Senin, 17 Oktober 2022

A Block Is Projected Up A Frictionless Plane

A Block Is Projected Up A Frictionless Plane

A plane is .... a bus​

1. A plane is .... a bus​

A plane is … a bus merupakan bentuk pertanyaan yang mengacu pada perbandingan keduanya.

Bagian yang kosong harus diisi dengan bantuk kata comparative degree. Ada beberapa kemungkinan jawaban untuk pertanyaan ini, yaitu:

A plane is faster than a bus A plane is bigger than a bus A plane is more expensive than a bus


Comparative degree adalah bentuk kata sifat atau keterangan yang digunakan untuk membandingkan 2 object. Umumnya kata comparative degree akan diikuti dengan “than” untuk menunjukkan perbandingan. Contoh: apple is sweeter than guava.

Bentuk comparative degree:

Adj/ adv + -er, bentuk ini umumnya digunakan pada kata yang mengandung 1 suku kata. Contoh: tall – taller, short – shorter, dan thick – thicker. More + Adj/ adv, bentuk ini umumnya digunakan pada kata yang mengandungkang 2 suku kata atau lebih. Contoh beautiful – more beautiful, handsome – more handsome, dan difficult – more difficult.

Semoga membantu.

Pelajari lebih lanjut

Materi tentang superlative degree

Materi tentang comparative degree

Contoh penggunaan comparative dan superlative degree

Detil Jawaban

Kelas: VIII

Mata Pelajaran: Bahasa Inggris

Bab: Adjectives degree of comparison

Kode Kategori: 8.5.6


2. A plane is.....a bus​


- A plane is faster than a bus

- A plane is bigger than a bus

- A plane is moreexpensivethan a bus


itu beberapa yang bisa diisi.bagian yang kosong harus diisi dengan bentuk kata Comparative degree

3. Apakah susunan kata yang benar... plane is of a kind transportation? Atau plane of is a kind transportation?

yang benar begini, plane is a kind of transportationPlane is a kind of transportation

4. a harbor is a plane to catch​

pelabuhan adalah pesawat untuk di tangkap


pelabuhan adalah pesawat untuk ditangkap.


itu terjemahannya

semoga membantu

5. A: Is it plane? B: yes....?


it is

jadikan jawaban yang terbaik




6. A pilot is a person who ........ a plane​

Jawaban: Drive

Penjelasan: Karena pesawat memiliki lebih dari 2 roda

7. Is plane a water transportation ..... it is transportation


No it's air transportation


Arti: apakah pesawat transportasi air, tidak pesawat adalah transportasi udara

Glad to help!

8. a plane ticker is ... than a bus ticket​


more expensive (lebih mahal)

9. A person who flies a plane is a


a pilot


a pilot is the person who flies the plane


a pilot is a person who flies a plane

10. A person who flies a plane is called a

A person who flies a plane is called a pilot.


A person who flies a plane is called pilot. Pilot in the plane only one and the pilot being helped by copilot. Other than pilot and copilot, there are steward, stewardess, technician, and passenger.

11. A rectangular block is 24 cm long. A cube with a volume of 216 cm3 is cut from the block. What is the volume of the remaining block?

V.cube = s³

s = √V.cube

s = √216

s = 6cm

[tex] \: \: [/tex]

V = V.rectangular - V.cube

V = (p × s²) - 216

V = (24 × 6²) - 216

V = 864 - 216

V = 648cm³


648 cm³

penjelasan ada di foto yaa, maaf kalo kurang jelas

kalo ada yang salah bantu dikoreksi :))

12. The plane is flown by pilot twice a week.Active voice:a. Pilot flies the plane twice a weekb. Pilot flied the plane twice a weekc. Pilot is flying the plane twice a weekd. Pilot has flied the plane twice a week​


A. Pilot flies the plane twice a week


Maaf kalau salah, ini menurut saya ya.

13. than-is-A-cheaper-plane-car-a.​


A car is cheaper than a plane.


a car is cheaper than a plane


kata acak ini merujuk pada kalimat "a car is cheaper than a plane" yang artinya sebuah mobil lebih murah daripada sebuah pesawat.

14. A 50n block lies at the bottom of smooth inclined plane. How much work done by the force to move block to the top of the plane


F = W x H : s

= 50 x 3 : 4

= 37.5 N

15. A block of mass 500 g is pulled from rest on a horizontal frictionless bench by a steady force F and travels 8 m in 2 s. Find a the acceleration, b the value of F.​


F = m × a

d = vi × t + ½ × a × t²

Variabel yang Diberikan

m = 5 kg

vi = 0 m/s

d = 8 m

t = 2 s

8 = 0 m/s × 2s + ½ × a × 2s²

a = 4 m/s²

F = 5 kg × 4 m/s

F = 2 N

16. A plane is a kindof .......... Transporto​


"a plane is a kind of AIRtransportation"

air = udara

17. randi is a.... he files a plane

randi is a pilot. he flies a planeRandi is a pilot, he flies plane

18. marian is a plane pilot​


Marian adalah pilot pesawat

Jawaban:Marian adalah seorang pilot pesawat

Penjelasan:semoga membantu

19. Mr.harry fllies a plane. he is a...

Mr.harry fllies a plane. he is a...pilot. Artinya adalah "Pak harry menerbangkan pesawat dia adalah seorang pilot."

Mr. Harry flies a plane. He is a (pilot)

20. the image in a plane miror is

maaf jika salah? bhasa indonesia nya " gambar di pesawat miror ini "
mff klw salah :)

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