Jumat, 14 Oktober 2022

Project Budgets Are Developed By Time phasing Which Of The Following

Project Budgets Are Developed By Time phasing Which Of The Following

33. Complete the following sentence!Einstein ... (develop) the theory of relativity, one of the two pillars of moderate physics.a. has developedb. have developedc. developedd. develops​

Daftar Isi

1. 33. Complete the following sentence!Einstein ... (develop) the theory of relativity, one of the two pillars of moderate physics.a. has developedb. have developedc. developedd. develops​


C. Developed


Tenses yang digunakan adalah Simple Past. Karena kejadiannya di masa lalu.

2. Choose one of the following topics for you project


Pilih salah satu topik untuk project yang akan kamu ikuti.

3. You ..... (Finish) the project ini time of you ..... (Work) hard

Kamu menyelesaikan proyek kali ini dari anda.... kerja keras

Maaf kalo salah :-)

4. The student must submit the project of the begining of june.The project....

_passive voice_

The project must be submitted by the student of the beginning of June.

5. The kingdom of Demak developed rapidly under the reign of?


The kingdom of Demak developed rapidly under the reign of sultan trenggono.

semoga membantu.

6. B. Do the following project.Make a birthday invitation for your brother or sister. Remember to useprepositions of time correctly.​


ini di suruh mengartikan atau bagaimana

7. B. Try to decide which proverb can help you express yourself in the following situations. 1. You have a big project from your teacher. The teacher asks you to do it in a group of five. Two of the members are arguing for a long time so that your group cannot finish the project maximally. What would you say for this situation?​


one rotten apple spoils the whole barrel = Sebab nila setitik rusak susu sebelanga

maaf kalau salah ya


maksudnya hanya karena kesalahan kecil yang nampak tiada artinya seluruh persoalan menjadi kacau dan berantakan. Bisa juga, karena sesuatu yang remeh/kecil malah menimbulkan dampak yang besar.

8. Complete these following sentences! 1. … is an imaginative story to entertain people. 2. … where the problems in the story developed. 3. The opening paragraph where the setting, character, plot of the story are introduced is the definition of …. 4. A story about animal which behave like human is called …. 5. …, …, and … are the kinds of narrative text.

Complete the following sentence!

1. BOOK STORY is an imaginative story to entertain people.

2. LAY where the problem in the story develops.

3. The opening paragraph where the arrangement, character, storyline is introduced is


4. A story about animals that behave like humans are called


5. ..., ..., and ... are types of narrative texts.

maff ya aku taunyah cuman nomor 1 sampai nomor 4

9. The Golden Star Restaurant is considering an investment a new computerized bar for the two mutually exclusive projects involves an investment of $120,000. Management has estimated the cost of capital is 12% and the following annual net cash flow are as follow :Year Project M Project 01 $70,000 $10,0002 40,000 20,0003 30,000 30,0004 10,000 50,0005 10,000 80,000Instruction :1. Calculate :a. The Payback Period of each Project (Note: Maximum Payback Period is 3 years)b. The Net Payment Value (NPV) of each projectc. The Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of each project d. The Profitability Index (PI) of each project 2. Based on the above calculations (item 1), which project should be accepted (explain the reason). Mohon Bantuannya :"))))


d , morning glory of love you Mmmmuuaaaaachhh yang tidak

10. have-time-dont-the-enough-we-to finish-project the correct arrangement of the words is...

we don't have enough time to finish the projectWe dont have enough time to finish the project.
kita tdk punya cukup waktu untuk menyelesaikan proyek.

11. you've consulted your earned value calculations to find out the eac and etc of your project. which of the following is the best place to put that information


Anda telah berkonsultasi dengan perhitungan nilai yang Anda peroleh untuk mengetahui eac dan ets proyek Anda, mana dari berikut ini adalah tempat terbaik untuk meletakkan informasi itu

12. type of modern music originally developed by African-Americans, with a rhythm in which the strong notes often come before the beat.


artinya:jenis musik modern yang awalnya dikembangkan oleh Afrika-Amerika, dengan irama di mana nada yang kuat sering datang sebelum irama.


13. type of modern music originally developed by African-Americans, with a rhythm in which the strong notes often come before the beat.

Disco / Funk (Either one of this)

Sorry if I’m wrong

14. Greek developed the earliest ways of writing which is quite similar to the .... a.old writing system b.modern writing system c.All answer are right


C.all answer are right.


15. She developed time mangement tool for staff A Time management tool was developed by her for staff B Time management tool were developed by her for staff C Time management tool has developed by her for staff D Time management tool is developed by her for staff E Time management tool developed by her for staff

She developed time management tool for staff ~~ simple past tense active form

Passive form: O+to be (was/were)+ V3+by+S

Time management tool was developed by her for staff.

16. 2. Active Voice: All students are finishing the annual project. * Passive Voice: ... a. The annual project is finishing by all students. c. The annual project is being finished by all students. e. The annual project is finished by all students. b. The annual project are finishing by all students. d. The annual project are being finished by all students. ha

E. The annual project is finished by all students.

17. The council finally canceled the super-mall project _____ the citizens had complained earlier this year. A. about which B. which C. of which D. that +alasannya

Subject : English

Category : Relative pronoun

The council finally canceled the super-mall project about which the citizens had complained earlier this year.

Kalimat di atas adalah kalimat kompleks yang terdiri dari satu independent clause dan satu relative clause.

Jika dipisahkan kalimatnya menjadi :

The council finally canceled the super-mall project. The citizens had complained about it earlier this year.

complain about adalah phrasal verb (complain + about adalah idiom yang tidak bisa dipisahkan)

It = the super-mall project (benda) jadi pakai relative pronoun which.

Ingat preposition about nya tidak boleh dihilangkan. jadi jawaban yang tepat adalah pilihan A.

18. Change the following active sentences into passive voice"He developed time management tools for staff."​

Time management tools was developed by him for staff

19. She developed time mangement tool for staff A Time management tool was developed by her for staff B Time management tool were developed by her for staff C Time management tool has developed by her for staff D Time management tool is developed by her for staff E Time management tool developed by her for staff

D. Time management tool was developed by her for staff.

20. Areal : Hey sis, can you help me out with my science project? Siti : Can’t you see? I ___ busy ______my Math task. It’s due today. Next time,okay? 3. Which of the following words best complete the sentence?

memakai "was" "with"


i was busy with my math task

maaf kalau salah, tp semoga membantu ya ^_^


Areal : Hey sis, can you help me out with my science project? Siti : Can’t you see? I am busy doing my Math task. It’s due today. Next time, okay?


AM digunakan karena artinya sedang.

DOING digunakan karena artinya melakukan.

Semoga membantu yaa. Kalau salah maaf dan komentar yaa. #stayathomejugadong!

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