Minggu, 23 Oktober 2022

Unit 6 Lesson 3 Coding Activity 3

Unit 6 Lesson 3 Coding Activity 3

1.) apa si coding itu? 2.)bagaimana caranya?3.)apa saja yang perlu dipersiapkan untuk bisa coding? 4.) apakah kalian tertarik membuat coding? 5.)seberapa pingin tahunya kalian tentang coding (range 50-100%)? 6.)apa hubungannya diagram alir dengan coding?​

Daftar Isi

1. 1.) apa si coding itu? 2.)bagaimana caranya?3.)apa saja yang perlu dipersiapkan untuk bisa coding? 4.) apakah kalian tertarik membuat coding? 5.)seberapa pingin tahunya kalian tentang coding (range 50-100%)? 6.)apa hubungannya diagram alir dengan coding?​


1. coding, proses komunikasi programmer dgn komputer & mengubah bahasa manusia ke bahasa yg dimengerti oleh komputer

2. perlu code editor/IDE(Integrated Development Environment) buat nulis codenya, tapi kl mau coding pake HTML atau CSS pake notepad juga bisa

3. - niat, karena kl ga rajin belajar ya pasti ketinggalan dgn yg rajin belajar

- bahasa Inggris, karna semua dokumentasi yg ada pasti rata² ditulis dlm bhs Inggris

- komputer & code editor

4. tergantung anda sendiri

5. tergantung anda sendiri

6. coding itu proses mengubah bhs manusia jd bhs yg dimengerti komputer supaya komputer bisa melakukan hal sesuai yg kita mau

flowchart, ilustrasi algoritma secara visual, itu bisa menolong programmer utk membuat alur kerja/urutan kerja supaya tdk bingung mana yg harus dikerjakan dulu

2. pelajaran bahasa inggris, unit 6, kurikulum 2013, activity 9 dan activity 10

A : hello Dewi. Is kaisar here?
B : No. i’m afraid he go out 
A : oh, what a pity ! when exactly does he go
B : about fifteen minutes ago

2. A : your hair looks different. do you have a haircut? 
B : yes, i have
A : do you cut it yourself? 
B : no, kadita cut it for me 

Klo salah maaf atau kamu udah bisa jawab ?

3. Tolong dibantu activity 3 dan 4!! Yang nomer 6 di foto kedua kelanjutanya activity 3

activity 3

1. couple

2. blew out

3. even

4. hung

5. brought

4. soal practice 3 sama activity 6, bantu jawab ya....​


practice 3

1. we provide a 5 year GUARANTEE against rust2. you can buy our goods over the WEBSITE3. i found this information on their INTERNET4. i put an ADVERT in the local news paper5. the survey COVER all aspects of the business

ancivity 6

aku gatau jawaban nya, maaf

semoga benar yaa jawaban nya, maaf kalau salah yaa kak

5. kerjakan activity 2 dan activity 3.

Activity 2:

1. C

2. A

3. D

4. E

5. B

Saya cuma bisa yang itu saja


6. proses coding yang berhubungan dengan breaking down, comparing, dan conceptualizing adalah a. axial coding b. open coding c. close coding d. selective coding e. eleminative coding

b. open coding

Proses coding yang berhubungan dengan breaking down, comparing, dan conceptualizing adalah open coding


Dalam penelitian kualitatif, pengolahan data sesuai dengan tema diawali dengan coding. Coding adalah proses menganalisis, memerinci mengonseptualisasikan, dan menyusun data. Kegiatan ini merupakan proses sentral yang membentuk teori-teori dari data. Kode dapat berupa kata atau frasa pendek untuk mengidentifikasi, mendeskripsikan, dan meringkas data. Terdapat tiga tahap coding, yaitu, open coding, axial coding, dan selective coding.

Open coding adalah proses memerinci (breaking down), memeriksa (examining), membandingkan (comparing), mengonseptualisasikan (conceptualizing), dan mengategorikan (categorizing) data. Proses coding ini akan menghasilkan sejumlah konsep yang nantinya akan dikelompokkan berdasarkan kategori-kategori.Axial coding.Pada tahap ini, hasil yang telah diperoleh dari tahap open coding diorganisir kembali berdasarkan kategori. Hal ini dilakukan dengan cara menghubungkan kode dengan konteks, konsekuensi, pola interaksi, dan penyebab.Selective coding. Pada tahap ini, peneliti menyeleksi kategori inti, menghubungkannya secara sistematis dengan kategori- kategori yang Iain, melakukan validasi hubungan- hubungan tersebut, serta melakukan perbaikan dan pengembangan kategori-kategori. Tahap ini memudahkan peneliti untuk memberi makna pada setiap kategori.

Pelajari lebih lanjut Sosiologi kelas 10:

Penyajian data berbentuk narasi: https://brainly.co.id/tugas/20823171logika deduktif dan induktif: https://brainly.co.id/tugas/20823161Identifikasi tema: https://brainly.co.id/tugas/20823261Kelas: 10Mapel: SosiologiBab: pengolahan dan analisis dataKode: 10.20.7Kata Kunci: Sosiologi,  analisis data, pengolahan data

7. 1. Coding pemrograman python bilangan 3 sampai 15 mengunakan for dan while 2 coding clas & object mahasiswa


Python merupakan bahasa pemrograman berbasis objek atau biasa disebut dengan Object Oriented Programming (OOP).

Salah satu ciri dari OOP di Python (atau bahasa pemrograman apapun) yaitu adanya Class dan Object.

Jangan heran, hampir di semua komponen Python adalah objek.

… bahkan property dan methodnya pun masuk ke dalam lingkup objek.

Hal ini akan mempermudah kita mengelompokan kode program dengan menambahkan class dan object.


for i in range (3,16) :


8. Activity 1Activity 2Activity 3​


activity 1

they're talking about their assignment.dito afraid that they won't finished they're assignment before thursday.she predicted that they will finished they're assignment before thursday.sunday night.on friday night, on thursday, on sunday night.

activity 2

1. c

2. a

3. e

4. b

5. d

activity 3

1. by next month, i will go to the chicago

2. tomorrow evening, i will be in the canada

note : semoga membantu, jadikan jawaban tercerdas ya

9. activity 5.nomor 3 dan 6 itu apa isinya?

3. Yes,he is
6. What? Raising the fuel price? I cannot believe that. Where did you hear that?3. Yes, he is

6. What? Raising the fuel price? 

10. Activity 2 dan yang activity 3 ya semua nya ​



Change to plural. Read loudly with correct pronunciation

1. Leaf -> Leaves

2. Bottle -> Bottles

3. Ice -> Ices

4. Duck -> Ducks

5. Beach -> Beaches

6. Hair -> Hairs

7. Salt -> Salts

8. Ship -> Ships

9. Sheep -> Sheep

10. Rice -> Rice

11. Deer -> Deer

12. City -> Cities

13. Goose -> Geese

14. Stove -> Stoves

15. Work -> Works


Ratna needed to find a pair of shoes to wear to beach that day. She found one on her flipflops behind the only chair in her bedroom, but the other one was nowhere to be seen. Ratna looked under a pile of books. She looked through all her drawers and in every closets, she finally found her second flipflop in the very last place she through to look, which is under her beds.

11. Tolong dong di bantu yang activity 2 sama activity 3.

Activity 2
1. her
2. their
3. her
4. her
5. me
6. her
7. her
8. it
9. its
10. she

Activity 3
1. mine
2. her
3. its
4. her/his
5. his
6. yours?
7. their
8. ours
9. mine
10. mine

please correct if it is not true answer

12. happy campers 3 lesson 3 shutteebugs​


selamat 3 pelajaran 3 tutup



maap kalo salah

13. Change the sentences into the past perfect tense as the example . Example: First activity : i watched televission Second activity : i reviewed the lesson. After i had watched television,i reviewed the lesson . Before i reviewed the lesson,i had watched televission. Soal : 1. First activity : she had breakfast. Second activity : she went to the office. 2. First activity : we bought the ticket. Second activity : we entered the theatre. 3. First activity : The police interrogated him. Second activity : he released him. 4. First activity : the rain stopped. Second activity : they continued their trip. 5. First activity : the bell rang Second activity : we left the classroom. Tolong yaa

1. After she had had breakfast, she went to the office.
/ Before she went to the office, she had had breakfast.

2. After we had bought the tickets, we entered the theatre. / Before we entered the theatre, we had bought the ticket.

3. After the police had interrogated him, he released him. / Before the police officer released him, he interrogated him.

4. After the rain had stopped, they continued their trip. / Before they continued their trip, the rain had stopped.

5. After the bell had rung, we left the classroom. / Before we left the classroom, the bell had rung.1. after she had had breakfast, she went to the office. Before she went to the office, she had had breakfast. 2. After we had bought the tickets, we entered the theatre. Before we entered the theatre, we had bought the ticket. 3. After the police had interrogated him, he released him. Before the police officer released him, he had interrogated him. 4. After the rain had stopped, they continued their trip. Before they continued their trip, the rain had stopped. 5. After the bell had rung, we left the classroom. Before we left the classroom, the bell had rung.

14. Bantu activity 3 aja yang 2 tidak usah activity 3 itu teksnya ada diactivity 2


Hello, kk coba bantu jawab yaa!


Who : I and My Classmates

Where : Tourist Resort

When : 2 Months ago

Event 1

➡️ Introduce small party by class

Event 2

➡️ Me and my classmates rented the villa for couple days


15. terdapat 3 tahapan coding dalam pengolahan data sosiologi, sebutkan

Dalam penelitian kualitatif, pengolahan data sesuai dengan tema diawali dengan coding. Coding adalah proses menganalisis, memerinci, mengonseptualisasikan, dan menyusun data. Kegiatan ini merupakan proses sentral yang membentuk teori-teori dari data. Kode dapat berupa kata atau fraa pendek untuk mengidentifikasi, mendiskripsikan, dan meringkas data. Terdapat 3 tahapan dalam koding, yaitu open coding, axial coding, dan selective coding.

Pelajari lebih lanjut Sosiologi kelas 10:

Jenis observasi: https://brainly.co.id/tugas/20823005Wawancara tak berstruktur: https://brainly.co.id/tugas/20822933Kelas: 10Mapel: SosiologiBab: pengolahan dan analisis dataKode: 10.20.7

Terdapat tiga tahapan cooding dalam Pengelolalaan daya sosiologi yaitu open cooding , axial cooding , selective cooding. Tujuannya ialah untuk dapat dipindahkan ke dalam saranan penyimpanan, misalnya komputer dan analisis berikutny. Dengan data yang sudah diubah dalam bentuk angka.

Pelajari lebih lanjut



Detail jawaban


mata pelajaran : Sosiologi
kelas : 10
materi : Pengelolalaan data
kode soal : 20
kode kategorisasi : 10.20.5

16. (Soal tidak ditulis, hanya jawaban) 1. <b>digunakan untuk ... Perhatikan coding HTML berikut untuk menjawab soal 2-3! Format Text 2. Tanda apakah yang kurang pada potongan coding HTML di atas? 3. Hasil tulisan jika potongan coding HTML dijalankan? 4. <u> HTML </u>, coding akan menghasilkan ... 5. FORMAT TEXT , coding akan menghasilkan ... ​


<b> digunakan untuk membuat teks yang ditulis menjadi bold (tebal).Tanda penutup (</b>) untuk tag <b> yang digunakan untuk membuat teks menjadi bold kurang pada potongan coding HTML di atas.Hasil tulisan jika potongan coding HTML dijalankan tidak akan dapat ditentukan karena tag <b> tidak memiliki penutup yang sesuai.<u> HTML </u>, coding akan menghasilkan teks yang ditulis menjadi subline (miring)FORMAT TEXT, coding HTML tidak akan menghasilkan apa-apa karena FORMAT TEXT bukan merupakan tag HTML yang valid

17. 1. animals:dogs activity: 2. animals:cockroaches activity: 3. animals:turtles activity: 4. animals:cats activity: 5. animals:horses activity: 6. animals:tigers activity: 7. animals:buffaloes activity: 8. animals:kangaroos activity: tolong dijawab yg activity nya ya

1. My dog was barking.
3.Turtles that breathes.
4. My cat was sleeping.
5.horses was eating.
6.The tiger breeding.
7. Buffalo fun playing mud.
8.Kangaroos that hoping.

semoga membantu...
jadikan JAWABAN TERBAIK yah..

18. Tolong di bantu jawab ya... pleeesss activity 5 (task 3) dan activity 6 (task 4)


activity 5 task 3 :

1. Thanks You ,Mom

2. Have A Sweet Dream , Dear

3. Wait , My mom Is Calling Me , Sorry , I'll Talk To You Later , See You

4. See You

activity 6 task 4 :

greeting :

good morning

good afternoon


whats up


good evening

how are you all?

how's it going?

how are you

leave taking :

see you tomorrow

see you soon

see you then


take care


good night

see you later

19. Babtu dong yang activity 2 sama activity 3.

Activity 2

1. Her doll

2. their foods

3. Hervoice

4. her name

5. they love me

6. Her books

7. I am so proud with her

8 . It needs

9. Its window

10. She likes

Activity 3

1. I'm saving it

2. Her leg

3. it is working

4. Your computer

5. his wallet

6. Can I borrow yours?

7. Those are their car

8. This is ours.

9. it's all yours.

10 it is expensive

20. 1. Lesson 1 tentang Greetings (Menyapa) 2. Lesson 2 tentang pengenalan diri (Introduction) kemudian (Personal pronoun dan possesive pronoun) 3. Lesson 3 tentang Present Tense (+) (-) (?)​


1. a : hi, mate. i'm ash

2. Aisy : Hi. What's your name?

Layla : Hi. I'm Layla. And you?

Aisy : I'm aisy!


nomer 3 aku gak paham.. mungkin yang lain bisa :)

kalo kurang, boleh di komen yaa

maaf kalau salah

kalau salah boleh report kok..

point nya gede soalnya :D

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