Sabtu, 15 Oktober 2022

Which Of The Following Species Is Amphoteric

Which Of The Following Species Is Amphoteric

Monkey is an animal which has many species. There ave 264 species of monkey in the world

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1. Monkey is an animal which has many species. There ave 264 species of monkey in the world

Question :  

what is your question?



Dwarf lanternshark

Dwarf lanternshark (Etmopterus perryi).

3. What Is The Species Of This Dog

It is a Yorkshire Terrier species

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4. Read the following text!the red bird of paradisean indonesian endangered species, the red bird of paradise is distnbuted tolowland rain forests of waigeo and batanta islands of west papua. this species shares itshome with another bird of paradise, the wilson's bord of paradise. hybridization betweenthese two species are expected but not recorded yet.what is the information that could be got in the text?pilih salah satu jawabanthe male red bird of paradise is as large as the femaleathe female red bird of paradise is smaller in sizebthe female red bird of paradise cannot live alonethe red bird of paradise is rare nowadaysthe red bird of paradise live in highland of west papuae​


the red bird of paradise is rare nowadays


Disini dijelaskan bahwa "the red bird of paradise

an indonesian endangered species", yang artinya spesies burung ini terancam mulai punah

5. The statement below is the effect of global warming on biodiversity…. A.appearance of new species in forest areas B.obstruction to species migration C.genetic mutation on species D.increase in biodiversity


The statement below is the effect of global warming on biodiversity….

B.obstruction to species migration


Pernyataan di bawah ini adalah dampak pemanasan global terhadap keanekaragaman hayati….

B.penghalang migrasi spesies

6. • Which sentence is more correct? Pilih salah satu: a. The tiger shark is not an endangered or the tiger shark is not a protected species. b. The tiger shark is not an endangered or protected species. c. The tiger shark is not an endangered, the tiger shark is a protected species. d. The tiger shark is not an endangered or is not protected species. • Which sentence is more correct? Pilih salah satu: a. The tiger shark is not an endangered or the tiger shark is not a protected species. b. The tiger shark is not an endangered or protected species. c. The tiger shark is not an endangered, the tiger shark is a protected species. d. The tiger shark is not an endangered or is not protected species.


Kalau menurut saya yang benar itu B


C. The tiger shark is not an endangered,the tiger shark is a protected species.


C. Hiu harimau tidak terancam punah,hiu harimau adalah spesies yang terlindungi.

semoga bisa membantu

7. Arti dari sumtran tigers is bigger than the other species of tigers


Harimau Sumtran lebih besar dari pada semua jenis harimau

8. 1.Read the text and try to translate to answer the question ! 1. Why does the writer write the text? A. To give specific information about Wakatobi.B. To describe Wallacea, part of Wakatobi.C. To explain the readers part of Wakatobi.D. To promote the people of Wakatobi.2. What is described in the last paragraph ? *A. The species of fish live in Wakatobi.B. The geographical situation of Wakatobi.C. The number of coral reef species in Wakatobi.D. Wakatobi as a diving center of the Caribbean Sea.3. How many species of fish are there in Wakatobi? *20 poinA. 300B. 750C. 850D. 9424. What is Wallacea ? *A. Part of Wakatobi which is the most famous one.B. Part of Wakatobi which has many species of coral reef.C. Part of Wakatobi which is located in the diverse hotspot.D. Part of Wakatobi which has very beautiful scenery of the sea.5. “...the two world’s famous diving center of the Caribbean Sea...”.The synonym of the underlined word is *A. AttractiveB. dangerousC. interestingD. popular ​

1. A. To give specific information about Wakatobi.

2. B. The geographical situation of Wakatobi.

3. D. 942

4. C. Part of Wakatobi which is located in the diverse hotspot.

5. D. popular*

*untuk no. 5 melihat opsi jawabannya maka bisa dibilang bahwa yang digaris bawahi adalah kata 'Famous'


1. give specific information about Wakatobi

2. b.the geographical situation of Wakatobi

3. d.942

4. c.part of Wakatobi which is located in the diverse hotspot

5. d.popular


1. Descriptive text mempunyai fungsi giving information

2-4. Tertera di text

5. Underlined word nya famous, jadi synonym nya popular

9. What the meaning of species

species is one of the basic units of biological classification and a taxonomic rank.A species is often defined as a group of individuals that actually or potentially interbreed in nature.

10. Read the following text, identify the generic structure and the language features of new orangutan species discovered in indonesia


Baca teks berikut, identifikasi struktur generik dan fitur bahasa dari spesies orangutan baru yang ditemukan di Indonesia

11. bahasa inggriswhat is the smallest species of sharks? ​




apa spesies hiu terkecil ?

Answer. Commiphora Africana and Commiphora Angolensis are considered to be the most closely related species

maaf kalo salah

13. What is the best title for the next above? How many species of ants all over the world? Which anty lays eggs? How do the sadier ants treat defeated enemy?


How many species of ants all over the world? 10,000+

Which ants lays eggs? The queen ant of course.

14. read the following sentense many species of wildlife are becoming extinct,..the rain forests are being destroyed​




maaf ya klo salah:)

15. What is the smallest species of shark?


the tooth


because shark have tooth to eating.

16. Do all dolphins have body here What species of dolphin is the exception

Apakah semua lumba-lumba memiliki tubuh di sini Spesies lumba-lumba adalah pengecualian

semoga membantu

17. Wakatobi is located at the world's coral reettriangle center with its 942 fish species and 750 coralreef species from a total of 850 world's collectioncomparing to the two world's famous diving centerof the Caribbean Sea that owes only 50 species andother 300 species in the red sea.What is the main idea of this paragraph? A. The location of Wakatobi. B. The amount of species living in Wakatobi C. The natural beauty of WakatobiD. Wakatobi is the best diving site​




Main idea generally lie at the beginning of a paragraph or the end of a paragraph and from the text we know that A is the main idea and other choice is explanatory sentences

btw sorry if my english laguage is too bad

18. 1. Is the Brown pelican the largest species of Pelican ? ​

Although the Brown Pelican is considered as a large bird, Brown Pelican is the smallest among the species of Pelican.

Semoga membantu :))

19. Task 2State true or false for the following statements based on Task 1 carefully!1. Derawan Island is located in Bali.2. The Derawan island has a life underthe sea which is very beautiful.3. Sharks are also the animals thatlive in the land of Derawan.4. Coral species are one of the island's attraction5. There are at least 900 species of fish ranging from seahorses to Pari Manta​


1.•Statements : Derawan Island is located in Bali.(Pulau Derawan terletak di Bali)


Corrections : Derawan Islands are in Berau,East Kalimantan.(Kepulauan Derawan berada di Berau, Kalimantan Timur)

2.•Statements : The Derawan island has a life under the sea which is very beautiful.(Pulau Derawan memiliki kehidupan bawah

Pulau Derawan memiliki kehidupan bawahlaut yang sangat indah)


3.•Statements : Sharks are also the animals that live in the land of Derawan.(Hiu juga merupakan hewan yang tinggal di pulau Derawan)


4.•Statements : Coral species are one of the island's attraction.(Jenis karang adalah salah satu daya tarik pulau ini)


5.•Statements : There are at least 900 species of fish ranging from seahorses to Pari Manta.(Setidaknya ada 900 spesies ikan mulai dari kuda laut hingga Pari Manta)


Corrections: There are at least 870 species of fish ranging from sea shores to Pari Manta.(Setidaknya ada 870 spesies ikan mulai dari kuda laut hingga Pari Manta. )



Kepulauan Derawan

Derawan Merupakan surga tropis yang begitu sempurna. Di Derawan, Anda akan melihat pemandangan pasir putih, matahari bersinar, pohon palem, dan pantai yang bagus. Ini adalah perlombaan Tuhan yang luar biasa. Pulau ini memiliki kehidupan bawah laut yang sangat indah. Di dalamnya, Anda akan menemukan lumba-lumba, ikan pari, barakuda, penyu raksasa, dan ubur-ubur. Hiu juga merupakan hewan yang hidup di taman bawah laut Derawan. Dengan kekayaan sebesar itu, tidak heran bila pulau ini dinominasikan sebagai salah satu destinasi menyelam terbaik di dunia.

Kepulauan Derawan berada di Berau, Kalimantan Timur. Itu terdiri dari 31 pulau. Sedangkan pulau yang paling terkenal adalah Derawan, Kakaban, Sangalaki, dan Maratua. Semua wilayah tersebut merupakan bagian penting dari konservasi laut di Indonesia dan memiliki luas setidaknya 1,27 hektar. Di laut Derawan, Anda bisa melihat penyu hijau dan penyu sisik yang cukup langka. Anda bahkan bisa berenang di laut bersama penyu.

Jenis karang di kehidupan air Derawan sangat banyak sekali, setidaknya terdapat 46 jenis karang dan ini merupakan tahap kedua dari Pulau Raja Ampat di Papua. Padahal, setidaknya ada 870 jenis ikan mulai dari pantai laut hingga Pari Manta. Selain Derawan, di Kakaban Anda akan menemukan danau ubur-ubur terbesar dan paling beragam di dunia. Stinglesss adalah jenis yang paling langka dan Anda akan menemukannya di pulau ini.

semoga membantu

maaf klo salah

20. What is the smallest species of squirrels called?


African pygmy squirrels


this is the big of African pygmy squirrels

6 – 7.5 cm

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