Kamis, 27 Oktober 2022

Words With O L I V E

Words With O L I V E

Arange those words correctly 1.C-c-h-o-u 2.i-v-e-t-o-i-n-l-e-s Bntuu pliss☺️

Daftar Isi

1. Arange those words correctly 1.C-c-h-o-u 2.i-v-e-t-o-i-n-l-e-s Bntuu pliss☺️


1. couch

2. television

Semoga terbantu ya, kalau merasa dari jawabanku ada yang kurang tepat bisa langsung reply ya :) Semangat belajarnya kakak...

2. unscramble the latters to make words then write sentences with the words 1. I E W E J L Y E R 2. C r i m y h e n a 3. r y a v c e d i v 4. e v e l d r y i

1. Jewelry
2. Machinery
3. Discovery
4. Delivery

3. find ten words that are associated with television.make sentences using those words. S A T E L L I T E A B C D E F P V A R E M O T E C O N T R O L G R I T P R E P O R T E R P O L J H O E T L Y X W V U T S R Q N M K I G W E A B R O A D C A S T Z Y X W R E L Y A B C A C T R E S S K L S A R O T E L E V I S I O N T U V T M S D C O M M E N T A T O R Y X U V W. tolong di bantu iya soalnya buat besok, makasih

1. SATELLITE - Satellite offices in London and New York
2. REMOTE CONTROL - I lost my remote control
3. REPORTER - I want to be a reporter
4. BROADCAST - The announcement was broadcast live
5. ACTRESS - She is a beautiful actress
6. TELEVISION - My television was broken
7. COMMENTATOR - The commentator does not make sense

Maaf cuma ketemunya 7

4. Arrange into good words! 1. n-g-e-e-v-i-n 2. l-o-l-h-e 3. i-e-n-f 4.m-e-n-a 5. t-a-r-o-n-o-n-e-f 6.h-t-i-n-g

1 evening= siang
2 hello=halo
3 fine=baik
4 name= nama
5 ??
6 thing=??

1. Evening

2. Hello

3. Fine

4. Mean / Amen

5. Afternoon

6. Thing

5. Arrange the jumbled letters into the correct the words 1.n-l-w-a-p-i-o-m-c-o-e


police woman

smeoga membantu

6. arrange these words into a word : D-O-O-N-L-E =​




artinya mie


N O O D L E = Noodle


Noodle dalam bahasa indonesia : MIE

dari scramble words diatas bisa kita take noodle karena ada 2 o dan cocok.


7. Unscramble these words bellow 1. N I V R E N T E O M 2. A N I C N A B I M L S Translate the words. Make a sentence


Pisahkan kata-kata ini di bawah

1. N I V R E N T E O M

2. A N I C N A B I M L S

Terjemahkan kata-kata. Buatlah sebuah kalimat

8. Please arrange these words into good words! a. a-t-l-b-c-e-h-l-t-o=..... b. t-l-p-i-s-e-c-k-t-t=....






Hasil Utama

All my friends are toxic, all ambitionless

So rude and always negative

I need new friends, but it's not that quick and easy

Oh, I'm drowning, let me breathe

I'm better off all by myself

Though I'm feelin' kinda empty without somebody else

Oh, I hear you cryin' out for help

But you never showed for me when I was ringin' your cellphone

Oh, you don't know how it feels to be alone

Baby, oh, I'll make you know, I'll make you know, oh

But life is immaculate, backin' it up a bit

Countin' my hours and knocking on wood

Avoiding my opposites, chewin' on chocolate

Had a bit limited time, but I should

Be good for a minute, don't want to admit it

I'm running on seconds, I'm rigid, I'm screwed

Don't know what to do, I'm thinking of you

I'm drinking up bottles and bottles of booze

I'm better off all by myself

Though I'm feelin' kinda empty without somebody else

Oh, I hear you cryin' out for help

But you never showed for me when I was ringin' your cellphone

Oh, you don't know how it feels to be alone

Baby, oh, I'll make you know, I'll make you know, oh

I fell into your river

That's where you told me lies

You said that I'd feel better

But this is where good guys die

You took my pride away, but

You cannot take my life

I'll find another way

I'll wonder if you're takin' my life

Don't you see how I...

I'm better off all by myself

Though I'm feelin' kinda empty without somebody else

Oh, I hear you cryin' out for help

But you never showed for me when I was ringin' your cellphone

Oh, you don't know how it feels to be alone

Baby, oh, I'll make you know, I'll make you know, oh

I'm better off all by myself

Though I'm feelin' kinda empty without somebody else

Oh, I hear you cryin' out for help

But you never showed for me when I was ringin' your cellphone

Oh, you don't know how it feels to be alone

Baby, oh, I'll make you know, I'll make you know, oh

Sumber: Musixmatch

Penulis lagu: Charley Yang / Boywithuke


maaf kalau salah jadikan aku jawaban tercerdas pliss lagi butuh banget

9. rearrange the jumble ketter into a good words ! O N O L E D​




noodle = mie

semoga bermanfaat

10. Arrange these words!!! 1. S-u-n-r-e= nurse= perawat 2. R-o-c-t-o-d=.....=...... 3. T-p-o-i-l=......=......... 4. R-v-d-r-i-e=.......=...... 5. F-e-h-c=.......=....... TOLONG JAWAB YA KAKAKYANG PINTER :D


2. Doctor=dokter

3. Pilot=pilot

4. Driver=sopir

5. Chef=koki

semoga membantu:)


1. S-u-n-r-e= nurse= perawat

2. R-o-c-t-o-d= Doctor = dokter

3. T-p-o-i-l= Pilot = pilot

4. R-v-d-r-i-e= Driver = Sopir

5. F-e-h-c= Chef = koki


//thanks for thequestion\\

11. rearrange the words 1.s-h-e-o-e 2.a-m-a-t-e-c-l-s-a-s 3.b-l-l-a-o-o-f-t 4.n-e-u-d-t-t-s 5.n-o-l-i 6.r-a-i-c-h​





4. Net dust


6. Chair

Penjelasan:maaf klo salah

12. taks I rearrange these letters to make good words.1.o-n-c-c-n-e-n-t-o-i2.e-r-c-v-e-e-i3.e-o-p-l-r-r-e-x4.p-l-r-r-d-v-e-o5.o-n-k-w-e-r-t6.p-r-y-e-i7.e-s-r-c-v-e-i8.n-i-n-o-o-r-a-m-i-f-t9.h-a-a-t-t-c10.a-s-d-s-d-e-r​


1. Connection

2. Receive

3. Explorer

4. Developer

5. Network

6. (Ini maksudnya "reply" kali)

7. Service

8. Information

9. Attach

10. Address


13. Arrange the letters below into meaningful words.Susunlah huruf-huruf berikut menjadi kata-kata yang bermakna!)1.D-I-E-R-S-O-L2 R-D-E-S-S-T-E-W-A-S3. H-E-R-B-U-T-C4 L-O-R-S-A-5-S-T-F-L-O-R6. R-E-T-A-R-Y-S-E-C7 E-M-A-N-F-I-R8 E-R-D-R-J-V9. L-I-C-E-W-O-M-P-O-A-N10. L-O-R-T-A-I​

selamat malam kak

1. soldier

2. stewardess

3. butcher

4. sailor  (?)

5. florist (?)

6. secretary

7. fireman

8. driver (?)

9. policewoman

10. tailor

ini materinya tentang occupation, alias pekerjaan, dan ini word scramble tipe soalnya!

semoga membantu kak, merci :)

14. words 1.l-a-t-l 2.i-e-d-w 3.t-r-a-e-g 4.n-u-n-f-y 5.r-a-b-e-v 6.t-h-e-h-l-a-y 7.r-e-c-h-e-l-u-f 8.d-o-b-e-t-l-e-n 9.n-o-s-r-e-g-u-e 10.e-v-a-t-t-a-c-i-r-t​


1. tall

2. wide

3. great

4. funny

5. brave

6. healthy

7. cheerful

8. (maaf saya nggak tau)

9. generous

10. attractive


1. ilat 2. dewi 3. traeg 4. nunfy 5. vebar


15. W D O B M K S S U V A O B L A N T T D U R G E W R I O R S M I O A E R W O O D S N K U A I T L N X O S I T V E U R G O N W K I I D M A N G O S A F N K A I R A N H A U G L N O D O C B E L A U G T Y F U Find ten words (10) from the story of Sangkuriang.


cuma nemu woods, Mango, War, Man


16. YOUR INTELLIGENCE TESTarrange the words below(susunlah kata dibawah ini)1. w-n-i-o-d-w2. w-r-a-d-r-b-o-e3. i-p-l-o-l-s-w​


1. w - i - n - d - o w

2. w - a - r - d - r - o - b - e

3. p - i - l - l - o - w - s


1. Window

2. wardrobe

3. pillows

17. Bantu jawab ya? Vocabulary Builder : Observe the reading text above and write down the synonym of the following words. f o o l p r o o f ( a d j ) : ……………………………. . s t r o l l ( v ) : ……………………………. . p r o d u c e ( n ) : ……………………………. . a m i d ( p r e p ) : ……………………………. . h u b b u b ( n ) : ……………………………. . . c o z y ( a d j ) : ……………………………. . . w i l d l i f e ( n ) : ……………………………. . . l e i s u r e ( n ) : ……………………………. . . s o p h i s t i c a t e d ( a d j ) : …………………. . a v i a t i o n ( n ) : ……………………………. . a s s e m b l e ( v ) : ……………………………. t r e a t ( n ) : ……………………………. . . . . . .

produce =make

sisanya gatauuumaafin

18. •let's spell the words•(ejalah kata kata berikut ini dalam bahasa inggris) a.s-i-t-i b.b-e-n-n-y c.b-o-o-k d.p-e-n-c-i-l e.c-o-m-p-u-t-e-r​








1.it is

2. Benny

3. Book

4. Pencil

5. computer


19. arrange into the correct words 1.V-O-N-E-L2.S-K-O-L-B-O-H-E-F3.D-E-E-R-A-R​

Jawab :

1. Novel
2. Bookshelf
3. Reader

Semoga membantu ^^

20. arrange the jumbled letters to form meaningful adjective.See the cue words.Read and spell the words.What do the words mean?1. i-e-d-w2. t-r-a-e-g3. r-a-b-e-v4. t-h-e-h-l-a-y5. r-e-c-h-e-l-u-f6. d-o-b-e-t-i-e-n7. n-o-s-r-e-g-u-e8. e-v-a-t-t-a-c-i-r-tBantu jawab


1. wide = luas, lebar

2. great = bagus

3. brave = berani

4. healthy = kesehatan

5. cheerful = riang

6. obedient = taat

7. generous = murah hati

8. attractif = menarik

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