Minggu, 20 November 2022

A Project Is Represented By The Following Diagram

A Project Is Represented By The Following Diagram

What is represented by the sand of time !

Daftar Isi

1. What is represented by the sand of time !

The sands of time is an English idiom relating the passage of time to the sand in an hourglass

The image of the sand being emptied in the hourglass creates a visual metaphor for the limited duration of human life, and for the inevitability of change in the world as a whole

2. 2. Active Voice: All students are finishing the annual project. * Passive Voice: ... a. The annual project is finishing by all students. c. The annual project is being finished by all students. e. The annual project is finished by all students. b. The annual project are finishing by all students. d. The annual project are being finished by all students. ha

E. The annual project is finished by all students.

3. A street is 400 m long. It is represented by a length 2 cm on a map. Find the scale of the map.

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

semoga membantu, jangan lupa follow, tekan tombol thank you, dan rate yaa

4. a chronicle represented in order of... and What is the purpose of recount text?


A chronicle represented in order of the time of events.

What is the purpose of recount text?

The purpose of the recount text is to retelling the writer's past experience.


Arti dari "a chronicle represented in order of" adalah sebuah kronik (catatan peristiwa menurut urutan waktu kejadiannya) disajikan urutan).

Recount text adalah teks yang menceritakan ulang pengalaman yang dialami seseorang di waktu lampau. Tense yang digunakan pada recount text adalah past tense. Struktur recount text adalah orientation, events, rerientation.

Pelajari lebih lanjut mengenai recount text pada https://brainly.co.id/tugas/4840969


5. The project for our school's competition will.....the students A. Be made by B. Be doing by C. Be done by D. Be did by E. Is being drive by

B. Be doing by


6. Arrange the following words to form meaningful sentences Rita-doing-school-in-is-her-project-room-her

Rita is doing her school project in her room

7. What is the estimated completion time for this project? what is the estimated project budget? what is the probability that the project can be completed in 35 weeks?


Berapa perkiraan waktu penyelesaian untuk proyek ini? berapa perkiraan anggaran proyek? berapa probabilitas bahwa proyek dapat diselesaikan dalam 35 minggu?

8. The following statements that doesnot match the flowchartcharacteristics isGraphical representation of thephysical relationships among keyelements of a systemFlowchart represented in horizontalcolumn of events and actionsseperated by lines of demarcationFlowchart is best used whendesigning manual systemFlowchart is best used whendesigning computerized systemterjemahannya ​


tidak ada detail.


pernyataan berikut yang tidak cocok/sesuai dengan karakteristik flowchart adalah :

- representasi grafis dari hubungan fisik antara elemen-elemen kunci dari suatu sistem.

- flowchart diwakili dalam kolom horizontal hal dan tindakan.

- flowchart paling baik digunakan saat mendesain sistem manual.

- flowchart paling baik digunakan saat mendesain komputerisasi.

9. (+) the officer is explaining the project now (-)(?)​


(+)wht the officer is explaining the project now


( - ) the officer doesn't explain anything now

( ? ) what did the officer explain?

10. if -5 represents 5 flights down the stairs,then 14 flights up the stairs is represented by. . . tolong yaa


Suatu bilangan negatif 'represents' turun ke bawah, maka keatas 'representated by' bilangan positif. 14 up= +14

11. 3. Arrange the following words in to a good sentence!"They-two-finished project-have-the-weeks ago4. Write down the following Sentence in to Indirect Speech!DS : He said ", My Sister is cooking our dinner in the kitchen now".IS :5. Write down the following Sentence in to Direct Speech!DS:IS : She said that they would have a test the following day.​


Arrange the following words in to a good sentence!

"They-two-finished-project-have-the-weeks ago

They have finished the project two days ago.

4. Write down the following Sentence in to Indirect Speech!

DS : He said, "My sister is cooking our dinner in the kitchen now".

IS: He said that his sister was cooking their dinner in the kitchen then.

5. Write down the following Sentence in to Direct Speech!

DS: She said, "They will have a test tomorrow."

IS : She said that they would have a test the following day.​


Pada soal mengubah kalimat menjadi indirect speech, present continuous berubah menjadi past continuous. Sedangkan kata 'now' berubah menjadi 'then'.

Pada soal mengubah kalimat menjadi direct speech, kata 'would' berubah menjadi 'will' dan kata 'the following day' menjadi 'tomorrow'.

Pelajari lebih lanjut materi indirect speech pada https://brainly.co.id/tugas/5998014


12. Tolong di jawab, saya benar-benar butuh jawaban! 1. Whai is the theme of the song above? 2. What does "Hasta Manan" means? 3. What was still remembered by the singer? 4. Does the writer think that feeling is a dream? 5. What is represented by the sand of time? ​

The theme of the song isthe emotion felt after losing a loved one.Hasta Manana meanssee you tomorrow.The singer still remembered the memories with their lover.Yes, the writer thinks that feeling is a dream.The sand of time represents the passage of time.


Soal terlampir merupakan contoh soal dari materi song analysis. Song atau lagu merupakan komposisi musik dari kumpulan kalimat yang dinyanyikan untuk mengekspresikan perasaan. Lagu dapat digunakan untuk mengekspresikan emosi, perasaan, serta kritik terhadap situasi dalam masyarakat. Dalam menganalisis sebuah lagu, biasanya terdapat moral value atau pesan amanat yang disampaikan secara tersirat melalui lirik yang dibuat penulis lagu.

Pada umumnya, generic structure yang digunakan dalam sebuah lagu terdiri dari:

Intro, bagian pembuka lagu berupa instrumen.Verse, bagian pengantar ke chorus.Refrain, bagian peralihan dari verse ke chorus.Chorus, bagian inti lagu yang paling mudah diingat.Bridge, bagian penghubung chorus ke chorus selanjutnya atau ke coda.Outro atau Coda, bagian penutup lagu.Pelajari lebih lanjutMateri tentang analisis lagu "Mother, How Are You Today": https://brainly.co.id/tugas/13320350Materi tentang song analysis: https://brainly.co.id/tugas/28787294Materi tentang popular songs: https://brainly.co.id/tugas/28006440


Detail jawaban  

Kelas: 12

Mapel: B.Inggris

Bab: Listening and Understanding the meaning of songs

Kode: 12.5.11


13. The project is run by the politician Richard Saul Wurman. In 2008, the majority of people lived outside cities. People move to cities because they're interesting . The 19.20.21 project is not interested in big cities. Today the biggest city is in Nigeria. A city with a very high density is Los Angeles .

Proyek ini dijalankan oleh politisi Richard Saul Wurman. Pada tahun 2008, sebagian besar orang hidup kota luar. Orang pindah ke kota karena mereka menarik. The 19.20.21 proyek tidak tertarik di kota-kota besar. Hari ini kota terbesar di Nigeria. Sebuah kota dengan kepadatan yang sangat tinggi Los Angeles.
maaf kali salah

14. Choose one of the following topics for you project


Pilih salah satu topik untuk project yang akan kamu ikuti.

15. The project is run by the politician Richard Saul Wurman. In 2008, the majority of people lived outside cities. People move to cities because they're interesting . The 19.20.21 project is not interested in big cities. Today the biggest city is in Nigeria. A city with a very high density is Los Angeles .

Proyek ini dijalankan oleh politisi Richard Saul Wurman. Pada tahun 2008, sebagian besar orang hidup kota luar. Orang pindah ke kota karena mereka menarik. The 19.20.21 proyek tidak tertarik di kota-kota besar. Hari ini kota terbesar di Nigeria. Sebuah kota dengan kepadatan yang sangat tinggi Los Angeles.

16. Describe a situation that could be represented by the equation 7x-8+=-56.

x = 7x - 8 = -56

x = 7x = -56 + 8

x = 7x = -48

x = -48/7

17. A distance of 90 Km between the towns A and B is represented on a map by 3 cm. What is the actual distance between the places D and E if they are 7.5 cm apart on the map?​


225 km

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

90:3 =30 perbandingan 1 cm:30 km

7,5x30 =225 km

18. What is the name of an Indonesian dancer who has represented Indonesia abroad?


Didik Nini ThowokRosmala Sari DewiNyoman Arjasa WentenJecko SiompoEko Pece


sorry kalo salah

jangan lupa RATE AND FOLLOW

19. Arrange the following words into good se (Susunlah kata-kata berikut menjadi kalimat 1. a - is - room – living – it 2. dining - eats - in - the - Ridho 3. we the-dining room 4. is-gate - that – a 5. garage - big-is-so- the Project are - in - room the following picture.​


1. It is a living room

2. Ridho eats in the dining room

4. that is a gate

5. the garage is so big

(Nomor 3 kurang jelas)

Semoga membantu

20. 21. Notice the passive sentence below!The project must be consulted by the regent to the govemor.The active sentence is .....​


The active sentence of the sentence is Regent to the governor.


karna dalam rumus bahasa Inggris yang saya pelajari yaitu rumus nya adalah (subjact+to be+verb-ing+abjact) jadi jika dipikir pikir yang benar adalah seperti yang saya kerjakan semoga rumus nya berguna dek makasih.

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