Rabu, 12 Oktober 2022

Consider The Following Exponential Probability Density Function

Consider The Following Exponential Probability Density Function

what is the function of high- density lipoprotein?Brainly​

Daftar Isi

1. what is the function of high- density lipoprotein?Brainly​


Although high-density lipoproteins (HDL) possess many features that contribute to the association between elevated HDL cholesterol and protection from atherosclerosis, these lipoproteins may be modified in certain individuals and/or circumstances to become proinflammatory. The ability of HDL to inhibit or paradoxically to enhance vascular inflammation, lipid oxidation, plaque growth, and thrombosis reflects changes in specific enzyme and protein components. The anti-inflammatory and proinflammatory functional properties of HDL can now be assessed using cell-based and cell-free assays. Acute or chronic systemic inflammation and the metabolic syndrome appear to render HDL proinflammatory. In contrast, statins and experimental agents such as apolipoprotein A-1 mimetics render HDL more anti-inflammatory. Functional characterization of HDL is a promising method for enhanced assessment of cardiovascular risk and effectiveness of risk reduction.

Kalo G Salah

Maaf Jika Ada Kesalahan

2. Let X1, …,Xn represent the incomes of n randomly selected tax-payers. Assume that each observation is independent and has probability density function fx={x0xθ+1,  for x>x0 0,  otherwise This is the Pareto distribution. Assume θ=100 and x0=$4,000. Find the density function of the minimum of the n observations. ​


okkkk hhhhhhh gtyhhhuhtdddhhhyhhhhhujh

3. Consider the following statements 1. Every relation is a function 2. Every function is a relation 3. Every one-to-one correspondence is a function Dri yg di atas manakah pernyataan yg benar??

3. Setiap korespondensi satu-satu adalah fungsi

4. Poin 50 Jelaskan Pengertian dari normal density function


Dalam bahasa Indonesia , "density" memiliki arti massa jenis. Pengertian normal density function sebagian besar kemungkinan merujuk pada massa jenis air, yaitu 1000 kg/m³ yang dianggap sebagai massa jenis zat yang paling netral. Fungsi massa jenis normal dilakukan untuk mengetahui posisi benda dalam air dengan membandingkan massa jenis zat yang akan dipindahkan dengan massa jenis air.

Rumus : rho benda = rho air.

5. 1. Write the function of the following thinga. Penb. Stove​

A] write

B] cooking

semoga membantu


A) pen

B) stove


A) pen:the use of a pencil is to write on paper or a book B) stove:the use of the stove is for cooking, heating water, and much more


6. Complete the following dialogue!Andi : What is the function of .........?ari: Its function to arrange our hair.tolong bantu​




semoga membantu:)


1. Rona called Lyou, me, them, us]

just now, but I didn't hear.

2. Emez helps Mrs. Alicia because (she, he, her, him)

3. Would you like to join [them, him, you, us]

carries a lot of items.

4. Galuh and Ratna love swimming. I always meet [him, them, you, us]

_? We're going to the canteen.

on Sunday

at the swimming pool

5. Mona has a new cat. She plays with her, it, you, them) before and after school.

6. Please read the e-mail and reply Lyou, he, they, it]


7. (You, He, I, They)

will participate in a carnival next Saturday aftemoon. My parents allow

me to do it.

8. Please meet my cousin Amalia. I call her, us, them, it] Amel.

9. Who is the boy sitting beside Mr. Cecep? Do you know [us, her, them, him)

10. Where are the girls? I thought (they, she, we, you) were here completing their assignment.

Activity 20 semoga membantu

7. Which of the following is true about density? A. Density depends on temperature and weight. B. Density describes how much energy atoms have. C. A large object will always have more density than a smaller object. D. Density can be calculated by divising the mass by the volume.



density adalah berat jenis yang merupakan hasil bagi antara masa dan volume.

density disimbulkan ρ (rho)

ρ = m/v

8. Solve the exponential equation for ​


x= -4

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Itu 1 saat:


3x+12= 0

3x= -12

x= -4

[tex]( \frac{9}{8} ) {}^{3x + 12} = 1 \\ ( \frac{9}{8} ) {}^{3x + 12} = ( \frac{9}{8} ) {}^{0} \\ 3x + 12 = 0 \\ 3x = - 12 \\ x = \frac{ - 12}{3} \\ x = - 4[/tex]

[tex] \: [/tex]

»Detail Jawaban: Mapel: Matematika Kelas: X Materi: Eksponensial


9. Complete the following dialogues 1. A : What is the function of...? B : its function is to put some things.

A:What is the funtion of this?


semoga membantuu

10. 1.11. Stating the social function of the following expressions!​


Konsep : Menyederhanakan bentuk akar Ingat kembali! √((a+b) + 2√(a.b)) = √a + √b √(x^2) = x Pembahasan : √(8+4√3) = √(8+√(3.16) ) = √(8 + √(3 . 4^2)) = √(8 + √(3.4.4)) = √(8 + 2√12) = √((6+2) + 2√(6.2)) = √6 + √2

11. Complete the following dialogues! 1. A : What is the function of ...? B : its function is to put some things.


The answer is Table.


sorry if wrong

12. The posting key has controlling function for the following purpose, which is.....


The posting key has controlling function for the following purpose, which is.....

1. Transfer of information from financial accounting to management accounting

2. Post document items as debit or credit

3. Type of account to post document items

4. Additional state additional data field

13. Write the definition and the function of the following substancesand the function of the following substances in relation with medicine!1. Phosphate2. Codeine3. Aspirin4. Paracetamol5. Acetaminophen​


1. Definition ; Phosphate is a charged particle (ion) that contains the mineral phosphorus.

Function ; The body needs phosphorus to build and repair bones and teeth, help nerves function, and make muscles contract.

2. Definition ; a morphine derivative that is found in opium.

Function ;  used to treat pain, cough, and diarrhea.

3. Definition ; Aspirin is known as a salicylate and a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID).

Function ; is commonly used as a pain reliever for minor aches and pains and to reduce fever.

4. Definition ; Paracetamol, also known as acetaminophen and APAP,is typically used for mild to moderate pain relief.

Function; Paracetamol is used to treat many conditions such as headache, muscle aches, arthritis, backache, toothaches, colds, and fevers

5. Definition ; acetaminophen ,is typically used for mild to moderate pain relief.

Function ;Acetaminophen helps relieve pain by blocking pain signals within the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord).

Maaf kalo salah


14. Name the following tools.then, match the description (function) terjemahan​


Gambarnya mana mbok...

15. What is the social function of the following text? *​


apa fungsi sosial dari teks berikut?

16. Most substances contract when they freeze so that the density of a substance's solid is______________of its liquid. A. Than the higher density B. Higher than the density C. The density is higher than that D. The higher the density

jawabannya yang B.Higherthanthedensity

17. Jelaskan pengertian dari density function atau fungsi kerapatan

Dalam teori probabilitas, Fungsi kepadatan probabilitas atau fkp merupakan segolongan fungsi yang sering digunakan dalam teori statistika untuk menjelaskan perilaku suatu distribusi probabilitas teoretis.

Suatu fungsi memenuhi kriteria sebagai fkp apabila nilainya selalu positif untuk setiap titik absis dan fungsi primitifnya merupakan distribusi probabilitas.

Ini berarti bahwa suatu fkp berharga non-negatif untuk semua nilai absis dan hasil integral tertentunya yang merentang dari −∞ menuju +∞ sama dengan satu.

Selain disebut sebagai fungsi kepekatan probabilitas, pustaka-pustaka juga menyebutnya sebagai fungsi kepekatan peluang atau fungsi kerapatan probabilitas

-----------------------------------------semoga membantu no copas



18. Complete the following dialugues! 1. A : What is the function of ...? B : its function is to put some things.


1. A : What is the function of table?

B : its function is to put some things.

Artinya adalah

A: Apakah fungsi meja?

B: Fungsinya adalah untuk meletakkan beberapa benda.


Contoh lainnya:

A: What is the function of plate?

B: Its function is to serve some food.

A: What is the function of chair?

B: Its function is to sit.

A; What is the function of bed?

B: Its function is to sleep.

Pelajari lebih lanjut contoh benda dan fungsinya dalam bahasa Inggris pada https://brainly.co.id/tugas/38216367


19. Table 2 below represents the probability distribution of discrete random variable X.P(X=r)Table 2Find the value of k.(3 Marks)Y is a continuous random variable with probability density functionJy? .-22Find the expected value of h.(2 Marks)25. find m​


meja tenis meja yg kecil

20. consider the function y= √(1/x)-1. a. can x be negative?​


maaf saya jg tdk tahu

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