Senin, 03 Oktober 2022

A Computer Company Produced This Graph

A Computer Company Produced This Graph

When you talk about a graph (or other figure/diagram) you can say,"This graph _____ you...​

Daftar Isi

1. When you talk about a graph (or other figure/diagram) you can say,"This graph _____ you...​


Saat Anda berbicara tentang grafik (atau gambar / diagram lain), Anda dapat berkata, "Grafik ini _____ Anda ...

2. When you talk about a graph ( or other figure/diagram ) you can say, " this graph ( ....... ) you...*


Ketika Anda berbicara tentang grafik (atau gambar / diagram lain) Anda dapat berkata, "grafik ini (.......) Anda ... *


semoga membantu yaa semangat

3. 1. Tuliskan 4 komponen 2 komputer.go to sculpt a company on company computer ​


1. Motherboard = sebagai tempat menancapkan atau memasangkan komponen-komponen komputer lainnya seperti processor, video card, sound card, hard disk, dan lain sebagainya. Fungsinya adalah menghubungkan setiap komponen, agar bisa saling berkomunikasi satu sama lain.

2. Processor = berfungsi untuk mengeksekusi instruksi atau melakukan perhitungan-perhitungan.

3. RAM (Random Access Memory) = berfungsi untuk menyimpan data sementara dari suatu program yang sedang kita jalankan dan data-data tersebut bisa diakses secara acak atau random.

4. Video Card = berfungsi untuk menghasilkan output gambar untuk ditampilkan di monitor.


karena itu jawaban yang ada di buku saya

4. this computer........... expensive​


this computer is expensive


So or Too






5. Ubah kalimat ini ke kalimat Passive . 1. that use a computer to do that job a nowadays. 2. the teacher has marked all the homework3. where will your company send you next year4. is anyone using this computer.​


Pengertian Passive Voice (Kalimat Pasif)

Passive Voice (Kalimat Pasif) adalah kalimat yang subject-nya dikenai suatu pekerjaan atau menderita suatu. Dengan kata lain subject kalimat tersebut menjadi sasaran kegiatan yang dinyatakan oleh kata kerja.

Dalam bahasa indonesia ciri-ciri kalimat pasif adalah kata kerjanya yang berawalan dengan “di-“ dan beberapa lagi memiliki awalan “ter-“ (tergantung pada konteks kalimat).

Bentuk dari Passive Voice (kalimat pasif) adalah : TO BE / BE + VERB 3

Dalam bentuk kalimat pasif, biasanya diikuti dengan frase “by.”

Daftar Isi Sembunyikan

Contoh Soal Passive Voice dan Jawaban

Yuk, Pelajari Contoh Soal Report Text Beserta Jawabannya Ini!

Contoh Soal Passive Voice dan Jawaban

Contoh Passive Voice (Kalimat Passive)

ACTIVE: Jane helps Tina. (Artinya: Jane menolong Tina)

PASSIVE: Tina is helped by Jane. (Artinya: Tina ditolong oleh Jane)

Pada kalimat pasif, Object dari kalimat aktif (Tina) berubah menjadi Subject.

Mengubah Active Voice (Kalimat Aktif) ke dalam bentuk Passive Voice (Kalimat Pasif).

Pelajari Contoh Soal Passive Voice dan Jawaban Ini!

Pelajari Contoh Soal Passive Voice dan Jawaban Ini!


1. ACTIVE : Someone gave Mrs. Grim an award.

PASSIVE : Mrs. Grim was given an award by someone.

2. ACTIVE : Someone gave an award to Mrs. Grim.

PASSIVE : An award was given to Mrs. Grim

Kalimat Yang Tidak Dapat Dipasifkan

Sebagaimana kita ketahui bawah hanya active voice (kalimat aktif) yang menggunakan verb (kata kerja) transitif (yang membutuhkan object) saja yang bisa dipasifkan.

1. Kalimat Nominal

Kalimat Nominal adalah kalimat bahasa Inggris yang membutuhkan tobe (am, is, are, was, were) sebagai kata kerja utama.


I am beautiful.

He is sad.

They were tired.

Jenis kalimat tersebut di atas tidak dapat dipasifkan.

2. Kalimat Yang Menggunakan Intransitive Verb

Jenis kalimat yang ke dua yang tidak bisa dipasifkan adalah jenis kalimat yang mengandung verb (kata kerja) intransitif atau kata kerja yang tidak membutuhkan objek. Contoh:

I sleep there.

He arraives at home.

She dies.

Verb (kata kerja) intransitive seperti ‘sleep’, ‘arrive’ dan ‘die’ yang tidak memiliki objek tidak bisa dipasifkan.


Make passive voice sentences based on the sentences given!

1. Julia has rescued three cats.

2. The students will receive the reports.

3. Maria drove the blue car.

4. Alex learned the poem.

5. Steven has forgotten the book.

6. the maid has not wined the windows.

7. Theya are playing smackball.

8. Sue puts the rudsack on the floor.

9. The girl has lost her keys.

10. The teacher is not going to open the window.

11. Mr. Jones watches the film.

12. The people speak English.

13. He was reading some comics.

14. We play volleyball.

15. They are singing the song.

Yuk, Pelajari Contoh Soal Report Text Beserta Jawabannya Ini!

16. I take the photos.

17. She does the housework.

18. The policeman help the children.

19. He writes text messages.

20. Mother is watering the flowers.

21. She bought four apples.

22. We joined the match last month.

23. The man stole the red car.

24. The polices have arrested the thieves.

25. Jack will sweep the floor.

26. The dog bit the old lady.

27. tom and Max ate five hamburgers.

28. Oliver taught the childrenn.

29. Victoria was riding the brown horse.

30. Grandmother told good stories.

Kerjakan dan latih dirimu dari kalimat di atas ya! Semangat!!

6. my sister ............ a job in this company (gets/get)​


my sister getsa job in this company


"Semoga Membantu"

7. Thank you for the computer benchmarks produced by Springfield Computer Associates; they really are excellent! Computer benchmarks produced by an independent third party such as your company provide a professional and unbiased standard that the industry relies on for making critical purchasing decisions. In addition, the software is easy to use and is updated regularly. Thank you once again for your contribution to the industry. 1) What does the letter tell about? 2) What is the producer of the computer benchmark? 3) Is the computer produced by third party? 4) Does the producer make a professional product? 5) What is the characteristic of the software?

1. Giving apreciation for the excelent product
2. The springfield Computer associates
3. Yes it is.
4. Yes it does
5. It is easy to use and is updated regularly?

askmeenglish (tanya gue Inggris!)

8. This position is open this company

posisi ini terbuka .. di perusahaan ini

9. # passive voice this company employs a lot of people .a. a lot of people is employed by this companyb. a lot of people are employed by this company C. a lot of people is employed by this company ​


b. a lot of people are employed by this company


semoga membantu ya

10. A techinician cheaks this computer every week .. mnta bantu

seorang teknisi mencek komputer itu setiap minggu

11. this is kiko chen she is a sedetaty she woksin a big computer company in kyoto japan there is a computer on her desk. she pften letters on the computer she also ansewers the telephone and takes masages sometimes ,she goes to meetings and takes netes artikan bahasa indonesia

Ini adalah kiko chen dia adalah setattty dia bekerja sebuah perusahaan komputer besar di kyoto jepang ada komputer di mejanya . dia sering huruf pada komputer ia juga menjawab telepon dan mengambil masages kadang-kadang , dia pergi ke pertemuan dan mengambil catatan

12. my sisters.......a job on this company.(gets/get)​

Jawaban: Get kak

Penjelasan:Karena kan dia sendiri klo misalkan di sebutkan my sister and my brother......a job on this company itu baru Gets kanrena ada melebihi dari sati=u orang itu saja jawaban saya maaf klo salah :)

13. 4.This is my computer.The computer is ....a. Myc. lb. Mined. Myself​

b. Mine

semoga membantu


b nime


karena nime itu milik saya


14. My in this company​

My neighbor…..that…….works in this company

maaf kalo salah

15. aisyah : whose computer is this ?fatimah : this is .... may borrow it.a. mineb. Ic. my​


aisyah : whose computer is this ?

fatimah : this is My computer.

you may borrow it.

My » kepunyaan dari I (aku)

jadi artinya My computer »komputerku


maaf kalau salah


Semoga bermanfaat ❤️


aisyah : whose computer is this ?

fatimah : this is mycomputer. you may

borrow it.


Pronoun > Kata Ganti

I > Subject Pronoun

Me > Object Pronoum

My> Possessive Adjective/Kata sifat


Mine > Possessive Pronoun/Kata ganti



This is mycat

**✿❀ Semoga Membantu ❀✿**

16. changes to this computer? Program name: Gameloop Verified publisher: Tencent Technology(Shenzhen) Company Limited File origin: Hard drive on this computer Show details Yes No Change when these notifications appear




Maaf kalau salah :):)

17. I cant fix this computer


saya tidak bisa memperbaiki komputer ini

semoga membantu (´。• ᵕ •。`)







18. 2. Tono works in that company. He can operate computer.

Tono works in that company, so he can operate
computers, mungkin?

19. i.....this cheap computer​

Jawaban: buy


I buy this cheap computer


I buy this cheap computer​

artinya: aku membeli komputer murah ini

20. make the graph of this equation : 2x + y = 2!

Semoga Bermanfaat

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