Selasa, 22 November 2022

Give The Major Organic Product For The Reaction

Give The Major Organic Product For The Reaction

ammonia sulfate is the product from the reaction between ammonia and sulfuric acid.write down the chemical formula of substances involed in the reaction

Daftar Isi

1. ammonia sulfate is the product from the reaction between ammonia and sulfuric acid.write down the chemical formula of substances involed in the reaction


Ammonium sulfate : (NH₄)₂SO₄
Ammonia : NH₃
Sulfuric acid : H₂SO₄

Reaction :
2NH₃ + H₂SO₄ --> (NH₄)₂SO₄ (balanced)

2. one of the benefits of the product is ... a. for growing cattle bacteria b. for increasing smell pollution c. for producing cattle manure and organic fermentation bacteria d. for increasing quality and quantity of cattle product


D. for increasing quality and quantity of cattle product


Dikarenakan tidak ada teks dan yang ditanya manfaat, pilihan D paling tepat karena mengandung arti positif

3. 6. The text above is written in order toPersuade people to buy the productb. Give detailed information of the productc. Explain how to use the productd. Give warming of the product​


6. Teks di atas ditulis dengan urutan

a.Bujuk orang untuk membeli produk

b. Berikan informasi rinci tentang produk

c. Jelaskan cara menggunakan produk

d. Berikan pemanasan produk

itu terjemahannya tinggal di cari aja lg jwbn nya


6. Teks di atas ditulis dengan urutan

a.Bujuk orang untuk membeli produk

b. Berikan informasi rinci tentang produk

c. Jelaskan cara menggunakan produk

d. Berikan pemanasan produk


ini terjemahan nya,,maaf soalnya yang mana ya?

4. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Fact Brand of the product Name of the product Description of the product Contents or amounts of the product Ingredients of the product Directions for instructions about the product (directions for consumption) Directions for storage of the product Expiry date of the product Warning Manufacturer of the product Available? Statement​


No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Fakta Merek produk Nama produk Deskripsi produk Isi atau jumlah produk Komposisi produk Petunjuk petunjuk tentang produk (petunjuk konsumsi) Petunjuk penyimpanan produk Tanggal kedaluwarsa produk Peringatan Produsen produk Tersedia? Pernyataan


terjemahannya, maaf kalo salah...

5. what product is the label for?​


Untuk produk apa labelnya

6. 1.Brand of the product? 2.Name of the product? 3.Description of the product? 4.Contents or amount of the product? 5.Ingredients of the product? 6.Directions for instruction abiut the product (directions for consumption) 7.Directions for storage of the product 8.Expiry date of the product 9.Warning 10.Manufacturer of the product tolong carikan jawabannya BUKAN diartikan


no problem

nama kamu siapa

rumah kamu di mana

kamu menjual apa

jual dari onlain

kamu menjual pakek apa

posting produk mu

berapa harganyaa


silahkan memebeli produk saya

7. Tentukan: 1.Brand of the product 2.Name of the product3.Description of the product4.Contents or amount of the product 5.Ingredients of the product6.Directions for instructions about the product (directions for consumption) 7.Directions for storage of the product 8.Manufacture of the productyang ga tau ga usah di jawab ​


1. MANGO, walnut and royal jelly

2. breakfast cereals

3. low fat breakfast cereals contains Mango Pieces, walnut and royal jelly

4. tulis yg didalem table

5. tulis yang ingredients

6. net weigh: 500 g

7. warning : the product may not be suitable for asthma and allergy sufferers

8. tulis yang manucfactured by:

1.brand food

2.breakfast cereals

3.manggo,walnut,and royal jelly

4.Cereals low fat

5.itu yang ingredients kamu tulis semua

6.kamu tulis semua yang warning


8.low fat energi the power of Duck

8. 16. By reading the text, the users of the product will get the info ...A. the importance of the product for the bodyB. the nutritional content of the productC. the procedure of using the productD. the main substance of the product​


C.the procedure of using the product

9. Questions:1. What is the kind of the advertisement?2. What must the customers do if they want to buy the product?3. How much do customers pay for the simplicity product?4. How long warranty will a customer get for the simplicity product?5. What thing must be added for the advertisment? Give your opinion!​mohon di bantu tolong​


1. brochure (?)

2. contact the number on the paper

3. maaf tulisannya gak jelas jadi ga bisa jawab

4. 3 years

5. the offline store information

10. The product is used for... Reliever

The product is used for injury reliever.

11. what is the purpose of the next? A. to describe the benefits of the product B. to explain that the product is important C. to persuade people to consume the product D. to give detail informasi about the product ​


D. to give detail informasi about the product


to give detail informasi about the product artinyauntukmemberikaninformasidetailtentangproduk

12. 1. What is the name of the product?2. What is the type of the product?3. What is the product for?4. Who can use the product?5. What are the special qualities of the product?​


1. kids relief

2. carton box

3. for medicine

4. for kids 0-9years old

5. can seethe pain and the other


1.kidd relief teething


3.teeth medicine

4.for kidd age 0-9

5.great tasting orange flavor

maaf kalo salah

13. who is the major characters in the story? how are their characters? give the moral value

Sidapaksa, he characters  grumpy

CODA : do not make decisions while you angry

14. What are the name and formula of the first substitution product of the reaction between methane and chlorine


CH4(metana) + Cl2( clorin) ->Ch2Cl2

(diklorometana)+ H2 ( Hidrogen)

15. 6. The text above is written in order toa. Persuade people to buy the productb. Give detailed information of the productc. Explain how to use the productd. Give warming of the product​


b. give detailed information of the product


Teks di atas ditulis dengan urutan


a. Bujuk orang untuk membeli produk

b. Berikan informasi rinci tentang produk

c. Jelaskan cara menggunakan produk

d. Berikan pemanasan produk

smoga membantu


16. 3) 0.1 mol of lithium reacts with excess oxygen gas. (a) Write a balanced chemical equation for the reaction. (b) Calculate the mass of the product formed.



(a) A balanced chemical equation for the reaction is:

2Li + O2 -> 2Li2O

(b) To calculate the mass of the product formed, we can use the molecular weight of lithium oxide (Li2O). The molecular weight of Li2O is 30.8 g/mol. Therefore, the mass of 0.1 mol Li2O is 3.08 grams.

17. Write the word equation for the reaction between zinc and copper sulfate.


Zn + CuSO4 ⇒ ZnSO4 + Cu


Zn has oxidation number equal to +2. Cu has oxidation number equal to +2. SO4 has oxidation number equal to -2.

18. Word equation for the reaction of astatine with iron


Persamaan kata untuk reaksi astatin dengan besi


suruh apasih aku artiin aj

19. 1.what is the name of the product? 2.what is the type of the product? 3.what is the product for? 4.who can use the product? 5.what are the special qualities of the product? ​


1.Kids Relief Teething


3.Teeth Medicine

4.For kids age 0-9

5.Great tasting orange flavor

20. what is the product used for?

artinya :untuk apa produk itu digunakan?it is used for peoples needness

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