Minggu, 23 Oktober 2022

Paint Me Different Colors Riddle Answer

Paint Me Different Colors Riddle Answer

With different colors artinya

Daftar Isi

1. With different colors artinya

dengan warna yang berbedadengan warna berbeda

2. Tell me one riddle also mention the character and answer plz.

I have one riddle,
A man is washing windows on the 25th floor of an apartment building. Suddenly, he slips and falls, and no safety was attached- but he doesn't get hurt. How is this possible?
answer; He's washing window inside the bulding.

3. do you think english proverb and riddle are different from indonesian proverb and riddle ?

the proverb maybe same, because it can contain some same meant, but if riddle, maybe a little bit different. because, i think English riddle is harder than indonesian's riddle.

Semoga membantu ^_^

4. B. As the result the colors reflect in the back dropa of rain, rainbow occurs the differentcolors.Cause :Effect:​


cause: as the result of colors reflect in the back drops of rain

effect: rainbow occurs the different colors.


cause merupakan penyebab, effect berarti efek/akibat yang dihasilkan dari suatu kejadian.

5. This house looks different. ... you ... (paint) it? *plise apa jawabanya?​

did you paint

yang did itu setelah titik different
yang paint setelah you

maaf kalo salah
kasih jawaban tercedas ya ples

6. Verb 2 dari kata laugh, answer, paint

paint=paintedtinggal di tambah -ed

tetapi ada juga beberapa kata kerja verb 2 yang tidak beraturan/tidak memakai -ed

7. sebutkan 5 colors dalam paint(dalam bahasa Inggris) Tolong bantuannya dong​


Red, white, blue, black, yellow

Kalo salah maaf


red : merah

yellow : kuning

green : hijau

black : hitam

blue : biru

8. Sentence negstive from We will paint our school with red and white colors is


We will not paint our school with colour is red and white

9. Sentence negstive from We will paint our school with red and white colors is.


Kalimat negatif bentuk Kami akan mengecat sekolah kami dengan warna merah putih tersebut.

10. Kotak kumpulan warna-warna di dalam Paint disebut ........... a. Tool box b. Colors box c. Tool colors d. Tittle bar Tolong dijawab ya ini PAS

Kotak kumpulan warna-warna di dalam Paint disebut


A. Tool Box

Tool Box berisi peralatan menggambar

B. Colors Box

Color Box berisi pilihan warna yang bisa kita pilih saat menggambar nanti

C. Tool Colors

D. Tittle Bar

Title bar berfungsi untuk menampilkan nama file yang sedang aktif dijendela paint


Jawaban paling tepat adalah B. Colors Box

11. Why should we use glazed paper in different colors?


so that the color looks more striking and creates an impression of gradation, and adds to the impression of aesthetic value (beauty value).


intinya agar bisa menciptakan kesan gradasi, nilai keindahan, lebih mencolok dll.

semoga membantu...

jadikan Jawaban terbaik (jika benar)...

12. Lina say's "it has items with many different colors" what is the synonym of "different"


kayanya itu deh

dissimilar, unalike, unlike

13. The different colors of _____ the different temperaturs of the stars'surfaces.

saya ga tau kak tolong sama org lain aja

14. Math riddleriddle me outsubstitute ? =....CAN YOU SOLVE IT


(7-4)×2=6i have seen their patterns are like:

(6-2)×2 = 8

(7-5)×3 = 6

(9-6)×4 = 12

and i am sure that
( 7 - 4) × 2 = 6

? = 6

The answer is 6


15. Tempat peralatan gambar dalam paint disebut …... a. Tool box b. Colors box c. Tool colors d. Tittle bar Tolong jawab dong



Maaf kalau salah cok


b colors box..................

16. 1. Change into indirect statement! a.My daughter says to me, "You paint the wall beautifully". Answer:.... help


Change into indirect statement!

= My daughter told me if you paint the wall beautifully


Detail Jawaban:

Mata Pelajaran: Bahasa Inggris

Kelas: VII (JHS)

Materi: Sentence

Tanggal: 6-11-2020

//Semoga membantu.

17. answer the riddle "it's job is not become wet"

Pekerjaanya adalah untuk tidak menjadi basah.

18. 1. Your - lend - please - me - protactor!Answer:2. bag - please - that - put!Answer:3. Buy - please - a can of soft drink - me!Answer:4. hall - the - paint - please!Answer:5. obey - teacher - please - your!Answer:Susunlah ​




1. Please lend me Your protactor

2. Please put that bag

3. please buy me a can of soft drink

4. Paint the hall please

5. Please obey your teacher

19. this room looks different. (you/ paint?)​


This room looks different paint.

kalau YOU jadi lucu dan nggak nyambung sama sekali. masa nnti artinya jadi 'ruangan ini berbeda denganmu'? wkwk.


did you paint this room?

20. We should use glazed paper in different colors because ?

we should use glazed paper in different colours because?

kita harus menggunakan kertas kaca dengan warna yang berbeda karena.?

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