Rabu, 23 November 2022

Why Summer Makes Us Lazy Answer Key

Why Summer Makes Us Lazy Answer Key

why does ryan think that technology makes people lazy?​

1. why does ryan think that technology makes people lazy?​


Now a days people are becoming lazy because of the techenology produced in the field of science in the future the human would not have to do any work because of the invention of the robots. this will make a bad effect on human life and make us much more lazy

2. complete the following questions with an answer using "too or enough" 1. why must wr study english?2.why are you lazy to study?3.why is healty very imoortant to us?​


1. why must we study english enough? (yang nomor satu kurang jelas pertanyaannya)

2. why are you too lazy to study?

3. why is health very important enough to us?


semoga membantu

3. What would you do if Your lazy friend Made Your answer all test questions?why?

Apa yang akan kamu lakukan jika teman malasmu membuat jawaban di semua soal tes? mengapa?

Well if that's my friend who make me to answer the test questions then It's going to be the last time I ever see that friend ever again. Why? because I don't want to answer all of my lazy friend's answer while he/she just sits around doing nothing :/

maafkan kalau ada kesalahan :/ #max

4. Why is summer boiling hot?​


Because during the summer the air temperature on the land is higher than the ocean


semoga membantu


Becuse its hot

boiling hot = describes a very hot day

Semoga Membantu :)

5. Buat topic sentence, supporting sentences,concluding sentence dengan tema: Technology makes people lazy

topic sentence: technology makes people lazy

research has shown that people in this 21st century are much lazier than those from the early century. people nowadays want everything to be fast. For example, we prefer fast food, text message, fast internet connection, etc. Before, people had to walk miles to get some food. Now, we can get food with one phone call. People have been lazier and lazier by each passing day.

Concluding sentence:
technology makes everything easier for people, but unfortunately, it makes people lazier.

6. Why were you lazy to study yesterday?

Arti: Mengapa kamu malas belajar kemaren?
Jawaban: Well I was kinda sleepy Why were you lazy to study yesterday? = Mengapa kamu malas belajar kemarin?

Answer : I was lazy to study yesterday because im tired of doing many homework

7. 1 Why has Andy worked all summer?​


because andy need some money so the only way to earn money he need to work

8. why we should have key


You must have some means of accurately identifying each instance, and a key is the device that allows you to do so. They help establish and enforce various types of integrity. Keys are a major component of table-level integrity and relationship-level integrity. ... They serve to establish table relationships

9. Buat topic sentence dengan tema: Technology makes people lazy

Why does people always hanging their phone instead of talking to each other? they must be a reason behind that, people will said that technology or smartphone makes another people lazy, isn't it? back to the topic.

The purpose of technology itself is to help human kind works, to make it easier and faster, and more efficient. so it's a common stigma when people or your teacher said that technlogy makes people lazy.

so back to yourself, if needed then you should use it, when it's not, belive yourself.

10. The meaning of:a. SummerAnswer:b. AutumnAnswer:C. SpringAnswer:​


a.summer : musim panas

b.Autumn : musim gugur

c. spring : musim semi


semoga membantu:v

Arti dari:

a.summer = Musim panas

b.Autumn=Musim gugur

C.Spring=Musim semi

Semoga membantu

Answer: Dhika




11. .....makes US healthy.​

regular exercise, balanced nutrition, and adequate rest makes us healthy.

12. What would you do if Your lazy friend Made Your answer all test questions?why?

Maybe I will be surprised. Because it was shockingi will report it to the teacher and say that he forced me to do it and if the teacher say why did you do it i will say he threatened me to do it

13. Answer the quMake a dialogue using the word "summer"Answer:...​


"Today is summer, so my family and I went to the beach for fun."


Today is summer, so my family and I went to the beach for fun.

hari ini adalah musim panas,jadi aku beserta keluarga ku pergi ke pantai untuk bersenang senang.

semoga membantu^^

maaf kalau ada yang salah ya ^°^

semoga harimu indah •^•


Amy: What are you going to do in summer, Jane?

Jane: I will go to the Summer Concert Festival.

Amy: Cool! How did you get the ticket?

Jane: I purchase it before summer came.

Amy: Ok. I will go to the summer beach in California.

Jane: My friend said that it is the best place to spend your summer.

Amy: Well, let's see!

Semoga membantu, maaf jika salah :)

14. is lazy bad habit? why?

Cari di alfalink Atau translaitebecause lazy is character

15. .....makes US healthy.​


exercising make us healthy

16. why did the man stop being lazy

kenapa lelaki menjadi berhenti malas?mengapa pria ini menjadi malas

17. ATTITUDE is THE KEY, what the answer ?​


pernyataan evaluatif terhadap objek, orang atau peristiwa. ini yng bhs inggris (Evaluative statements on objects, people or events)


maaf jika salah

18. Reading makes us smart. mengapa make ditambah dengan akhiran s menjadi makes?​


Karena menggunakan subjek "us"


Ini jawaban singkatnya, correct me if I'm wrong!

19. Answer key of reading power by longman


kunci jawaban "kekuatan membaca" oleh logman


kunci jawaban kekuatan membaca oleh longmen


semoga membantu

20. .... makes us clever​


Study kali? Sesuatu yang membuat kita pintar ya cuma belajar kan

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