{4}[/tex] × 40

40°R = 50°C

So, we can get get that 40°R as same as 50°C.

10. the difference between a temperature written in degrees Fahrenheit is 72°. a. what is the temperature in degree celcius?b. what is the temperature in degree fahrenheit?

a. what is the temperature in degree celcius

11. The temperature at the foot of a mountain was 5.9°c . The temperature dropped 1.7°c every 200m increase in height. If the height of the mountain is 1000m , what is the temperature at the top of the mountain?​


- 2.6°c

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

a lot of temperature drop from the foot of the mountain to the top = 1000 : 200 = 5 times

temperature drop = 1.7°c x 5 = 8.5°c

The temperature at the top of the mountain = 5.9°c - 8,5°c = -2.6°c

12. what is the average daily temperature in the Earth and what is the average nightly temperature on Earth?

The average surface temperature of the Earth, day or night, is between 57.2 and 61 degrees Fahrenheit


13. The solute is ... A. The solute is the substance in a solution that has the greatest amount B. The solute is the substance that is being dissolved by another substance C. The solute is the substance that dissolves the other substance D. The solute is the the substance in a solution that has the greatest amount


(B).The solute is the substance that is being dissolved by another substance



14. what is the least contained substance per 100 gram​



apa zat yang paling sedikit terkandung per 100 gram


semoga membantu

15. A rod is made up of copper and wood joined together . After the rod is heated at the join in the centre for about a minute , where would the lowest temperature be?

copper is a conductor and wood is an insulator, so the lowest temperature will go to the insulator as the worst thermal conductor

16. What is the effect of pressure and temperature toward the gas particles?

tekanan dan suhu menyebabkan jarak dan interaksi antar partikel gas berubah...

suhu tinggi membuat gerak antar pertikel menjadi lebih besar dan jarak antar partikel mnjadi lbih renggang, akhirnya volume gas membesar dan massajenisnya mengecil.

tekanan yg besar membuat jarak antar partikel menjadi lebih rapat

17. the temperature of a room is 27 C,What is its temperature in kelvin?

K = C + 273
K = 27 + 273
K = 300 K
27drjat celcuis=... drjat kelvin
27 c = 273 + 27 = 300 k

18. At 10 AM the temperature was −4 °C. At 2 PM the temperature was 7 °C. What was the rise in temperature ? *​





At 10 AM = -4°C

At 2 PM = 7°C


Kenaikan suhu??


= 7°C - (-4°C)

= 7°C + 4°C

= 11°C


Mapel : Math

Kode Soal : 2

Jenjang : SD

Materi : Bilangan Bulat

19. A gas at 250 K has a pressure of 0.00008 Pa. If the pressure drops to 0.00002 Pa, what is the new temperature?


If a gas at 250 K has a pressure of 0.00008 Pa and the pressure drops to 0.00002 Pa, 62.5 K is the new temperature

Explanation: -

Initial Pressure P₁ = 0.00008 Pa

Final Pressure P₂ = 0.00002 Pa

Initial Temperature T₁ = 250 K

Since the volume is not mentioned, it remains constant.

So initial Volume V₁ = Final volume V₂

Now using the combined gas equation

\frac{P1 V1}{T1}T1P1V1 = \frac{P2 V2}{T2}T2P2V2

Final Temperature T₂ = \frac{P 2 V2 T1}{P1 V1}P1V1P2V2T1

Plugging in the values,

T₂ = \frac{0.00002 Pa x V2 x 250 K}{0.00008 Pa x V1}0.00008PaxV10.00002PaxV2x250K

As V₂ = V₁, they cancel each other.

T₂ = 62.5 K

20. What is a substance?

substensi menyatakan nama seseorang,tempat/semua benda dan segala yang dibedakan
#maaf kalo slh

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