Senin, 17 Oktober 2022

Tell Me A Ball That Smaller Than A Baseball

Tell Me A Ball That Smaller Than A Baseball

Mana yang benar pernyataan 1. the soccer ball is bigger than the basketball one2. the green ball is smaller than the golf ball3. the gollf ball is smallest of all4. the baseball ball is the biggest of all

Daftar Isi

1. Mana yang benar pernyataan 1. the soccer ball is bigger than the basketball one2. the green ball is smaller than the golf ball3. the gollf ball is smallest of all4. the baseball ball is the biggest of all


3. The Golf Ball Is Smallest of All


Artinya adalah Bola Golf Lebih Kecil Dari Semua Bola.

Semoga Terbantu :)

2. Look at the picture. Choose the correct word.1.aС.Tennis ball is (smaller/bigger) than pingpong ballb. Pingpong ball is (smaller/bigger) than foot ballTennis ball is (smaller/bigger) than pingpong ball.d. The smallest ball is (pingpong ball, foot ball, tennis ball).The biggest ball is (pingpong ball, foot ball, tennis ball).2.lebinin beatlebih ringana. Foot ball is (heavier/lighter) than basket ball.b. Bowling ball is (heavier/lighter) than foot ball.c. Foot ball is (heavierlighter) than bowling balld. The heaviest ball is (bowling ball, foot ball, basket ball).The lightest ball is (bowling ball, foot ball, basket ball).le​



maaf klo salah

cm 1 aja

3. artinya land mass smaller than a continent that is surronded by water​


daratan lebih kecil dari benua yang dikelilingi oleh air

4. an elephant is . . . . a tiger. *a. bigger thanb. biggest thanc. smaller thand. smallest than​


An elephant is . . . . a tiger. *

a. bigger than


Comparative degree

big --> bigger

5. Positive numbers area. numbers smaller than zerob. numbers greater than zeroC. numbers smaller than oned. numbers greater than one​


Positive numbers are numbers greather than zero (B)


b dan d

semoga membantu

6. 1. me - sister - is - than - beautiful - more - my 2. feeling - 1 - am - now - happier 3. bigger - he - is – than - his brother 4. English - easier - than - is -mathematics 5. am - | - fatter - than - you 6. box - is - this - smaller - than - that - one 7. a pen - is - a ruler - shorter - than 8. a tiger - than - runs - faster - a lamb 9. Udin - taller - than - is - me 10. my-grandma - older - than - is - my mother​


1. my sister is more beautiful than me

2. i am felling happier now

3. he is bigger than his brother

4. English is easier tha mahematics

5. i am fatter than you

6. this box is smaller than that one

7. a pen is shorther than a ruler

8. a tiger runs faster than a lamb

9. Udin is taller than me

10. my grandma is older than my mother

semoga membantu

7. 1. English easier than is mathematics 2. am I fatter than you 3. Box is this smaller than that one 4. A pen is a ruler shorter than 5. A tiger than runs faster a lamb 6. Udin tailer than is me 7. My grandma older than is my mother


English is easier than mathematics

i am fatter than you

This box is smaller than that one

A pen is Shorter than a ruler

A tiger runs faster than a lamb

Udin is Taller than me

My Grandma is older than my mother


8. Pilihan Ganda:Please give me ______________ Box• Smaller Than• The Smallest• Small Than​


please give me -the smallest- box


Please give me ______________ Box

• Smaller Than

• The Smallest

• Small Than


Jawaban dicetak tebal dan menggunakan bentuk kalimat Superlative yang dalam konteks di atas berarti kotak yang paling kecil (the smallest box). Kata sifatnya terdiri dari satu suku kata (small) maka harus ditambahkan akhiran -est untuk membentuk kata Superlative, contoh:

Please give me the smallest box.

Semoga membantu ya.

9. 31. smaller - an elephant - than - A mouse - is.​


A mouse is smaller than an elephant

Semoga membantu

A mouse is smaller than an elephant

10. 28. x: ... is smaller ?y: i think tennis ball is smaller than basebalx: yeah, i agreea wherec. whichb. whend. how​

C. Which

Which artinya yang mana karena jawabannya i think jadi lebih cocok jika pertanyaan menggunakan yang mana

Semoga membantu
Jangan lupa berikan jawaban tercerdas yah

11. lte me tell you that I got the.... than other studentspliss jawab kak​




semoga bermanfaat

JADIKAN JAWABAN TERBAIK<3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

12. Is this hammer that one smaller than susul lh dgn benar


that hammer is smaller than this one

13. box is this smaller than that one​

This box is smaller than that one.

14. A foot ball is ... Than a volley ball


A football is betterthan a volley ball


Penjelasan:heavy ( berat )

15. four decimal fraction that are smaller than 0.5 ​


2/5 = 0,4

2/5 = 0,43/10 = 0,3

2/5 = 0,43/10 = 0,31/5 = 0,2

2/5 = 0,43/10 = 0,31/5 = 0,21/10 = 0,1

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

four decimal fraction that are smaller than 0,5

empat desimal pecahan yang lebih kecil dari 0,5

Step 1:

Four decimal fraction that are smaller than 0,5 is:





Step 2:

Convert to fraction

0,4 = 4/10 = 2/5

0,3 = 3/10

0,2 = 2/10 = 1/5

0,1 = 1/10

From that we know if four decimal fraction that are smaller than 0,5 is:


2/5 = 0,4

2/5 = 0,43/10 = 0,3

2/5 = 0,43/10 = 0,31/5 = 0,2

2/5 = 0,43/10 = 0,31/5 = 0,21/10 = 0,1



16. Menyusun kalimat 1. English easier than is mathematics 2. am I fatter than you 3. Box is this smaller than that one 4. A pen is a ruler shorter than 5. A tiger than runs faster a lamb 6. Udin tailer than is me 7. My grandma older than is my mother


1. English is easier than matematics

2. I am fatter than you

3. this box is smaller than that one

4. A pen is shorter than a ruler

5. A tiger runs faster than a lamb

6. Udin is taller than me

7. My grandma is older than my mother

17. A bicycle is .... a busa. Slower than b.Faster thanc. Smaller than d.cheaper than​




semoga benar

semangat ya belajar nya


A.Slower than


Maksud dari kalimat di atas adalah:

Sepeda ........ daripada bus

Jadi,jawaban yang tepat adalah A.(Lebih lambat)

18. A horse runs ... than a cow. *slowerfastercleanersmaller​




cow is fat and slow.

19. Box-is-this-smaller-than-that-one


this box is smaller than that one

20. a way smaller than street​


jauh lebih kecil dari jalan


aku gak tau maksud kamu terjemahin atau jawab

kalo jawab lorong itu kalo gak salah

maaf kalo salah:(

Kalo diterjemahkan

-Jauhlebihkecil darijalan

Tapi kalo jawabannya


semoga membantu yamaaf kalausalah

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