Kamis, 27 Oktober 2022

Match Each Form Of Energy To Its Description

Match Each Form Of Energy To Its Description

Match each part of the school building to its description​

Daftar Isi

1. Match each part of the school building to its description​


Sis, how does it fit in, how come there is no picture


\thank you for the point

2. Match each animal in the box with its description.​


1. a monkey

2. a cow

3. an elephant

4. a hen

5. a rabbits

6. a giraffe

7. a shark

8. a bee

9. a polar bear

10. a lion

3. Write the name of the quadrilateral on the first blank. Then match the quadrilateral with itsdescription, and write the letter of the description on the second blank. (Use each letter only once.)​


black an second only rapiditi on flock

4. match each expression with its appropriate response

which one? insert picccc

5. match each expression with its suitable response​


1. Good to see you!

Response: Good to see you too!

2. How are you?

Response: I am good!

3. How are you feeling?

Response: I am Happy!

4. Good bye!

Response: Good bye!

5. See you!

Response: See you!

6. Thanks a million!

Response: My pleasure!

7. Please forgive me!

Response: Sure!

8. I'm sorry for coming late!

Response: It's OK. Please be on time in the future!


Jawaban sudah dicocokkan sesuai dengan tanggapan (Response) nya dan merupakan materi pembelajaran memberikan salam (Greetings) dan memohon maaf atas kesalahan dalam Bahasa Inggris. Semua contoh kalimat dan tanggapan ada pada jawaban di atas.

Semoga membantu ya.

6. We will learn to read to each other the description of a person thing stated by each speaker


kita akan belajar membaca untuk masing-masing deskripsi dari orang yang disebutkan oleh masing-masing pembicara

7. Match each animal with its suitable sound.​


Cow = to moo

ape = gibber

Fly = to buzz

Goat = to bleat

Elephant = trumpet

eagle = cheep

donkey = bray

crow = to caw

rabbit = gtau

rooster = crow

maaf kalo ada yg salah














8. task 12 match each question with its suibtable answer.

1. I

2. C

3. G

4. L

5. D

6. J

7. A

8. E

9. H

10. B

Semoga membantu..:)

9. match each kind of greeting card with its function or purpose,correctly

huruf a jwabannya no 4
huruf c jwabannya no8
huruf d jwabannya no10
huruf e jwabanya no2
huruf b jwabannya no6
huruf g jwabannya no9
huruf l jwabannya no7
maaf klau slh, saya jawab sebisanya gk bisa saya jwb semua1. wedding card = msh rancu krn bisa 2 arti antara jawaban H (to celebrate a marriage) dengan J (to send congratulation to a couple on their engagement to be married) ,,mungkin prefer ke Jawaban J
klo celebrate a marriage bisa di artikan ke anniversary card

4. A
9. G
10 D

smg membantu

10. match each word with its opposite!Help me!​


Conclusion >< g. BeginningFictional >< d. TruePlural >< i. oneReveal >< a. coverRecognize >< e. not knowEmphasize >< j. show to be not importantNegative >< f. positiveFollow >< c. come before

Semoga membantu:)

11. express each of the following as a fraction in its simplest form

[tex]\frac{3x}{4y-2z} - \frac{2x}{z-2y} + \frac{5}{3z-6y}[/tex]

---------samakan penyebut menjadi 3z - 6y

[tex] \frac{3x}{4y-2z} = \frac{ -\frac{9}{2}x}{3z-6y} [/tex]

[tex]\frac{2x}{z-2y} = \frac{6x}{3z-6y} [/tex]

--------- digabung lagi

[tex]\frac{ -\frac{9}{2}x}{3z-6y} - \frac{6x}{3z-6y} + \frac{5}{3z-6y} = \frac{\frac{10 -21x}{2} }{3z-6y} = \frac{10-21x}{6z-12y} [/tex]
Simplifying Algebra.

Look the answer on this picture!

12. arti dari " we will learn to read to each other the description of idonesia stated by each speaker"

kita akan belajar membaca deskripsi indonesia satu sama lain yang disebutkan oleh masing-masing pembicara

semoga membantu :)Kita akan belajar untuk saling membacakan deskripsi dari indonesia yang disbutkan oleh tiap" pembicara.

13. when a spinning ball bounces, some of the energy contained in its rotation can transferred to its energy of forward motion​


can transferred


semoga membantu

14. Match each expression of appreciating / complimenting to the suitable response!

1. Woow, You're smart girl

Response: Really? I don't think so. Thanks

2. Congratulation for your exam results, You're so fantastic.

Response: You too, thanks a lot.

3. Woah, your dress is very beautiful

Response: My mother gifted that in my birthday. Thanks for you compliment.



15. match each question with its suitable answer

1. i
3. g
4. k
5. d
6. j
7. a
8. e

semoga bermanfaat dan dpt.membantu.

jgn lupa follow dan jadikan ini sbg jawaban terbaiq

16. When a spinning ball bounces, some of theenergy contained in its rotation cantransferred toits energy of forward motion.​


ketika bola berputar memantul, sebagian energi yang terkandung dalam rotasi itu dapat ditransfer juga energi gerak ke depan.


Maaf kalau salah menerjemainnya

17. find the value of each of the following. Express your answer in its simplest form ​


[tex]10 \div \frac{4}{5}[/tex]

[tex] \frac{10}{1} \div \frac{4}{5} = \frac{10}{1} \times \frac{5}{4} [/tex]

[tex] \frac{10 \times 5}{1 \times 4} = \frac{50}{4} = 12 \frac{2}{4} [/tex]

18. when a spinning ball bounces, some of the energy contained in ITS rotation can transferred to ITS energy of forward motion​


can transffered


setau saya, kalau passive formnya itu harus pakai "be". jadi "can be transferred". kaya ada feeling aja itu harus ada "be" nya.

19. Match each question with its suitable answer beserta artinya

jodohkan setiap pertanyaan dengan jawaban yg sesuai with meaning

20. description of BJHabibie example in the form of the English language description

B. J. Habibie(BacharuddinB. J. Habibie
(Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie)
Indonesian political leader
Born: 6/25/1936
Birthplace: Pare-Pare, Indonesia
Trained as an aeronautical engineer, Habibie worked as a vice president and director for technology application at the German aeronatics concern Messerschmitt-Bolkow-Blohm bfor several years before he was recalled to Indonesia to oversee the country's state-owned high-tech industries. He worked under President Suharto for 20 years, first as minister of state for research and technology where he oversaw the attempted development of an Indonesian aircraft industry, and later as vice president. Habibie's days as vice president were few, however, as the economic troubles that had been festering under Suharto's crony capitalism boiled over just 10 weeks after Habibie's appointment. In May 1998, Suharto resigned after 32 years as undisputed head of state, handing the reins over to Habibie. Habibie quickly removed from office the most egregious examples of Suharto's nepotism in an attempt to distinguish himself from his predecessor and win favor with the emerging opposition factions. In 1999 he lost a parliamentary vote of confidence and he withdrew from the presidential race.

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