Senin, 03 Oktober 2022

How Might A Product Owner Support A Continuous Delivery Pipeline

How Might A Product Owner Support A Continuous Delivery Pipeline

Mengapa posisi product owner sebaiknya disi oleh business user

Daftar Isi

1. Mengapa posisi product owner sebaiknya disi oleh business user


Pemilik produk harus diisi oleh pengguna bisnis karena mereka yang tahu apa yang seharusnya dilakukan produk dan bagaimana cara kerjanya. Mereka juga yang akan menggunakannya, jadi mereka perlu dapat memahaminya dan mampu menjelaskannya kepada orang lain.

2. Explain the importance of establishing a formal system and process to support continuous improvement !


Jelaskan pentingnya membangun sistem dan proses formal untuk mendukung perbaikan berkelanjutan!


maaf saya cma bisa mengartikan

3. The military members ..... use that above product . A. should B. shouldn't C. might D. can​


A should


Anggota militer ..... menggunakan produk di atas. A. harus


Semoga membantu maaf kalau salah

4. karakteristik pipeline

Pipeline itu
1) seperti kumpulan kabel kabel yang dicolokkan
2) jumlahnya selalu lebih dari 1 jadi mudah ditebak
3) bentuk nya selalu sambung menyambung seperti kabel yang disatukan
4) kebanyakan bentuknya teratur dan rapi
5) bentuknya pararel

5. How does a user use the product? *10 poin​

mana aku tau maksud kamu apaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

6. apakah yang anda ketahui tentang pipeline ?

pipeline adalah satu set dari elemen pemrosesan data dihubungkan secara seri, sehingga hasil keluaran dari satu elemen adalah masukkan bagi elemen berikutnya. Elemen - elemen dari sebuah pipeline sering dijalankan secara paralel

7. How might a business utilize the short term capital that is has Borrowed?


a short term loan is a type of loan that is obtained to support a temporary personal or business capital. It can be used to increase value across a wide range of categories, such as financial, social, physical, intellectual, etc. In business and economics, the two most common types of capital are financial and human.

semoga membantu ya

8. how does ICT support EFL?

ICT : Information and Communications Technology

EFL :English as a Foreign Language

Hiw does ICT support EFL?

ICT really affects the learning process of someone who is trying to understand EFL. With ICT, people can connect with various people around the world with their own language barriers. This way, people can adapt more into others' understanding of English anda hopefully learn from some noticeable mistakes. ICT is also providing a platform where creators make different websites for the sake of learning EFL either for free or for a reasonable amount of money. EFL itself is constantly being used by other people who are also learning and just by chatting, you'll certainly learn a thing or two from your partner.

EFL isn't necessarily learned through texts. Now, EFL can be learned through music, comics, conversations from a post, etc. The possibility is endless. ICT will keep evolving and so does ways to learn EFL. In a way, EFL is always supported by ICT, literally.

smoga terbantu maaf kalo salah :)

9. How the product become success?


Bagaimana produk menjadi sukses?


karna adannya iklan atau reklame dan rasannya yang enak membuat produk tersebut menjadi sukses

semoga membantu

maaf kalau salah!!

10. how much is the carbohydrate in a product of 210 gram?​


100 gr / 1 ons carbo


105 gr = 50 gr

then, 210 gr = 2× 50 gr = 100 gr / 1 ons carbo

11. In partner, decide on a product then suggest which media might be used to promote it

we have to use the media wich can sell the product throught all over the world

12. WhAt is a modem? how does a modem work? What software can be applied to support a modem?

1.Modem comes from the abbreviation Demodulator Modulator. Modulator is a part that converts the information signal into the carrier signal and is ready to be sent, while the Demodulator is the part that separates the information signal from the carrier signal received so that the information can be received properly.
2.When a computer is connected to a telephone cable for later use on the internet, if our computer uploads / sends data, then information / data from a computer in digital form will be converted by the modem into an analog form to be sent via
3.Modem (modulator-demodulator) is a device used to deliver and receive data from a PC to another PC via telephone cable. Modem is a tool whose job is to exchange data from digital to analog and vice versa.

13. apakah pipelining dan pipeline sama ?




cuman di kasih

14. Poin 20 Product development adalah aspek yang sama pentingnya dengan.... A Lokasi kantor B Jumlah karyawan с Traction D Pengalaman owner bisnis Apa jawabannya’m


C (Traction)


Konsep dan tahapan erat kaitannya dengan kualitas

15. how many is the content of the product in a package?

Packaging is the technology of enclosing or protecting products for distribution, storage, sale, and use. Packaging also refers to the process of designing, evaluating, and producing packages. Packaging can be described as a coordinated system of preparing goods for transport, warehousing, logistics, sale, and end use. Packaging contains, protects, preserves, transports, informs, and sells.[1] In many countries it is fully integrated into government, business, institutional, industrial, and personal use.

Package labeling (American English) or labelling (British English) is any written, electronic, or graphic communication on the package or on a separate but associated label.

16. How acounting support your job?

it depends on the job itself. if the job requires figures then yes accounting will help the job and make it easier.

17. Jelaskan apa yang di maksud dengan : - let xiza - waiting dan delivery waiting - spatial convenience - product variety - service backup


-lot xize merupakan jumlah produksi untuk komponen yang dibeli supplier,Dengan demikian lot xize secara umum merupakan pemenuhan kebutuhan komponen untuk 1 atau lebih periode


Semoga membantu


18. What is the goal of the text?a. To promote the product. b. To identify the product.c. To tell how to buy the product. d. To tell the readers how to distribute the product.​


a.To promote the product

19. How much is the carbohydrate in a product of 210 gram?​


Berapa karbohidrat dalam produk 210 gram?


itu artinya


Berapa karbohidrat dalam produk 210 gram?


moga nembantu

20. What is the intention of writing the text? describe the reader about medicine product. guide the readers how to get the product. shere experience how to consume the product. give information about a medicine product​


D. to shere experience how to consume the product


semoga membantu:)

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